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Treating Gay People


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How sad that there is such prejudice in society that people wish they were straight.

It's quite disturbing that many people believe that you can be treated for being gay. Again it shows how much prejudice there really is.




Are you saying behavior can't be changed? This isn't forcing people to change, this is assisting people to change who want to. If you can change behavior with regards to violence or depression, why can't sexual preference be changed if the person has a desire to do so.


You're being more repressive in fact, by saying those that are gay have to stay gay.

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Are you saying behavior can't be changed? This isn't forcing people to change, this is assisting people to change who want to. If you can change behavior with regards to violence or depression, why can't sexual preference be changed if the person has a desire to do so.


You're being more repressive in fact, by saying those that are gay have to stay gay.


I am not saying that anyone HAS to do anything. What I am saying is the reasons for these desires to change sexuality and the conceptualisation that sexuality can be TREATED are the result of prejudices in society.


In any case, being gay is not just about behaviour, i.e. what you do in bed.

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Is "going through a gay phase" a recognized part of puberty/sexual development?


I know I should google, but haven't the time.


If a person is confused about their sexuality is there a role in providing guidance to that person - reflecting their own feelings about various types of sexuality - into a better understanding of what their sexuality is?


I can see such a process - which I see as legitimate - being twisted by the media, out for a story, into a headline about being treated for feeling/being gay.


I feel this issue is far far more complex than any headline and survey can easily deal with. Sexuality has many diverse components - cultural, biological etc etc. People can be confused by that and I don't see it as necessarily wrong for them to get advice.


Looking at world cultures I am skeptical of the claim that people are either gay or straight - I see it as a spectrum and do believe people adjust their sexual identity depending upon the culture they live in - trying to say what is "natural" or "proper" is basically impossible [shudders, expecting the God squad to have opinions on this]. Forcing someone on the extreme staight end of the spectrum to be gay would be psychologically damaging, and vice versa - but I believe there is a middle spectrum where issues are frankly complicated.


Gay til graduation etc etc are slogans expressing this complexity and I can see a role for psycologists in helping people understand that.

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If a person is confused about their sexuality is there a role in providing guidance to that person - reflecting their own feelings about various types of sexuality - into a better understanding of what their sexuality is?


I can see such a process - which I see as legitimate - being twisted by the media, out for a story, into a headline about being treated for feeling/being gay.


I feel this issue is far far more complex than any headline and survey can easily deal with. Sexuality has many diverse components - cultural, biological etc etc. People can be confused by that and I don't see it as necessarily wrong for them to get advice.


Looking at world cultures I am skeptical of the claim that people are either gay or straight - I see it as a spectrum and do believe people adjust their sexual identity depending upon the culture they live in - trying to say what is "natural" or "proper" is basically impossible [shudders, expecting the God squad to have opinions on this]. Forcing someone on the extreme staight end of the spectrum to be gay would be psychologically damaging, and vice versa - but I believe there is a middle spectrum where issues are frankly complicated.


Gay til graduation etc etc are slogans expressing this complexity and I can see a role for psycologists in helping people understand that.


I understand where you are coming from. Yes, this issue may have been distorted. Advice is a completely different matter. I see no problem with advice, though the fact that such advice may be requested or required on gay desires could itself be indicative of prejudice and ignorance in society. But having read your thread I would agree that more needs to be understood as to what advice or therapy is being given. Though I do feel a sense of concern over the role of psychiatrists in dealing with such matters.

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I am not saying that anyone HAS to do anything. What I am saying is the reasons for these desires to change sexuality and the conceptualisation that sexuality can be TREATED are the result of prejudices in society.


Which has nothing to do with the articly you linked. You're implying it's anti-gay, it isn't, it's just helping those that wish to change. It could be helping them stop gambling, or smoking or recover from masturbation addiction. Nobody is saying wanking is bad, but some people might not

want to do it any more. Their choice, not yours. You're presumably gay, hopping up and down ready to take offence at something that isn't there, and being totally irrational as a result.


In any case, being gay is not just about behaviour, i.e. what you do in bed.


Neither is being a pedophile, would you argue against counselling to help with that too?

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