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Alliance For Natural Health


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I think its more than that - Mr Verkerk also says that taking supplementary vitamins etc far far in excess of what you'd recieve via eating natural food, and far in excess of current recommended daily doses will help your health.


That claim is, in my mind, highly dubious.

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Ah the mists of time roll back and I am transported back to halcyon school days.


I once asked the biology teacher if too many vits were bad for you and got an answer yes they can be and then something to do with Eskimos eating too much blubber as an example.


Happy days and such valuable knowledge.


Most useful when dining with Inuit, which to my eternal shame is not something I've actually experienced as yet.

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I’m looking forward to hearing what this guy has to say, I’ll judge him after I’ve heard him speak on the issues advertised.

Don't forget to ask him about contrails.


Don't you mean Chemtrails?

yes but I was starting with the neutral question first.

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Did this Dr Verkerk not go to Dara O'Braian? - I'm with the Irish comic on the merits of most 'natural health' remedies

Yakult - classic.

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An interesting article about a mathematical model attempting to throw some light on why people continue to use ineffective medicines.


One of the questions I find most curious is "why do people continue to do or use things that patently don't work?"


Many alternative treatments, from homeopathy to a variety of herbal remedies, have been shown to be ineffective—yet they persist, and, in many cases, have become big business. To understand why failure can be successful, a group of researchers have put together a mathematical model that accounts for how treatment decisions spread. This has allowed them to show that ineffective treatments are often more successful in society than efficacious alternatives.


The model is based on the extremely simple idea that, if I am sick, I will choose some action to try and make myself better. This action may or may not be efficacious, but regardless of that, I will have, in effect, demonstrated that treatment to my associates


The most ironic finding is that a very effective treatment has only a very short demonstration period, so it's very unlikely to spread unless the user continues to demonstrate it after they recover. In fact, if treatment abandonment rates are sufficiently low, harmful practices are the most effective in spreading through a population.


... all of the data shows a broad local maxima of spread located near an efficacy of zero (e.g., ineffective treatment), meaning that an effective treatment actually needs to be pretty good before it can spread.


... large portions of society have turned to various forms of snake oil for treatment, which this model goes some way towards explaining.


It also helps me understand why the meme of vaccine damage has spread. There are literally no demonstrators for the effectiveness of vaccination, making social learning difficult.

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Ah the mists of time roll back and I am transported back to halcyon school days.


I once asked the biology teacher if too many vits were bad for you and got an answer yes they can be and then something to do with Eskimos eating too much blubber as an example.


Happy days and such valuable knowledge.


Most useful when dining with Inuit, which to my eternal shame is not something I've actually experienced as yet.

Only the [polar bear] liver was not used, as its high concentration of vitamin A is poisonous. Hunters make sure to either toss the liver into the sea or bury it in order to spare their dogs from potential poisoning.


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It is great to see that this event has stimulated comments and debate. Being new to the Manx Forums I can see that many people on this forum have strong opinions and it appears that some have already made up their minds about the work of the ANH even before seeing Dr Verkerk speak.


I have genuine concerns about many of the subjects that Dr Verkerk will be addressing at the presentation, these have arisen during my own research into environmental issues and complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) (for further information on CAM see this web link http://nccam.nih.gov/health/whatiscam/) After following the ANH’s work and studying the website it is apparent that they are working towards sensible regulation and legal frameworks within the food industry and natural health care industry during this time of WTO/EU regulation. Their campaigns serve to promote individual freedom of choice in health matters. We can see that the ethics of the ANH are based on ‘good science and good law’ and this is why they have quality scientists and legal teams working on their behalf and with ethics such as these together with their success to date thus far shows they are a balanced and reputable organisation. I am therefore looking forward to meeting them in person.


The issues the ANH are bringing to the public's attention and working hard on all of our behalves to address in courts of law are relevant to everyone and I felt it was only right to act and invite Dr Verkerk to the island especially in the light of him being part of what seems to be an intelligent and non-profit organisation. I have not the time, money nor in depth knowledge to battle against such restrictive laws which may take away my/our personal choice in choosing unadulterated foods, non-GM foods, artificial fluoride free water and non-pharmaceutical options in health care. I and others wish to support and show appreciation for what the ANH do and stand for.


I have personally arranged this meeting, with the assistance of other concerned friends, at our own personal expense to provide a platform for Dr Verkerk to present his information to you - the island’s public - free of charge. Why not come along to the meeting first, listen to what Dr Verkerk has to say, ask questions afterward (if you like) and then make a report back here if you feel strongly enough.


I look forward to welcoming you on the night.

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Well said Scutelleria, and thank you for taking the time and trouble to organise this talk. I shall attend with an open mind, as I hope many others will do. -

It is great to see that this event has stimulated comments and debate. Being new to the Manx Forums I can see that many people on this forum have strong opinions and it appears that some have already made up their minds about the work of the ANH even before seeing Dr Verkerk speak.


I have genuine concerns about many of the subjects that Dr Verkerk will be addressing at the presentation, these have arisen during my own research into environmental issues and complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) (for further information on CAM see this web link http://nccam.nih.gov/health/whatiscam/) After following the ANH’s work and studying the website it is apparent that they are working towards sensible regulation and legal frameworks within the food industry and natural health care industry during this time of WTO/EU regulation. Their campaigns serve to promote individual freedom of choice in health matters. We can see that the ethics of the ANH are based on ‘good science and good law’ and this is why they have quality scientists and legal teams working on their behalf and with ethics such as these together with their success to date thus far shows they are a balanced and reputable organisation. I am therefore looking forward to meeting them in person.


The issues the ANH are bringing to the public's attention and working hard on all of our behalves to address in courts of law are relevant to everyone and I felt it was only right to act and invite Dr Verkerk to the island especially in the light of him being part of what seems to be an intelligent and non-profit organisation. I have not the time, money nor in depth knowledge to battle against such restrictive laws which may take away my/our personal choice in choosing unadulterated foods, non-GM foods, artificial fluoride free water and non-pharmaceutical options in health care. I and others wish to support and show appreciation for what the ANH do and stand for.


I have personally arranged this meeting, with the assistance of other concerned friends, at our own personal expense to provide a platform for Dr Verkerk to present his information to you - the island’s public - free of charge. Why not come along to the meeting first, listen to what Dr Verkerk has to say, ask questions afterward (if you like) and then make a report back here if you feel strongly enough.


I look forward to welcoming you on the night.

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