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Yanks Take On The Pirates


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All they want is easy money, fair enough, I am not disputing that. You refer to these warring factions and pirates as if they are the same people. Are they? Is the fact that Somalia has warlords, pirates, and simply people who are more powerful than others in society an indicator of how much value Somalian's afford life. I don't think so. And to say again, when you talk of Western societies there are examples where the powerful use conflict and warfare, but it would seem from your line of thinking that this would indicate that western societies do not value life much. Though you argue the opposite.

Actually I think western societies have it simmering just below the surface in places like the Balkans. But it would now be unheard of in Germany just 70 years after the holocaust. IMHO of course.


Somalia is split along clan lines with clan leaders known as "warlords" because they are constantly at war with one another. On hearing of easy money to be made off the coasts do you really think powerful clan leaders wouldn't want a slice of the action?

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Here's why the Somalis aren't catching any fish. Their few trawlers are being used as pirate motherships:




Once they find that pirating is no longer profitable, they'll go back to fishing, and hopefully buy a few more fishing boats with the money they have plundered.


But don't hold your breath for that one.



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Here's why the Somalis aren't catching any fish. Their few trawlers are being used as pirate motherships:




Once they find that pirating is no longer profitable, they'll go back to fishing, and hopefully buy a few more fishing boats with the money they have plundered.


But don't hold your breath for that one.





Where, in the article you have linked, does it state that Somalian trawlers are being used as pirate motherships, and not for fishing?

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