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Treating Gay People


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I am not saying that anyone HAS to do anything. What I am saying is the reasons for these desires to change sexuality and the conceptualisation that sexuality can be TREATED are the result of prejudices in society.


Which has nothing to do with the articly you linked. You're implying it's anti-gay, it isn't, it's just helping those that wish to change. It could be helping them stop gambling, or smoking or recover from masturbation addiction. Nobody is saying wanking is bad, but some people might not

want to do it any more. Their choice, not yours. You're presumably gay, hopping up and down ready to take offence at something that isn't there, and being totally irrational as a result.


In any case, being gay is not just about behaviour, i.e. what you do in bed.


Neither is being a pedophile, would you argue against counselling to help with that too?


Bet you loved Jackson, was a gay beast too. Were you like king Hussein? Did you know when to get out of Jordan?

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Why on Earth anyone would want to spend time engineering out a harmless trait is beyond me.



well to be honest thay will engineer there own way out of it, if thay say its a gene of that person that cause the person to be gay, in a million years that gene will be gone as thay wont be breeding no more,


but then again what i know, im prob talking shit

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Why on Earth anyone would want to spend time engineering out a harmless trait is beyond me.



well to be honest thay will engineer there own way out of it, if thay say its a gene of that person that cause the person to be gay, in a million years that gene will be gone as thay wont be breeding no more,


but then again what i know, im prob talking shit


Not quite that simple IF there was all about a gene. Besides, you are mirroring what the common misconception is, that there has always been heterosexuals and homosexuals. In other words, that there has always been a minority of people who just like their own sex and a majority who only like the opposite sex. There isn't any evidence of this, it is just a idea people have come to have because our understanding of sexuality has developed into this one of understanding things such as gender and sexuality as dichotomies.


In hundred of years time there may not be gay and straight or sexualities as we know they now. People might be more free to shag who they like.

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Evil Goblin you have teh correct!


I AM intolerant of intolerance.


i have always considered homosexuality to be none of my business, but when i see gay peoples cvil rights to be left the fuck alone to get on with their lives trampled all over, it gets on my nerves, there are people out there right now having sex with people of the same sex, it is happening all over the world both by humans and in the animal kindom:


and it doesnt affect you,


it doesnt hurt you,


it doesnt make baby jesus cry.


so why even contemplate homosexual behaviour? what is it to you?


different opinions are, deal with it




by this thinking i should probably accept racism and sexism.


discriminating on someone or a group of people because they are not the preferred colour of skin, have not the correct genetailia or because they practice different sexual activities with consentual partners is wrong, dress it up how you like, its still gonna be wrong.


i would gladly go on a gay march to show my support when i see what the gay community is up against. thats how angry the hate makes me.


your rather absent mindedly forgot to quote my thread winning post with your Q.E.D.

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I wouldnt say "fag hag", i grew up with straight parents who had gay friends so its quite normal to me really, to be in a loving relationship is special no matter whether gay or straight, i dont see the problem here.

As for my kids, i will support them whatever they do, but as i said, this finding God (which one hey) business is a worry, talking to something or someone who does'nt exist! Just because a lot of people believe or follow this path does'nt mean its right, sheep spring to mind, christianity (for instance) is full of hate (and contradictions), how can that be good for anyone.

You really are a febrile lot, aren't you? From your responses you'd think I was advocating that all homosexuals should be crucified with rusty nails upside down along the roadsides rather than just saying we could eliminate the deviance, totally harmlessly, by genetic engineering. It's the last time I want to hear any of you hypocrites accusing anyone else of being intolerant.


Roo - you clearly have no real understanding of the nature of God as understood by many of us. Not much use to talking to him - try looking inside yourself.


We have been down this boring road before and i for one dont want to be returning!

I certainly do have an understanding of how religion effects the trillions, it provokes more hatred than football and politics, its not good!

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Evil Goblin - your eugenics is as sickenning as any who would wish to get rid of people of colour or any other harmless difference.


What reason for this deliberate removal of a part of our diversity.


Fewer blokes walking around with shit behind their foreskin

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