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Treating Gay People


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+1 points for being accepting of potentially gay offspring,


+2 points for beng concerned over offspring having an interest in religion.


you may be in the running for mum of the year now Roo.


Minus all those points for cringeworthy, cowering kowtowing............ ; )

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I wouldnt say "fag hag", i grew up with straight parents who had gay friends so its quite normal to me really, to be in a loving relationship is special no matter whether gay or straight, i dont see the problem here.

As for my kids, i will support them whatever they do, but as i said, this finding God (which one hey) business is a worry, talking to something or someone who does'nt exist! Just because a lot of people believe or follow this path does'nt mean its right, sheep spring to mind, christianity (for instance) is full of hate (and contradictions), how can that be good for anyone.

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I wouldnt say "fag hag", i grew up with straight parents who had gay friends so its quite normal to me really, to be in a loving relationship is special no matter whether gay or straight, i dont see the problem here.

As for my kids, i will support them whatever they do, but as i said, this finding God (which one hey) business is a worry, talking to something or someone who does'nt exist! Just because a lot of people believe or follow this path does'nt mean its right, sheep spring to mind, christianity (for instance) is full of hate (and contradictions), how can that be good for anyone.

You really are a febrile lot, aren't you? From your responses you'd think I was advocating that all homosexuals should be crucified with rusty nails upside down along the roadsides rather than just saying we could eliminate the deviance, totally harmlessly, by genetic engineering. It's the last time I want to hear any of you hypocrites accusing anyone else of being intolerant.


Roo - you clearly have no real understanding of the nature of God as understood by many of us. Not much use to talking to him - try looking inside yourself.

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You really are a febrile lot, aren't you? From your responses you'd think I was advocating that all homosexuals should be crucified with rusty nails upside down along the roadsides rather than just saying we could eliminate the deviance, totally harmlessly, by genetic engineering. It's the last time I want to hear any of you hypocrites accusing anyone else of being intolerant.


Roo - you clearly have no real understanding of the nature of God as understood by many of us. Not much use to talking to him - try looking inside yourself.


Oh here we go - deviance. You desire to see homosexuality eliminated shows your intolerance of homosexuality. Why not just leave things as they are?

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"Eliminate the deviance by genetic engineering?"


Given that homosexuality is a totally harmless "deviance" (a word that feels like its loaded with negative context but for now we'll assume you're using it in a strictly scientific sense, as indeed will I), why would we as a species put all that effort into eliminating it in the first place? Surely the time spent finding a genetic solution to homosexuality could be better spent finding solutions to other, actually harmful, deviances?


Why on Earth anyone would want to spend time engineering out a harmless trait is beyond me. Why not try for blond hair and blue eyes while you're at it?



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You really are a febrile lot, aren't you? From your responses you'd think I was advocating that all homosexuals should be crucified with rusty nails upside down along the roadsides rather than just saying we could eliminate the deviance, totally harmlessly, by genetic engineering. It's the last time I want to hear any of you hypocrites accusing anyone else of being intolerant.


Roo - you clearly have no real understanding of the nature of God as understood by many of us. Not much use to talking to him - try looking inside yourself.


Oh here we go - deviance. You desire to see homosexuality eliminated shows your intolerance of homosexuality. Why not just leave things as they are?

LDV - I suggest you consult a dictionary - you will find that the use of the word "deviance" is perfectly correct. Have you and Lao thought of the logical consequences of not being concerned by something which does not directly effect someone, whatever that may be? If someone else suffers from, say, cerebral palsy, that doesn't effect me so are you saying that I should not advocate obviating it be means of genetic engineering if and when that becomes possible?

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LDV - I suggest you consult a dictionary - you will find that the use of the word "deviance" is perfectly correct. Have you and Lao thought of the logical consequences of not being concerned by something which does not directly effect someone, whatever that may be? If someone else suffers from, say, cerebral palsy, that doesn't effect me so are you saying that I should not advocate obviating it be means of genetic engineering if and when that becomes possible?


Firstly, homosexuality is not a deviance from anything.


And who exactly is suffering and why?

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LDV - I suggest you consult a dictionary - you will find that the use of the word "deviance" is perfectly correct. Have you and Lao thought of the logical consequences of not being concerned by something which does not directly effect someone, whatever that may be? If someone else suffers from, say, cerebral palsy, that doesn't effect me so are you saying that I should not advocate obviating it be means of genetic engineering if and when that becomes possible?


Firstly, homosexuality is not a deviance from anything.


And who exactly is suffering and why?

As I've said before - same facts, different interpretations. As to your question, anyone labouring under some abnormality can quite properly be said to suffer from that condition.

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As I've said before - same facts, different interpretations. As to your question, anyone labouring under some abnormality can quite properly be said to suffer from that condition.


What facts?


And now you are talking about normality? This is really getting deeper into your heterosexist understanding of sexuality. Well go on then, explain how people who are considered abnormal suffer?

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I believe I have already made this point; in fact, bizarrely, Evil Goblin has made it for me, but claims that it supports his argument which is clearly laughable. Finding a genetic solution to - say - cerebral palsy is simply NOT the same as "curing" homosexuality, and if you can't detect the distinction then that's more than slightly disconcerting.


I refer you to my original post.


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LDV - I suggest you consult a dictionary - you will find that the use of the word "deviance" is perfectly correct. Have you and Lao thought of the logical consequences of not being concerned by something which does not directly effect someone, whatever that may be? If someone else suffers from, say, cerebral palsy, that doesn't effect me so are you saying that I should not advocate obviating it be means of genetic engineering if and when that becomes possible?


Firstly, homosexuality is not a deviance from anything.


And who exactly is suffering and why?

As I've said before - same facts, different interpretations. As to your question, anyone labouring under some abnormality can quite properly be said to suffer from that condition.


Hang on pal, I have a deviancy and I labour under it. I DO NOT suffer from it, society actually helps out by designing things for me to use. I enjoy free access to everything that is available. You are clearly a fascist and before you try to defend yourself, you can't. It is a proven, by your own words, fact.

Now let's get onto homosexuality, what's the harm? If you are really worried your kids will discover their sexuality is 'homo' and you can't deal with it, the problem is yours and yours alone. Normal members of society have no problem whatsoever with somebody preferring having sex with someone of their own gender. Whichever they are the likelihood of procreation is pretty unlikely, therefore the preference will die out naturally, according to you and your ilk.

As for myself, I have no inkling to have a penis in my back passage, it's just not my thing. However, me doing the inserting might be a different thing now. Never tried it with a guy, with a girl certainly. I fail to see the real difference. Am I a homosexual? I honestly don't know, no more than if I am a pianist. I've never tried playing a piano, who knows?

I am abnormal, I tend to use my sinister side to achieve anything, I am in a minority, therefore abnormal. There's probably more left handed people than homosexuals, I don't actually know. I don't actually fucking care either.

But I do know one thing, more people hate fascists than fascists exist, we will hunt you down and expose you for the weak minded soulless individuals you are and destroy you in your workplace and home.

Now sod off and do your homework.

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Evil Goblin - your eugenics is as sickenning as any who would wish to get rid of people of colour or any other harmless difference.


What reason for this deliberate removal of a part of our diversity.

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As for myself, I have no inkling to have a penis in my back passage, it's just not my thing. However, me doing the inserting might be a different thing now. Never tried it with a guy, with a girl certainly. I fail to see the real difference. Am I a homosexual? I honestly don't know


No. Its likely that you just have a prediliction for bum sex.

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As for myself, I have no inkling to have a penis in my back passage, it's just not my thing. However, me doing the inserting might be a different thing now.


And not every gay guy likes bum sex, giving or taking.



I don't like this whole deviancy thing as well. It is not as if heterosexuality is some sort of baseline or the valid sexuality and homosexuality is a deviation from it. In terms of being sexualities, they are relatively recent social creations.


But I do know one thing, more people hate fascists than fascists exist, we will hunt you down and expose you for the weak minded soulless individuals you are and destroy you in your workplace and home.


Arghhh! That's scary.

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