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Treating Gay People


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Brilliant! You're more Troll than Trolly McTroll who lived under Troll Bridge in Trollshire.


Think what you will, the opinions that I have expressed are absolutely 100% genuine and very heartfelt.


Although I don't believe that people who engage in the sexual perversion of homosexuality should be prosecuted for it I do find the idea that it is in some way equal to a proper sexual relationship abhorrent and wrong.



Thanks for that spume of hate Mr Mc Trolly-Angry of Mayfair! 100% genuine and very heartfelt hate no doubt, but hate it is for all of that.

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Think what you will, the opinions that I have expressed are absolutely 100% genuine and very heartfelt.


Although I don't believe that people who engage in the sexual perversion of homosexuality should be prosecuted for it I do find the idea that it is in some way equal to a proper sexual relationship abhorrent and wrong.


So you've never had another mans cock up your arse then Rog?

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Shill, not sure I can explain it any more clearly, so I guess we'll have to leave it at that.


I someone doesn't want to be gay then YES it is up to them. I am not saying that they should be stopped. The issue for me is why they would want this, why people think they can be changed, and what this shows about how homosexuality is perceived in society.


I think your reading that in to be honest, I don't think it was implied by the article at all.

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In any case, being gay is not just about behaviour, i.e. what you do in bed.


Homosexuality is defined as "a sexual attraction to (or sexual relations with) persons of the same sex" so really that is all about what you do in bed. Are you trying to say that there is a gay way of driving a car or watching the telly that is not about sexuality then?

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In any case, being gay is not just about behaviour, i.e. what you do in bed.


Homosexuality is defined as "a sexual attraction to (or sexual relations with) persons of the same sex" so really that is all about what you do in bed. Are you trying to say that there is a gay way of driving a car or watching the telly that is not about sexuality then?


No, but maybe I am saying that the places you are driving to and the programmes you watch which be to an extent the result of your sexuality.


What sort of impact does attraction have on people's ways of thinking? And how your developing an identity, such as straight, gay, bisexual, queer, have an effect on what people do, who they meet, what expectations are on them, etc?

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In any case, being gay is not just about behaviour, i.e. what you do in bed.


Homosexuality is defined as "a sexual attraction to (or sexual relations with) persons of the same sex" so really that is all about what you do in bed. Are you trying to say that there is a gay way of driving a car or watching the telly that is not about sexuality then?


No, but maybe I am saying that the places you are driving to and the programmes you watch which be to an extent the result of your sexuality.


What sort of impact does attraction have on people's ways of thinking? And how your developing an identity, such as straight, gay, bisexual, queer, have an effect on what people do, who they meet, what expectations are on them, etc?


If you're driving to a group bumsex orgy to pick your place in a pork sword daisy chain maybe. At the end of the day the whole meaning of human existence is down to sex - we are pretty base creatures - so how you can say that defining yourself as gay is not about just being homosexual in your actions is wrong. There are plenty of straight acting gay people who do not let being gay define every aspect of their lives. Inversely there are lots of camp hetrosexuals who are totally the opposite.

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If you're driving to a group bumsex orgy to pick your place in a pork sword daisy chain maybe. At the end of the day the whole meaning of human existence is down to sex - we are pretty base creatures - so how you can say that defining yourself as gay is not about just being homosexual in your actions is wrong. There are plenty of straight acting gay people who do not let being gay define every aspect of their lives. Inversely there are lots of camp hetrosexuals who are totally the opposite.


Yes, there are plenty of gay people who WILL not let gay define their lives, as you mention they consider themselves to be straight-acting and are under the very ignorant view that they are somehow at a 'normal' state of being by not showing their sexuality, when in fact they are defining themselves in heterosexual terms. They want to display their sexuality as heterosexuality, when they are homosexual. It can be considered to be an consequence of internalised homophobia.


But those who do NOT describe themselves as straight-acting or are homophobic in their belief that camp is undesirable because it is display but simply do not have feminine mannerisms or behaviour are simply meeting conventional gender expectations. Those that are camp however do not conform to those gender expectations because much of them are based upon how heterosexuality defined itself. Gender and sexuality are mutually reinforcing concepts.


Sexuality is displayed by people and in many forms in so many areas of life. To say that sexuality is just about what is done in bed is to misunderstand what sexuality is and what it means.

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Sexuality is displayed by people and in many forms in so many areas of life. To say that sexuality is just about what is done in bed is to misunderstand what sexuality is and what it means.


I'd happily treat a gay person. How about dinner and a nice bottle of wine LDV?

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All this guff about homosexuality will hopefully be redendant in a few years. With the progress being made in genetic engineering these deviants will soon be able to be bred out of the gene pool and the whole problem resolved.

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Clip clop, clip clop. Is a goblin more or less the same as a troll?

Not at all, Pongo. Just because you may disagree with my point of view does not mean I am a Troll. To be a Troll I'd have to be espousing a view that I didn't really believe in for the sake of stirring, whereas what I say is what I honestly believe should happen.


Homosexuality (male and female) is deviant and should therefore be bred out of the gene pool when possible, in the same way that we will be able to remove predispositions to various diseases, etc.

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