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The Isle Of Man

Albert Tatlock

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But seriously...I would like to see us experiment politically with the use of the internet to allow a much truer democracy in which people could vote directly on matters of importance. Communications technology can allow much greater levels of participation. We have a tradition of "democracy" that we like to extoll - let's make the big move to giving everyone the chance to participate continuously not just at election times.
Anyone here remember the E-Habitat campaign?


There was a candidate for Michael for the Keys in the early eighties who used this in his manifesto, his name slips my mind, I think he was ahead of his time. He was unsuccessful and passed away shortly after the election.
Joe Rooney (Ramsey) 2001 General Election also.


Greater recognition of the value and use of the extended family.


China and other countries do this, the west doesn't seem keen.

The Isle of Man has fast become the antithesis of the obvious benefits to society of the extended family principle. To illustrate: for the price of buying four pints of lager, a quick shag at the back of Jimmy B's night club (or equivalent) has ensured many a local lass a home and income on the state for the rest of her and her wee spikey haired offsprings' life. Resulting in the near future that on this island there will be a far greater chance of young people unwittingly shagging their half brother/sister than there has ever been. And so it goes.
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I'm surprised Albert advocates it - say goodbye to your 'precious civil liberties' if this were to be enacted. The majority of voters have little interest/knowledge in most topics, giving them a vote on such would just lead them to impulse choices - pushed by lobbies.


Perhaps a system where people could vote to dismiss bills (in a majority have veto-style approach), would be more realistic.

I didn't advocate it, just specified how it could be done - there is a difference.


I'm just collecting the ideas and will summarise them later.

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