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Yanks Take On The Pirates


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They haven't got a very good record on that - they usually end up crashing into each other and killing each other on the way, killing others on their side, and cocking things up generally.

Your usual complete and utter bollocks. Why am I not surprised?

Sod off PK - I'm getting to the stage where I don't even take your wankerisms seriously anymore.


I've worked with the f**kers, for starters they need three people to do the quivalent job in HM forces, and I don't spose you remember the Iranian hostage rescue and a few other debacles.

Ahhhh... so you mean the yanks! Well why didn't you say so? Think I'm a mind-reader or something????


I'm inclined to agree, but only because their tactic has always been to use overwhelming fire-power to protect their troops, which can be somewhat indiscriminate. In fact rather too indiscriminate sometimes.


Unfortunately the latest French effort has ended with the death of a hostage. But at least they are fighting back.

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Oh dear Albert "wankerism" Tatlock, wrong again.


Never mind, don't let the facts get in the way of your opinionated bollocks, eh???


So, no change there then...


Edited to add: probably a SEAL team. So how did a pirate survive? What are they teaching them these days...

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But can they do that without hostages being killed? That's the question.

They haven't got a very good record on that - they usually end up crashing into each other and killing each other on the way, killing others on their side, and cocking things up generally.



I take it you are referring to the infamous Operation Eagle Claw, carried out by the newly sanctioned but wholesale (until quite recently) denied to have exsisted Operational Detachment Delta or Delta Force.


There were anumber of factors that contributed to the failure of that mission. Very few of those were directly the fault of the Operators on the ground but in fact grade A FUBARs at C&C level.


Delta Force Operators were instrumental in establishing the tactics used in Aircraft boarding along with the SAS during the 80's that are still used today. Also it was Delta Force Operatives that deployed and trained British Forces in the use of Stinger AAM during the Falklands war.


I have served with many American serviceman and women and found them highly professional and dedicated.


Please do not base your opinion on Hollywood stereotypes.

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The pirates are only doing what they have been forced into.


For years now their once rich waters have been plundered by foreign fishing fleets, depriving them of a valuable resource and food source.


Nuclear waste has also been dumped in their seas, most likely of European origin. This has been washed onshore and caused death and sickeness in the coastal populations.


A bit like the IOM on both counts really, only much, much worse!

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The pirates are only doing what they have been forced into.


For years now their once rich waters have been plundered by foreign fishing fleets, depriving them of a valuable resource and food source.


Nuclear waste has also been dumped in their seas, most likely of European origin. This has been washed onshore and caused death and sickeness in the coastal populations.


A bit like the IOM on both counts really, only much, much worse!



Actually, tropical waters are seldom "rich", if by that you mean teaming with edible fish. Furthermore, fishing in these waters has traditionally been by dug-out canoe within the fringing reef. Subsistence level stuff.


And what evidence do you have that the East African coast has been affected by nuclear waste? Not saying you are wrong about the nuclear angle, but you aren't very clued up about tropical fishing.



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Actually, tropical waters are seldom "rich", if by that you mean teaming with edible fish. Furthermore, fishing in these waters has traditionally been by dug-out canoe within the fringing reef. Subsistence level stuff.


Yes Somalia's 3,000 + km of coastal waters are 'teeming' with edible fish such as tuna, mackeral, sardines etc and also lobster. You obviously don't know what you're talking about.



And what evidence do you have that the East African coast has been affected by nuclear waste? Not saying you are wrong about the nuclear angle, but you aren't very clued up about tropical fishing.


Do your own research you lazy git.

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I take it you are referring to the infamous Operation Eagle Claw, carried out by the newly sanctioned but wholesale (until quite recently) denied to have exsisted Operational Detachment Delta or Delta Force.


There were anumber of factors that contributed to the failure of that mission. Very few of those were directly the fault of the Operators on the ground but in fact grade A FUBARs at C&C level.


Delta Force Operators were instrumental in establishing the tactics used in Aircraft boarding along with the SAS during the 80's that are still used today. Also it was Delta Force Operatives that deployed and trained British Forces in the use of Stinger AAM during the Falklands war.


I have served with many American serviceman and women and found them highly professional and dedicated.


Please do not base your opinion on Hollywood stereotypes.


Chuck Norris always wins - so a hollywood stereotype would be the yanks always win the day and save the planet from the evil terrorists - no?

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I don't get why they don't enforce a convoy system.


Keep the merchantmen close to the navy boys. At the mo the navy ships are chasing their tails as they chase after an attack down south followed by one up north.


Make it so that the merchantmen can't get insurance unless they are in a convoy - any attack will have a destroyer bearing down on them within an hour of it starting. From what I understand it usually takes a few hours of weaving before the pirates can board - by then the navy will have arrived.


Do you mean convoy merchantmen or simply offer escorts while they are in the vicinity of the Horn?


I would suppose that convoying merchantsmen would be very difficult given the planning involved in coordinating ships, as ships are leaving their ports at different times and at different speeds. Speed will also be an issue in terms of cost. It would be more acceptable to get insurance than to order the slowing of ships to maintain convoy.

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Actually, tropical waters are seldom "rich", if by that you mean teaming with edible fish. Furthermore, fishing in these waters has traditionally been by dug-out canoe within the fringing reef. Subsistence level stuff.


Yes Somalia's 3,000 + km of coastal waters are 'teeming' with edible fish such as tuna, mackeral, sardines etc and also lobster. You obviously don't know what you're talking about.


Just lived there for half my life. If the waters are "once-rich", how come they are "teeming" now? Be consistent. The Somali and Swahili peoples have never done more than subsistence fishing, so claiming they have been deprived is absurd.


By the way, there are no lobster. Perhaps you meant the clawless crawfish. As opposed to the clueless Ringwraith.


And what evidence do you have that the East African coast has been affected by nuclear waste? Not saying you are wrong about the nuclear angle, but you aren't very clued up about tropical fishing.


Do your own research you lazy git.


So there isn't any evidence. Suspected as much.



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But can they do that without hostages being killed? That's the question.

They haven't got a very good record on that - they usually end up crashing into each other and killing each other on the way, killing others on their side, and cocking things up generally.

I have served with many American serviceman and women and found them highly professional and dedicated.


Please do not base your opinion on Hollywood stereotypes.

I wasn't. I've worked with quite a few too.

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It would be more acceptable to get insurance than to order the slowing of ships to maintain convoy.


Insurance will soon not be available, and premiums must already be very high.



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