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Treating Gay People


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All this guff about homosexuality will hopefully be redendant in a few years. With the progress being made in genetic engineering these deviants will soon be able to be bred out of the gene pool and the whole problem resolved.


You are an evil goblin.


First of all, there isn't a problem. And there is not yet conclusive proof to show that sexuality is the result of genes.

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All this guff about homosexuality will hopefully be redendant in a few years. With the progress being made in genetic engineering these deviants will soon be able to be bred out of the gene pool and the whole problem resolved.


You are an evil goblin.


First of all, there isn't a problem. And there is not yet conclusive proof to show that sexuality is the result of genes.

If is isn't governed by genes then it's environmentally determined and should be conditioned out of the population as an aberrant bahaviour. However, the overwhelming evidence is that it is genetically determined (which is why the homosexual community carries on about it being not a choice but the way you are born). The determination is at the foetal stage (6 and 12 weeks, roughly) - but if you are even half as well educated as you seem to lay claim to being, you should know all this.


And why am I evil for stating the truth? You'll notice I don't advocate discrimination against homosexuals or that they should be persecuted. That would be as unreasonable as punishing a cat for chasing birds.

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Clip clop, clip clop. Is a goblin more or less the same as a troll?

Not at all, Pongo. Just because you may disagree with my point of view does not mean I am a Troll. To be a Troll I'd have to be espousing a view that I didn't really believe in for the sake of stirring, whereas what I say is what I honestly believe should happen.


Homosexuality (male and female) is deviant and should therefore be bred out of the gene pool when possible, in the same way that we will be able to remove predispositions to various diseases, etc.


maybe for some they are born gay but for others they happen to fall in love with someone of the same sex..... it has never been proven that been gay is genetically determine let alone been born straight genetically determine!

gay, straight what does it matter, they are only labels! i think a minority of posters on here need to be treated!!!

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Clip clop, clip clop. Is a goblin more or less the same as a troll?

Not at all, Pongo. Just because you may disagree with my point of view does not mean I am a Troll. To be a Troll I'd have to be espousing a view that I didn't really believe in for the sake of stirring, whereas what I say is what I honestly believe should happen.


Homosexuality (male and female) is deviant and should therefore be bred out of the gene pool when possible, in the same way that we will be able to remove predispositions to various diseases, etc.


maybe for some they are born gay but for others they happen to fall in love with someone of the same sex..... it has never been proven that been gay is genetically determine let alone been born straight genetically determine!

gay, straight what does it matter, they are only labels! i think a minority of posters on here need to be treated!!!

BETTYBOO68 - how is it that you cannot understand that homosexuality is deviant? As for this - "maybe for some they are born gay but for others they happen to fall in love with someone of the same sex" - just how do you think this process of "falling in love" works? You (and a few others, no doubt) could do with a course on behavioural and physiological psychology! Or maybe you just don't want to face reality and prefer your make-believe world!

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What is the problem? Why shouldn't homosexuals be respected on the same level as anyone else, in fact why is sexuality an issue at all? It's extremely ignorant to climb on a soapbox to berate and attempt to marginalise a section of society which is probably more productive, artistic and tolerant than any other. So what business are anyones sexual preference of any other person? Nobody is asking a hetrosexual person to become involved in a gay lifestyle, so what is the threat?


Homophobia most certainly has its roots in religion, the bible forbids it, just as it forbids the withdrawal method of contraception, mainly to ensure the procreation of the people of the time who were threatened by all kinds of mortallity issues. So it has nothing to do with morals or yukkiness? The bible was designed as a means of controlling a population and it has worked far too well in many instances.

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Clip clop, clip clop. Is a goblin more or less the same as a troll?

Not at all, Pongo. Just because you may disagree with my point of view does not mean I am a Troll. To be a Troll I'd have to be espousing a view that I didn't really believe in for the sake of stirring, whereas what I say is what I honestly believe should happen.


Homosexuality (male and female) is deviant and should therefore be bred out of the gene pool when possible, in the same way that we will be able to remove predispositions to various diseases, etc.


maybe for some they are born gay but for others they happen to fall in love with someone of the same sex..... it has never been proven that been gay is genetically determine let alone been born straight genetically determine!

gay, straight what does it matter, they are only labels! i think a minority of posters on here need to be treated!!!

BETTYBOO68 - how is it that you cannot understand that homosexuality is deviant? As for this - "maybe for some they are born gay but for others they happen to fall in love with someone of the same sex" - just how do you think this process of "falling in love" works? You (and a few others, no doubt) could do with a course on behavioural and physiological psychology! Or maybe you just don't want to face reality and prefer your make-believe world!



homosexuality is only seen a deviant by homophobes, i think your the one thats need a course on behavioral and physiological psychology and need to fast track into the real world! have'nt you ever falling in love then? that you have to ask me how falling in love process works? its people like you that needs to be bred out of the gene pool!

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Max - I quite agree, there should not be a problem. I've merely pointed out that homosexuality is biologically deviant and as such should be engineered away in due course. Where have I advocated that homsexuals should be discriminated against, marginalised or berated? You are simply indulging in ignorant, knee-jerk reactions without actually thinking about what has been said.


BTW, where is your justification for "a section of society which is probably more productive, artistic and tolerant than any other".

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BETTYBOO68 - how is it that you cannot understand that homosexuality is deviant? As for this - "maybe for some they are born gay but for others they happen to fall in love with someone of the same sex" - just how do you think this process of "falling in love" works? You (and a few others, no doubt) could do with a course on behavioural and physiological psychology! Or maybe you just don't want to face reality and prefer your make-believe world!


Your ignorance is amazing!

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"homosexuality is only seen a deviant by homophobes, i think your the one thats need a course on behavioral and physiological psychology and need to fast track into the real world! have'nt you ever falling in love then? that you have to ask me how falling in love process works? its people like you that needs to be bred out of the gene pool!"



Your ignorance is amazing!

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"homosexuality is only seen a deviant by homophobes, i think your the one thats need a course on behavioral and physiological psychology and need to fast track into the real world! have'nt you ever falling in love then? that you have to ask me how falling in love process works? its people like you that needs to be bred out of the gene pool!"



Your ignorance is amazing!



it's really funny when i bounced back some of the same comments you made to me i'm the ignorant one! you should be a comedian mate!

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it's really funny when i bounced back some of the same comments you made to me i'm the ignorant one! you should be a comedian mate!


How do you know I'm not!? Seriously, I am just incompetent on the keyboard at this time of night, having been up since 3 am.


And yes, YOUR ignorance is amazing!

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