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Water Closets


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I wonder is that how he gets elected, he makes a big show of raising something in the Keys to show he's doing something for them. For example - one of his constituents had received a utility bill that had been miscalculated and he raised it in the Keys. The utility company admitted the error and reissued the bill. Haughton then gets the kudos for solving the problem.


But I've dealt with MHK's who've resolved similar "consumer affairs" issues in a totally different way, by going directly to the company, who then investigate and rectify the situation. If that yields no results he can go to Quinton Gill if it is electric, or equivalent water chap, or if all else fails he can contact Bill Henderson at the OFT (didn't they stand as 'team' for Douglas North?)

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The thought that someone like that is responsible for the running and future of this island is quite simply terrifying....


it would be if we had nukes.


he does seem to be a complete doughnut i must admit .. but others who voted him in musta saw something different in him.

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I have a provisional theory.


A temporal anomaly that only affects the brain.


The person so affected believes they are living in Victorian times hence the lack of comprehension regarding the existence of the transgendered and the widespead use of loos.

Female emancipation will cause confusion and modern motor vehicles may also distress those affected.


This could explain much.


I will pen a paper immediately and submit it to the relevant medical publications.

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