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Isle Of Man Makes The "whitelist"


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Any bets on what the VAT rate will be set at come December ?


I reckon 21%

With so few countries on the blacklist, the status quo is maintained really so the island isn't going to be any better off simply by being on the whitelist IMO. In fact more countries are going to expect to take that little more from us.


Still too much world pain to come yet too IMO. Maybe UK tax rises a year in December (more likely April 2011) earliest IMO.


We've had nothing but "this'll sort it all out" for 6 months now, so I wouldn't get all your hopes up just yet - especially as a lot of the latest $trillion isn't actually new money if you look at the detail.


I still predict a 15% drop in house prices here by November, and 1500 unemployed.

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I still predict a 15% drop in house prices here by November, and 1500 unemployed.



Not as bad as the last depression in 1984 when the avarage house cost about 30 grand and unemployment was 2500

I'm trying hard not to predict March 2010 yet ;)


Nah, at the moment I don't think house prices will be that bad, though there'll always be a few desperate sellers over the next year and we'll see a few bargains I suspect. I think unemployment will bottom out at 1500, stay there for nearly a year, and then return to closer what it was (500 unemployed, unemployable and ill) by around April 2011.


IMO people are making the mistake of not spending here at the moment, even though we are fairly buffered from the UK/ROW by about a year - and not spending here is eventually going to result in around 200 - 500 of those job losses. Fear is the key driver.

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Chief Minister Tony Brown said: 'We understand from reliable sources close to G20 that the Isle of Man is not on any blacklist, which of course is important news for the Isle of Man, it is very good news for the Isle of Man.


Did our Government really call a press conference to announce that it was rumoured that we aren't International Pariahs? WooHoo!

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Come on Declan, it is good news. As someone said above, the Treasury is to be congratulated and Malcolm Couch applauded. Hopefully, this now means that we are positioned not to be considered a pariah on the world stage.


Richard Murphy featured on Newsnight tonight.

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The lists are a smokescreen to deflect from the real issues. The so-called tax havens did not cause the current economic problems. One of the least regulated countries with appalling KYC and who employ idiots as regulators is the root cause of most of the problems... the US.

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We should all paint ourselves shiny white today to celebrate.


Those unable to access enough paint at such short notice may care to take a loaf of bread on the prom and feed the shitehawks who will doubtless provide a suitable thank you in return.


Let canons be fired, trumpets be sounded and joy unconfined.


Why I feel so happy, I shall give every street urchin and poor person I see today a bright new sixpence.

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But isn't this a case of a weak Government inventing a problem that could easily be fixed and then making a big song and dance about it. The more I see of Tony Brown the more out of his depth he looks.

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