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What A Waste


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Similarly with drugs (and many other matters) on this Island, the so called educators are often little more than highly paid and pensioned fuckwits. True, on this matter, there would appear to be some hard working souls trying their very best. But obviously even them, it's not quite good enough.


Just what I was thinking. Why do people feel the need to control others?


Good point. Advise should be requested or offered but not pushed onto people. Otherwise, understandably, the recipient will ask "Who the hell are you?"

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Isn't it amazing that just 10 or 12 years ago we had hardly heard of heroin on this Island.


I'm amazed you think that.


By that I mean we heard very little of heroin reported on the Island.


Between about 20 years and 10 years ago, I would say there was an average of less than one heroin case reported per year in our newspapers. Over the past decade or so I would put the figure nearer to one a week.

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Similarly with drugs (and many other matters) on this Island, the so called educators are often little more than highly paid and pensioned fuckwits. True, on this matter, there would appear to be some hard working souls trying their very best. But obviously even them, it's not quite good enough.


Just what I was thinking. Why do people feel the need to control others?


Good point. Advise should be requested or offered but not pushed onto people. Otherwise, understandably, the recipient will ask "Who the hell are you?"


Isn't it obvious? Some people just don't know what's good for them? Usually the same ones that moan about nanny states then bitch about the government not doing enough to help junkies.

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Well something really needs to be done now, Iheard this afternoon another 2 deaths involving drugs today, they must be

F**king insane for taking it, and they want hanging for selling it :angry:

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I imagine it is impossible to die of smoking heroin, to die you would have to inject yourself with it (unless you drank first and stayed awake long enough to take about £40 worth of the stuff). The stuff they get here is poor quality and doesn't burn well hence people here are more likely to od than their UK counterparts. It is a bit nutty that people seem to be taking heroin without knowing what to do in the event of an accidental overdose.


I do not take heroin but I know people who do, to me if they died it would be on a par with someone dying mountain climbing/yacht sailing/bungee jumping/etc etc risky hobbies.

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Isn't it obvious? Some people just don't know what's good for them? Usually the same ones that moan about nanny states then bitch about the government not doing enough to help junkies.


You are right. It comes from the government having control and interference in people's lives when it has no right to do so yet people could still do with education on things such as drugs. It need not come from the government and would it be sensible coming from the government when it simply rules that they illegal and punishable for taking?

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Isn't it obvious? Some people just don't know what's good for them? Usually the same ones that moan about nanny states then bitch about the government not doing enough to help junkies.


You are right. It comes from the government having control and interference in people's lives when it has no right to do so



so what are governments for?? and how have they got the right to interfere?? they make laws that in theory are for the best, and usually are well intentioned. but i don't agree that letting people spend their lives whacked out on whatever drug of the day at the rest of societies expense ( both financial and social ) is ok. if people want to work and contribute to society and spend the weekend vegetated, ok, ish. but government sponsored wasters should be on the stop list.

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so what are governments for?? and how have they got the right to interfere?? they make laws that in theory are for the best, and usually are well intentioned. but i don't agree that letting people spend their lives whacked out on whatever drug of the day at the rest of societies expense ( both financial and social ) is ok. if people want to work and contribute to society and spend the weekend vegetated, ok, ish. but government sponsored wasters should be on the stop list.


I don't see what business it is of government to dictate to these people. In terms of cost maybe stop the health service providing treatment but if someone wants to spend the day with a needle hanging out of their arm watching Jeremy Kyle then that is a matter of personal choice. Poor personal choice maybe, but personal choice non the less.


Government has already dictated that some drugs are good and therefore legal (alcohol) and some drugs are bad and therefore illegal (heroin) and that to me is poor priority given the destruction alcohol wreaks on many peoples lives and you can buy that at any corener shop and pay tax to the government for the privilige.


Its no bloody business of government what people do in their spare time, and the last thing we need are legions of more do-gooders paid by the government to police strategies that are fundamentally flawed and irrelevant to what actually happens in society.

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so what are governments for?? and how have they got the right to interfere?? they make laws that in theory are for the best, and usually are well intentioned.


To govern, and in practise have control and influence over the vast majority of the population. Laws are made as a small minority of privileged individuals think best. Sometimes they may be well intentioned, but there is no guarantee and it is irrelevant somewhat.


but i don't agree that letting people spend their lives whacked out on whatever drug of the day at the rest of societies expense ( both financial and social ) is ok.


The social aspect is a little difficult to comment on, certainly neither you or I have the right to place judgement on the social implications. They felt like they needed to escape by using drugs, and now they have become addicted. That's that. As for the financial side of things, I think you are quite right.


if people want to work and contribute to society and spend the weekend vegetated, ok, ish. but government sponsored wasters should be on the stop list.


I doubt the heroin users will be able to hold down a full-time job, I assume so anyway. Again, it is hard to place judgement on. I think it is silly to get cross about the financials when so much money is wasted by the government in the decisions they make. It isn't the fault of those claiming benefit or in trouble. It might have been that these users had full-time jobs, got addicted and couldn't work anymore. It might be that considering their education and upbringing they have few prospects or have little self-esteem and want to escape from it. I am only thinking of things off the top of my head but the financials do not bother me that much in consideration of their predicament. They did take the drug, it is their responsibility but there is a social responsbility in helping them and in recognising that maybe the world is today let them to take such bad choices.

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so what are governments for?? and how have they got the right to interfere?? they make laws that in theory are for the best, and usually are well intentioned. but i don't agree that letting people spend their lives whacked out on whatever drug of the day at the rest of societies expense ( both financial and social ) is ok. if people want to work and contribute to society and spend the weekend vegetated, ok, ish. but government sponsored wasters should be on the stop list.


I don't see what business it is of government to dictate to these people. In terms of cost maybe stop the health service providing treatment but if someone wants to spend the day with a needle hanging out of their arm watching Jeremy Kyle then that is a matter of personal choice. Poor personal choice maybe, but personal choice non the less.


Government has already dictated that some drugs are good and therefore legal (alcohol) and some drugs are bad and therefore illegal (heroin) and that to me is poor priority given the destruction alcohol wreaks on many peoples lives and you can buy that at any corener shop and pay tax to the government for the privilige.


Its no bloody business of government what people do in their spare time, and the last thing we need are legions of more do-gooders paid by the government to police strategies that are fundamentally flawed and irrelevant to what actually happens in society.


i don't have a problem with the personal choice aspect of life, but you should be able to finance the 'choices' yourself, and the choices should be legal. deliberately choosing to 'waste' your benefits on illegal expensive habits, should not be a choice that is allowed to be opted for, take peadophiles, they make a choice, is that ok?? exactly. not all choices, are options for the chooser to decide. there is plenty of choice in life without expecting the state to finance illegal activities that may be your choice. the more bad gear around the better, less drain on the system all round.

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I doubt the heroin users will be able to hold down a full-time job, I assume so anyway.


I think you'd be suprised - in recent years Heroin's demographic has changed with a lot of young professionals who have regular habits, but maintain their relationships and jobs.


Couple of quotes here:

"The stereotype of the strung out, skeletal crack addict has been held up against the seemingly benign, nodding heroin addict in a corner minding his own business, the demographic profile of the heroin addict has shifted in recent years, she said, with a sharp upturn in use by 18-to-24-year-old white male and females users, many from upper-middle class backgrounds. Many of the users are people with families and steady jobs that do not fit the profile of the stereotypical drug addict."


"The Glasgow Caledonian University study of 126 users of the class A drug found many were holding down normal jobs and relationships and passing exams."


How long you can maintain it though is another matter.

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I have it on good authority that another young person has been found dead from a drugs o/d on the Island!


Anybody else heard anything?

Maybe, maybe not?

More to this than meets the eye!

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As a young lad growing up in Douglas.. I remember the late 80's and there being loads of doss houses/flats full of smack heads! they had a regular meeting place in the lane between the strand cinema and the Ju-Di's shop... the one that had loads of graffiti in and was painted blue towards the end of it's life before it was developed and shifted a few yards north.


legalise all drugs, a lot of people will be buzzing, those that choose not to choose life will choose something else... their relations get to choose the finish of their future living quarters.

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Over the past twenty years or so on the Island I have lost count of the amount of young people who've started out , intelligent,confident,goodlooking,well dressed individuals who appeared to have had it all! And have ended up toothless .emaciated wrecks or worse,.

Leagalising drugs will only increase the amount of this shite available to young people and further increase the burden on the taxpayer.and the local community in general. IMO!

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Over the past twenty years or so on the Island I have lost count of the amount of young people who've started out , intelligent,confident,goodlooking,well dressed individuals who appeared to have had it all! And have ended up toothless .emaciated wrecks or worse,.

Leagalising drugs will only increase the amount of this shite available to young people and further increase the burden on the taxpayer.and the local community in general. IMO!


Why do you think that would be the result?

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