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(almost) Top Of The Alco-pops


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Having heard some of bullsh1t spotted by some young people about the amount they claim to drink, this survey does not surprise me. I don’t think you can give any real credence to this sort of survey due to the "brag" factor; one young lad I know would be permanently comatose if he drank what he claims. Although I doubt his mates believe his claims!

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Wear the badge with pride.


The focus now must be on knocking the Bulgars off top spot. Bloody East-Europeans - steal our jobs, our women and now this!


Bring on the National Binge Week.

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As another poster has already said, the 'brag' factor totally distorts the reality of the situation.

There are a number of teenagers whose idea of 'grown-up enjoyment' is to get absolutely hammered at every opportunity but, from what I've seen, it is a relatively small number and to suggest that a large number of 15-16 year-olds do so is almost as ridiculous as the claim that cannabis use has fallen (it seems to be more freely available than ever before) and that smoking in general has declined among this age group.

In simple terms, the statistics reek of utter bullshit.

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I have to say it's a pretty sad state of affairs when an Island like this comes out second top in these sort of statistics.


I would like to see the figure on teenage pregnancies in the last 20 years, I expect the Island comes high in this as well which probably tells us why we are 2nd in a list of 30 countries with this kind of drinking culture.


As well as parents, the Government must look at how the kids are getting drink, clamping down on shops that sell alcohol to under age people. I certainly think some kind of investigation needs to be started on how this is happening and to at least try to rectify it.


Looking at some of the comments above it seems it's a bit of a joke though. Hopefully the government dosent see it that way. Because at the end of the day even if you think it is a joke, Alcohol leads to broken homes, health issues, social disorder and in the end general unhappyness. Yes I realise most kids will grow out of it but for some they wont and it's them I feel sorry for.

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All kids 'brag' which means the skewing that it might cause (and I'm sure it is there) will be negated across the whole survey. I seem to remember doing this sort of thing in school once, so it'd be interesting to see how the results compare across the years - are we getting worse?


And to the people who said 'theres loads to do - get out there and find it' I have to reply - being a teenager on the Isle of Man is one of the most socially restricted places to be one. The opportuinities available to kids almost anywhere else are tenfold more exciting than what the Isle of Man has to offer just because of its nature as an Island.

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I would like to see the figure on teenage pregnancies in the last 20 years, I expect the Island comes high in this as well which probably tells us why we are 2nd in a list of 30 countries with this kind of drinking culture.

Three or four schoolgirls fall pregnant every year, it's been revealed. Minister Anne Craine said the number of pregnant teens in Manx schools was 'very low' - usually three or four a year.

The figure is well below the rate of teenage pregnancies in England and Wales.


From this week's Independent (sorry, can't find the link)

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Yeah thats now, which is good. I was wondering over the last 20 years.


I am perhaps stereotyping, but there is obviously a problem with underage drinking on the Island and something needs to be done about it rather than making light of the subject.

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The Manx government and it's representitives speak the speak when it comes to control of alcohol consumpsion however they want the revenue it creates, what they fail to understand is that the revenue created does not cover the services required to deal with it (the taxpayer pays the balance), the only ones who really profit are the breweries, pubs and off licenses etc.

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All kids 'brag' which means the skewing that it might cause (and I'm sure it is there) will be negated across the whole survey. I seem to remember doing this sort of thing in school once, so it'd be interesting to see how the results compare across the years - are we getting worse?


And to the people who said 'theres loads to do - get out there and find it' I have to reply - being a teenager on the Isle of Man is one of the most socially restricted places to be one. The opportuinities available to kids almost anywhere else are tenfold more exciting than what the Isle of Man has to offer just because of its nature as an Island.

What opportunities do you feel you are missing out on?


For the so inclined, here's a little graph generator with all the results: http://www.espad.org/keyresult-generator

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No statement from manx gov refuting the results of this survey?


Undermine the gravy train livelihoods extremely important work being done on this virtually non-existent massive social problem?

Are you mad?

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