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Treating Gay People


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Yes, Straw Dogs is as good an introduction as you could want - superb work. His other books are very good also - on the economic front "False Dawn" and, post-Straw Dogs but in the same vein, "Heresies", are also great introductions.

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"So your a genocider " - Chinahand, this has been niggling me for hours and I just have to do something about it. You have used a word (genocider) which is not only emotive but even worse, wildly inaccurate. I do not propose to harm one single person, never mind a whole race (I'll overlook the matter of homosexuals not being a separate race, which they'd have to be if the term "genocide" was to apply to their mass extermination). There- that's got that out of my system!

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i think this thread neads a little recap.


there could be a treatment for homosexuality, which has polarised opinions regarding its use.


some people think that it should be used to rid the planet of the "dirty unnatural nasty homos"


others feel threatened that their valid lifestyle choice is under threat.


and as yet no one has surmised that the real crime here is why would anyone want this treatment? what social pressures are they under that they would feel a need for such a treatment? why has our society not evolved to a place where a treatment like this is not just laughed at for its complete redundancy? and why the fuck do so many heterosexual people think their opinions count on the subject of homosexuality?


i hope that i have not in anyway added to this social pressure at any point.


and stop using my beloved science to justify your hate.


homosexuals are, deal with it.

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Lao - to continue with a general point, I think that, like LDV, you demonstrate a dangerous attitude - that your views are right and anything opposed to them must not be tolerated. This makes you most intolerant yourself.


Different opinions are - deal with it!

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Lao - to continue with a general point, I think that, like LDV, you demonstrate a dangerous attitude - that your views are right and anything opposed to them must not be tolerated. This makes you most intolerant yourself.


Different opinions are - deal with it!


We are intolerant of your views? How so? I have to tolerate your ugly views - not much I can do about them other than criticise them.

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"We are intolerant of your views? How so?" - if you need to ask this question you are either incredibly thick (which I'm sure you're not) or have a poor memory. Try reading back over this thread (and some others).


Remember, LDV - some of us regard views you hold as being ugly and there is not much we can do about you either.

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"We are intolerant of your views? How so?" - if you need to ask this question you are either incredibly thick (which I'm sure you're not) or have a poor memory. Try reading back over this thread (and some others).


Remember, LDV - some of us regard views you hold as being ugly and there is not much we can do about you either.


Quite right. Yet in terms of this intolerance thing, you'll have to explain better, I must be incredibly thick.

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Evil Goblin you have teh correct!


I AM intolerant of intolerance.


i have always considered homosexuality to be none of my business, but when i see gay peoples cvil rights to be left the fuck alone to get on with their lives trampled all over, it gets on my nerves, there are people out there right now having sex with people of the same sex, it is happening all over the world both by humans and in the animal kindom:


and it doesnt affect you,


it doesnt hurt you,


it doesnt make baby jesus cry.


so why even contemplate homosexual behaviour? what is it to you?


different opinions are, deal with it


by this thinking i should probably accept racism and sexism.


discriminating on someone or a group of people because they are not the preferred colour of skin, have not the correct genetailia or because they practice different sexual activities with consentual partners is wrong, dress it up how you like, its still gonna be wrong.


i would gladly go on a gay march to show my support when i see what the gay community is up against. thats how angry the hate makes me.

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Gay or straight!!! I couldnt care one bit, its not gay people who cause the wars and all the hate in the world, is it!

I have two children and if either of them came home and told me they were gay at any point in their life, i wouldnt be bothered , all i (and most but not all i guess) want is my kids is for them to be healthy and happy. Although i would be a little concerned if either came home and said "hey mum, i've found God"....

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Gay or straight!!! I couldnt care one bit, its not gay people who cause the wars and all the hate in the world, is it!

I have two children and if either of them came home and told me they were gay at any point in their life, i wouldnt be bothered , all i (and most but not all i guess) want is my kids is for them to be healthy and happy. Although i would be a little concerned if either came home and said "hey mum, i've found God"....


+1 points for being accepting of potentially gay offspring,


+2 points for beng concerned over offspring having an interest in religion.


you may be in the running for mum of the year now Roo.

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