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Editors Letter


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Yes, it is a bit of a stunt. But he will have to respond and, of course, we'll publish that response in full. Should be interesting.


Really? But then with just a budget to prepare in the midst of an absolutely appalling recession clearly a response will be top of his "Things To Do" list...

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That'll come back to bite the Island in the arse.


Stupid pointless crowing more worthy of a five year old in a playground, actually that's unfair to 5 year olds to compare them to a 'paper' that's more useful as an emergency arse wipe than a source of up to date news.


If I was Darling, I'd take one look at that and deliberately set out to see how I could make (legally) life much more awkward for the IOM.


Perhaps he already is.

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Dear Mr Darling,


My friend Johnny 5 is impressed with your flappy eyebrows, he wishes he could have one's like you.. that would make him feel more alive.

Please reply to my letter as it is better than the one sent to you by a newspaper editor from the Isle of Man, don't reply to his as that would make my day.


From James, Age 5.

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What diversionary tactics will the UK Government have now that Gordon has sorted out 'tax havens' at the G20? they'll have to think of something as the economic news from 'over' seems to be getting worse and worse.


We may soon have the IOMG describing the UK as 'a Banana Republic on the shores of the Irish Sea':


UK Deficit


UK public finances Lex FT

Published: April 6 2009 09:37 | Last updated: April 6 2009 16:15

Gordon Brown’s reputation for fiscal rectitude is as battered as a deep-fried Mars Bar. Diet-wise, that may soon be all anyone can afford. The prime minister’s costly divorce from Prudence will require years of public sector spending freezes, according to the Institute for Fiscal Studies’ latest assessment of the UK’s public finances.


Because of rising real spending on debt interest payments, tax credits and social security benefits, a freeze would require real cuts on schools, hospitals and other politically sensitive programmes. Failing that, taxes would have to rise an average of £1,250 per family.

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Dear Mr Darling


The Isle of Man thinks that you tell lies and that you stink of poo. My best mate also told me that your mum stinks of wee and that you have a big bum and look like Parker off the Thunderbirds.


Ner ner na ner ner ....


Love Richard

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Darling wont give a shit (if he gets to read it), these guys must get hundreds of letters each year from local rags.


Dick Butt should be praised, it will help sell the paper and it has created interest (hence this thread).


I this he should also follow it up with a letter to Obama (dont know if IOM newspapers have the budget for a stamp to get you to USA?)

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