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Yes, and my view is that a roundabout should not be there


Even closing your eyes really tight and wishing that it wasn't there isn't going to make it disappear for now, so until it does, perhaps it's best you treat it like any other roundabout.


The DoT can hardly be held responsible for accidents happening because people don't follow the rules of the road. There's an assumption on their part that if you hold a licence, you know what to do when approaching a roundabout. If you're speeding up as you approach it, you're doing it all wrong.

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Or dig the little roundabout that's there now up and put a big red raised area around it so that it looks like that big angry zit in Onchan, then put a raised area in the middle and then put another roundabout ontop of the raised area inside the new roundabout, then put some bollards around it that light up at night, and then a few signs would not go amiss either. Perhaps an electronic one telling you to slow down as you approach and one that says "Thank you for not crashing" as you exit?


Is your surname Hannay by any chance?

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Preferred the old layout myself, the roundabout just complicates things even more and doesn't make sense whatsoever.... simple put there should be a stop junction on the minor road and the main road left as it was before.


But agreed that if people slow down to a more reasonable speed there shouldn't be any problems.

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I'm amazed that there have not been more at that spot as the whole layout is fundamentally flawed.


I take it this comes from your years of expertise in road traffic management and design engineering or is it just you wannabe chancer talking out your arse from an office walla viewpoint

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I passed the accident just after it happened, the chap with the brand new Maroon Jaguar did not seem at all impressed that he had just had the side ripped to shreds, must agree though coming off Vicarage road is a real nightmare,There is a lot more traffic using Vicarage road at the moment because of the delays on the Anagh Road,

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People might be more inclined to treat it like a roundabout if it actually went round and about.


But it doesn't. For Douglas to Peel traffic, the path through this straightabout is pretty damn straight.



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Vicarage Road is now the A6 or the douglas by-pass/inner relief road. it is a major road now so the junction is correctly controlled by a roundabout. If drivers don't know how to use a roundabout it is only a matter of time until natural selection kicks in and the new drivers know how to use them. Until then we will have the people who refuse to learn how to drive safely hurting themselves and others at such junctions.

Quite correct

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With these miniature roundabouts - is it okay to go all the way round and back the way you came ? Someone seemed to get cross with me for doing that on one a few months ago. Appeared to be mouthing rude words and was making a shaky hand gesture.


I had indicated.

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With these miniature roundabouts - is it okay to go all the way round and back the way you came ?


I think that was Sebrof's point. The roundabouts are so pathetic you can't really go around them in that way without a great deal of hassle - straightabout is a good word!! I doubt I'd have enough lock on my car to go around that one and turn back round. That junction really is not big enough to have a roundabout in it.

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IMO if people are unable to manage different and varied types of road layout and driving conditions they should stay at home and not threaten other road users. We can blame DOT as much as we like but trained drivers should be able manage even DOTs inventions.


How about a squareabout to slow people down more?

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IMO if people are unable to manage different and varied types of road layout and driving conditions they should stay at home and not threaten other road users


The problem is there are lots of these people you talk about already on the roads, people who need speedbumps to remind them to drive slow, illuminated speed indicators with sad faces when they go over 30, signs telling people not to overtake etc. Unfortunately the DOT have to take into account these people.


IMO The junction at Braddan Bridge enables people to travel from Peel-Douglas, or vice-versa without really needing to slow down, granted, they should - but some drivers don't. Hence a few times where I've turned off from the Vicarage Road side I've shit myself when a car approachs at 40, side-on, looking most disappointed that they had to slow down.


There's some interesting text on Wiki about Roundabouts;


Deflection is used to maintain low speed operation. Drivers must maneuver (are deflected) around the splitter islands and central island, at speeds of 15-25 mph (24-40 km/h). Many older traffic circles allow speeds as high as 45 mph (72 km/h) due to insufficient deflection.


I would say that particular junction lacks any 'deflection', certainly compared to the other mini-roundabouts dotted round.


It's amazing how much is written about roundabout "science", the deflection, flare etc required. From what I can gather that particular design is common, albeit it's recognized as being a bit iffy if the approach speed isn't controlled (e.g deflection).


It is what it is, doesn't pose any problem to me, but I can see this type of accident being quite common.

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Everyone has a slightly different idea of how a roundabout is used ,personally i still use the same rules explained to me by my driving instructor


give way to the right if some one is waiting at the line, you do not have to give way to a car that is still on the approach to the line,


Oh the joy of having a big company van :lol: the amount of wide eyes and shaky hand jestures from suicide jocky's that think that the 2 round-a-bouts at quaterbridge is 1 and have right of way over everything exiting Douglas does make me chuckle :lol:

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Am I missing something here? Roundabout (UK) - give way to traffic coming from the right. Anyone coming down Vicarage road is bound to give way to traffic coming fom the right (Douglas) irrespective of whether that car is or isn't over the 'white line' or its speed. Survival depends on the ability to judge relative speeds and situational awareness (which is often sadly lacking). The way people 'drive' their trolleys at supermarkets is pretty symptomatic of the poor driving standards seen here.

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