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So That's It Then...

K.os Theory

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Yesterday the key note speech at the GDC was made by nintendo...my fucking god it makes for some amazing reading... ( i'm not a nintendo fan btw )




Yep Japan (followed closely by the rest of the world )is now officially the non-gaming capital of world


Peronsally I'd like to thank you all, every single fucking one of you guys [who've bought a] , nintendo wii [pee/piss/shite]! (IMO) You are slowing destroying the industry ... shovelware is now considered the norm* feckin balance board my arse! :angry:


Honestly is this the future of video games: standing up shaking a fucking controller in the air, whilst standing on a board standing on one leg cupping your ball's in your hand as Miyamoto casually flicks your anus?!?!?!


You people who've bought into this nintendo sham should be ashamed... nothing good can come from this! [ on a side note i do see this helping people with serious mental issues ].


Welcome back to the world of nintendo, old age fat plumbers, plumbers racing karts, monkeys chasing plumbers, plumbers/monkeys....shit..ideas have run out ( sorry forgot about teenage boy vs evil badguy looking for his girlfriend called Zelda!!! )!???


Nintendo is on the verge of pulling videogaming back down to the child/oap level of things, they're bringing nothing new...SERIOUSLY NOTHING NEW to the table but we're still following.............................why???????????????


I don't know what I was looking for from the GDC this year but Nintendo have re-arfirmed the fact that the casual gamer is now a serious player in the industry....


...This doesn't bode well :(

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Peronsally I'd like to thank you all, every single fucking one of you guys [who've bought a] , nintendo wii [pee/piss/shite]! (IMO) You are slowing destroying the industry ... shovelware is now considered the norm* feckin balance board my arse! :angry:

Honestly is this the future of video games: standing up shaking a fucking controller in the air, whilst standing on a board standing on one leg cupping your ball's in your hand as Miyamoto casually flicks your anus?!?!?!


OK, you were drunk, but you are talking arse.


Nintendo haven't destroyed the gaming market, they've created a new one. The wii is currently selling what, 700k units a month in the us, and the OLD DS 500k a month. It's a mentally huge market, and its being bought by people who didn't own a ps2, who didn't own a ps1 or a saturn and didn't own a snes. These are new to gaming, they're not destroying your hardcore games market, they're boosting it.


Even Nintendo are still producing hardcore games, there's a new Zelda game on the way for example. It's not all about shaking and balance boarding. I've as many hardcore gamer 1st party games on the wii as I have on the 360, and they're amazing games which show the platform isn't as important as the games themselves.


According to the NPD's, the software games market grew by 7% last month, that's in the face of recession, it's now a huge business and can support the hardcore as well as the casual.

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Honestly is this the future of video games: standing up shaking a fucking controller in the air, whilst standing on a board standing on one leg cupping your ball's in your hand as Miyamoto casually flicks your anus?!?!?!


Drunk or not, that's fucking top drawer man.



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And remarkably accurate given the general crapness of the Wii

I hope MS and Sony resist going down the motion sensing route. It really is not the future


Mostly that's an opinion borne out of ignorance. The wii has plenty of superb games that aren't based soley on motion sensor. For example I'm playing through mystery dungeon at the moment, a great game that has no motion sensing bollocks at all.


Yes the wii has a shitload of fucking awful shovelware, proportionately more than other platforms, but it's also got as many must have 'gamers' games as the 360 and ps3 too.

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I agree with Slim the Wii has some good games. I enjoy playing it when I've got time, sadly I havent got time for any of the consoles I own at the moment.


Does anyone remember Adventure?


I do and you needed a bloody good imagination.

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Tried to do a google search on a headline I saw a few days ago about the console and it's ilk dying. PC is the way to go especially with the upgrades available and the new generation RAM and CPU's but I found this instead




It's my mate who's the software developer for the Williams Sim. He has the coolest job in the world. Dibbling and tweeking software, which he enjoys doing anyway. He also has to be taken around all the tracks at silly speeds to see if his Simulator is as good as it can be.



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