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[BBC News] Teams set up to focus on children


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In addition, the taskforces are charged with making sure children and young people are "prospering" and "making a positive contribution".


What the heck does that all mean? How do they think they are going to make sure my kids prosper? Give them more pocket money or something?


This is the most peculiar Government announcement I have ever seen in the Isle of Man. If our kids are not breaking the law why does anybody think the cops should be involved?


Can anybody explain what this is all about???

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It's a rewording of Every Child Matters, the multi agency whatsit in the UK. The two you've mentioned are the equivalent of the 'achieve economic well being' and 'make a positive contribution (to society)' aims in the UK. I interpret them as equipping children with the education etc they need to get a job and function in society.


The multi agency part of it is developed from the Victoria Climbie inquiry which said that agencies, i.e. education, health, social services and police didn't talk to each other for fear of breaking confidentiality/data protection. So now they can which could build up a picture much sooner about a child in danger. This is not all of it but IMO it's the most important part of it.



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Can anybody explain what this is all about???


:As the opening speaker said "it is about the joined up local delivery of services . . . "


It seemed to me to be about an awful lot of people who are paid by the taxpayer having a bit of a buffet

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It really means that no bugger talks to any bugger else - so, they are spending even more money to make another group of people, who sit about and make reports and then never bother to pass them on to the other groups who make reports.


Next year a group will be formed to collect all these reports together and hide them from everybody - overseen by the joined up Gov. group who ensure that all the reports are collected together before they are hidden.

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I watched the video news clip.


No doubt the automatic window ventilation system at the peak of the Sefton Atrium was wide open, with all the hot air.

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It's a rewording of Every Child Matters, the multi agency whatsit in the UK


They are off their frigging rockers. Don't the politicians here read the newspapers? It was all over the press recently that these children's schemes in the UK don't work because social workers get snowed under with paperwork and can't see the wood for the trees.


A Needle in a Haystack


The Every child matters policy gave rise to a new philosophy, shifting the balance of child protection from a targeted service aimed at protecting the minority of children to making all services relating to all children adopt child safety as a central concern, with the clear message that every child must be protected ‘from the risk of harm’.


I.e. the Nanny State


Social workers and councils have been negligent, but more in failing to admit that a more heavily regulated, centrally-dictated version of the same is the last thing any of us – especially vulnerable children – actually needs.


I just don't get it. Why does the Isle of Man want to copy someone elses mistakes?

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In addition, the taskforces are charged with making sure children and young people are "prospering" and "making a positive contribution".


What the heck does that all mean? How do they think they are going to make sure my kids prosper? Give them more pocket money or something?


Just seems another reason for an IOMG qwango wank-fest. Burn another shed load of cash, get some consultants in, employ some more people to do absolutelky bugger, and in the process throw a few more heavily inflated salaries and pension costs onto that ever burning bonfire of government expense.

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Quite right too.


They just take time off their normal paid work to move some papers around, drink tea and shed some hot air ..while still getting paid for the other work they are not doing all the time they are sitting on their fat backsides slapping each other on the back for doing such a great job for the children.

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I watched the video again. Apart from the waitress dishing out the sarnies I couldn't identify anyone that wasn't getting paid by you and me.

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I watched the video again. Apart from the waitress dishing out the sarnies I couldn't identify anyone that wasn't getting paid by you and me.

I think you'll find she was being paid for by us - sarnies and waitresses to serve them, and venues, have to be paid for.


Overall I think this is probably a good thing - though whether it will work well is another matter. But anything that seeks to identify and stop a 'Baby P' or kids and kids in care from dying or suffering can't be bad surely? There's more of those near-sh1t events that happen on this island than most people would ever realise.

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I watched the video again. Apart from the waitress dishing out the sarnies I couldn't identify anyone that wasn't getting paid by you and me.


The new system does not employ any EXTRA people or cost any more than currently. They have just been moved geographically to work together in areas, and combine Police, Education, Social Services and others into teams.


Let's hope it works - instead of working in their own seperate areas, they work TOGETHER.


Anything wrong with that?

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Overall I think this is probably a good thing - though whether it will work well is another matter. But anything that seeks to identify and stop a 'Baby P' or kids and kids in care from dying or suffering can't be bad surely?


Albert, like you, Damien Green MP hadn't heard about Every Child Matters. Then one day the police raided his home and decided to investigate his family life just for the sake of it:


Millions Of British Children Asked Intimate Questions For Dangerous Psychological Database


When police raided Tory MP Damian Green’s home, they ‘sheepishly’ asked whether children were present before ransacking it. His wife assumed they were being polite. But, under sinister new guidelines, officers must assess all children they encounter – including while ‘searching premises’ . . . . .CAF includes eyewateringly intimate questions about children’s sexual behaviour, their family’s structure, culture and religion, their views on ‘discrimination’, their friends, secret fears, feelings and family income, plus ‘any serious difficulties in their parents’ relationship’.


ECM claims that nearly half of Britain’s 11 million children have ‘additional needs’, so must continuously be assessed for the giant database at the Government’s Department for Schools and Families.

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