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[BBC News] 16 teams confirmed for 'green' TT


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Tourism and Leisure Minister Martyn Quayle explained: 'We regret any inconvenience caused to the public by the extra practice time and hope that people will be sympathetic and will understand that we have taken these measures to facilitate this pioneering and groundbreaking event.


'There is a huge amount of global interest attached to the race that can bring significant economic and commercial benefit and prestige to the Isle of Man.'



Or are they sooper dooper top secret?

'We are working with the police to ensure that there is an effective traffic management process to minimise disruption to the travelling public. We will be particularly focused on Douglas and the surrounding areas.'


And what a superb job they did last time.

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There are a lot of people who love the TT. There are some who hate it. The rest are pretty indifferent. Expect those to join the "hate it" camp if they continue to try everyone's patience. Last year was a nightmare and people were rightly pissed at the balls up. They're obviously trying the Michael O'Leary/Ryanair method of managing this - see how many people you can piss off before it hits a critical mass and you stop getting away with it.

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I think I'll leave the car at home that week. I feel sorry for the poor bastards who will have to sit in this traffic though.




'We are working with the police to ensure that there is an effective traffic management process to minimise disruption to the travelling public. We will be particularly focused on Douglas and the surrounding areas.'


god help us.

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considering the dissabillity scooter riders also have to pilot a gas guzzler to be allowed to ride, it seems a bit daft to close for an extra hour. the riders will already have knowledge of the course. it seems the powers that be spout about green and success with one breath, but do everything to get folks against the wheeled dildo's with disruptions. considering all the grief last year when on ONE day an accident sent everything along the prom with the roads closed and the associated crowing after from politicians it seems madness to deliberately get rush hour on the prom during roads closed. the place is a goat fuck on the prom during rush hour with the roads open!!!! MQ will be safely tucked up at home in his mansion that replaced a delapidated cottage. would i get planning permission for such a large replacement building??? not fucking likely...

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I am a huge fan of the TT and have been coming over for the TT since 1976. I am what you would call one of the 'petrol heads'. I have been listening closely to developments regarding the green TT and thought that some of you may be interested in some of the facts that aren't shouted about too loudly.


The green TT is called TTXGP, it is not being organised as part of the TT, it is a totally separate event. It is being organised by a company called TTXGP ltd. The Manx Government have put £100,000 into the funding of this event.


There has been little enthusiasm shown from TT fans and riders in the TTXGP, this meant there was a shortage of riders signing up to compete in TTXGP, which led to the rules being changed at the last minute to allow Manx Grand Prix riders to compete without losing their eligibility for the Manx Grand Prix.

After the closing date for entries, and then press releases detailing all the teams and riders for TTXGP, it was realised that the Manx Grand Prix riders would still not be able to compete as there were only 2 practice sessions scheduled for TTXGP, not enough time to complete the required number of practice laps (not an issue for TT riders, as they will complete the required number of laps in other classes).

To try and save themselves from embarrassment, and the loss of £100,000 investment, the Manx Government have been left with no choice but to schedule the extra practice time for TTXGP, in order for the event to go ahead.


Many fans of the TT, including myself, are not opposed to new technology, and welcome the idea of developing alternative powered bikes. BUT, many of us are opposed to the way this has been approached, being organised by a limited company from London, trying to make money out the heritage of the TT.


TTXGP ltd, are promoting this event as the first zero emissions GP race, telling everyone how green it is. On their website, they are advertising corporate day trips from London on chartered flights to watch the event, and they are flying a 72piece orchestra over from London to a celebratory concert. Not too green in my opinion.


There has not been enough time for this event to be properly organised, leading to the issues we are now seeing. Not just extra road closures, but other issues including serious concerns over the safety of machines running extremely high voltages, and therefore the safety of Marshalls etc if these machines crash.


Many of us are as outraged as the Manx residents by these road closures. We respect the Manx residents and their tolerance of the TT. We have, over the last few years, accepted cuts in practice and cuts in the number of classes racing, because we know that in order for the TT to survive, the inconvenience to local residents has to be kept to a minimum.

The Manx Government are imposing these extra road closures, not for TT fans, but to save their own embarrassment and investment. The road closures will inevitably cause anger within the local community, and quite rightly so. But this anger will be aimed at the TT, with more calls for the TT to be stopped.


Please all be aware that this is not being done as part of the TT and is not wanted by many TT fans. This Green TT is a separate event, organised by a separate company. Please work with us on this and vent anger towards the TTXGP, not the TT.

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