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I see there's been one of the first good side on smashes at Braddan Church this afternoon. I'm amazed that there have not been more at that spot as the whole layout is fundamentally flawed.


When will the DOT be held accountable for designing such a useless bag of crap of a roundabout and junction?


Hopefully nobody seriously hurt.

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they were having a heated debate when I went past.


I think that roundabout has improved that junction. Only problem is traffic heading from Douglas towards Peel don't slow down and get pissed off when cars pull out from vicarage road side. If you have to give way to cars to the right as far as the eye can see then it might as well be the old junction.

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they were having a heated debate when I went past.


I think that roundabout has improved that junction. Only problem is traffic heading from Douglas towards Peel don't slow down and get pissed off when cars pull out from vicarage road side. If you have to give way to cars to the right as far as the eye can see then it might as well be the old junction.


Its a double whammy there (if you excuse the pun). You can see today that the car coming down Vicarage Road got slammed side on so what you said is totally true about cars coming from Douglas. However also if you are coming down Saddle Road because of the left hand filter lane from Douglas all the cars going straight on are obscured by cars turning left so you only see them right at the last minute. I've had loads of near misses there because you literally can't see anyone going straight on if the left lane is busy.


Its a pathetic excuse for a traffic flow system in my book. It was better before they expensively 'improved' everything.

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It works fine if everyone slows down. People heading out from Douglas see nothing coming in from Union Mills and crack on at 30mph since they don't feel they need to give way to anyone.


I'd be all for putting a (removable) speed bump on each entrance to the roundabout to get people down to a sensible speed.


I know nothing about today's accident, but my understanding is that if the car pulling off from the church was over the white line first, they have right of way, even if someone is steaming through from Douglas at 30mph.


Hope everyone is OK. I see nothing wrong with the design of the junction, assuming everyone slows to a sensible speed to negotiate it. Same applies for ****s coming through QB from Peel and kicking off when someone rightly pulls out in front of them from Quarterbridge Road.

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When will the DOT be held accountable for designing such a useless bag of crap of a roundabout and junction?


We don't so accountable on the Isle of Man. :)

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I'd be all for putting a (removable) speed bump on each entrance to the roundabout to get people down to a sensible speed.


You must work for the DOT if you see logic in adding even more stupid paraphernalia to that junction. I reckon they could also go for traffic lights, some sort of swing bridge, and a policeman on point duty just to really overkill it.


It does not work because as people have pointed out they changed the priority for cars travelling along the main road and now people don't stop because they don't see why they should stop because they are going straight on and they are on the main road between Douglas and Peel. Why give priority to people turning off a main road?

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It does not work because as people have pointed out they changed the priority for cars travelling along the main road and now people don't stop because they don't see why they should stop because they are going straight on and they are on the main road between Douglas and Peel. Why give priority to people turning off a main road?


How about because there's a roundabout there, and that's how a roundabout works.


Would you aplly your argument to someone heading down Bray Hill from the Grandstand? They are on a main road, why should they stop and give way to someone just because there are traffic lights there?


Personally, I'd rather do away with the juntion completely and just let everyone slow down and sort it out for themselves. Unfortunately you couldn't trust everyone to be sensible and so you have to implement a system.


In this case it's a roundabout where before crossing the line to enter the roundabout you should slow to a speed where you can safely check that your way is safe to proceed without crashing into somone who is already negotiating the roundabout. If there happens to be another vehicle already on the roundabout, and on your right, you have to give way to them. Negotiated at the correct speed there is no real reason why you can't have 3 cars on there at once (apart from the fact that at busyt times there's no where to go because people are backed up through the jubilee oak, and QB)

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How about because there's a roundabout there, and that's how a roundabout works.


Yes, and my view is that a roundabout should not be there


Personally, I'd rather do away with the juntion completely and just let everyone slow down and sort it out for themselves


If that is what you think then clearly that is your view as well so why are you saying there is nothing wrong with the layout?

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Yes, and my view is that a roundabout should not be there


Even closing your eyes really tight and wishing that it wasn't there isn't going to make it disappear for now, so until it does, perhaps it's best you treat it like any other roundabout.


The DoT can hardly be held responsible for accidents happening because people don't follow the rules of the road. There's an assumption on their part that if you hold a licence, you know what to do when approaching a roundabout. If you're speeding up as you approach it, you're doing it all wrong.


Yes, but we're Manx drivers Ans...

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How about because there's a roundabout there, and that's how a roundabout works.


Yes, and my view is that a roundabout should not be there


Personally, I'd rather do away with the juntion completely and just let everyone slow down and sort it out for themselves


If that is what you think then clearly that is your view as well so why are you saying there is nothing wrong with the layout?


I don't believe there's anything wrong with the layout as it is, assuming people slow down and use it properly. I also accept that this will never happen, as people still treat it as a main road.


In an ideal world you would do away with it completely and let people sort themselves out by employing good manners and common sense, in the way you often see if a set of traffic lights fail. Unfortunately there will always be a few ignorant tossers who would just expect everyone else to get out of their way, so this isn't an option.


Basically, you can't just leave people to get on with it because the minority will mean it doesn't work and results in carnage. So, you need a solution, which in this case is a roundabout, which if people used it properly is fine.


In summary, I don't think there is anything wrong with the solution we have, but in an ideal world we wouldn't need a forced solution at all because everyone would be sensible, nice and friendly.


I'm fairly sure that makes no sense to you, but it makes sense in my head. Maybe I'll try and explain it again later after a few beers

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I reckon if they put another roundabout inside the roundabout that is there then that junction would be sorted


Or dig the little roundabout that's there now up and put a big red raised area around it so that it looks like that big angry zit in Onchan, then put a raised area in the middle and then put another roundabout ontop of the raised area inside the new roundabout, then put some bollards around it that light up at night, and then a few signs would not go amiss either. Perhaps an electronic one telling you to slow down as you approach and one that says "Thank you for not crashing" as you exit?

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