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[BBC News] Bishop condemns 'fantasy wealth'


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He’s partially right, but goes nowhere near far enough.


The so called ‘rich’ nations especially the US and the UK are actually bankrupt. Their expenditure has exceeded their income for years and they have in essence run up huge bills with the suppliers of the goods that they have been importing and with no means of repaying them and now having to borrow to just service the debt.


This recession is 8unlike any recession in the past. It is not an event as a result of cyclic events in trade, it is a symptom that has resulted from the so called ‘rich’ nations having run to the end of their credit.


Now the ‘rich’ nations face a fire sale with the really wealthy nations buying the best bits of the UK and beyond in the form of investment, in reality buying the furniture and paintings in the ancestral home and leaving the building to its own devices.


We live in interesting times.

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The Bishop is quite right to point out that our materialistic, consumer society is unsustainable - in fact, the evidence is that it is not only unsustainable in anything other than the short run, but is also a distinctly unhealthy one. Witness the fact that the nations adhering to the Ango-American model of "Selfish Capitalism" i.e. USA, Canada, Britain, Australia & New Zealand (is the fact that they are all the main English-Speaking nations a co-incidence?) suffer rates of emotional disturbance such as Depression far in excess of those experienced in, for example, Western Europe. Maybe if the Bish wasn't speaking from a platform where he is at least perceived to be speaking from a privileged position as part of "the Establishment" then people might take more notice of him. As they might if the Church didn't insist on making itself an irrelevance in the modern world - the Churches have let us all down badly.


Perhaps he should also have made sure that his criticism was seen to be levied against the "Great and Good" as well as everyone else would have helped, too.

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The Bishop of Sodor and Man condemns digital wealth in a hard hitting Easter message to the island.


Source : http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/rss/-/1/hi/world/...man/7989261.stm



Who will rid us of these turbulent priests? - Bring back the druids.

Bring back Manannan - all the guy wanted was some reeds occasionally.

Bring back Atenism - Akhenaten was right, all hail the solar disk!

Actually lets build a proper Jedi temple - use it like a church and for martial arts training in full fancy dress up - be a hell of a tourist attraction.

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