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[BBC News] Longer road closures for TT race


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Two things:


1. People on internet forums / down the pub, definitely me included, are great at coming up with solutions but actual govt is much more complicated.


2. We bitch and moan about the stuff which goes wrong. It is much easier to bitch and moan than to come up with actual solutions. Especially when the actual solutions will be unpopular. The TT thing is a classic example. Any solution will be a compromise because the TT is inherently controversial whatever is decided. Opinion will be divided. Anything which means something to people will be like that.


3. I expect that much of the govt is already posting here one way or another to some extent or via wives and husbands. Given that this is a democracy of the people. They are probably already here calling each other numptys and muppets.


4. We could do with a special internet forum month when we only talk about local stuff which is going great.


I'd strongly suggest we as a forum give serious thought to the next elections.


This latest incident is just typical


We appear to be governed by people who are unable to do the job and respond effectively to a situation.


Whilst that may well be true of governments elsewhere as well, it's in our hands here to effect a change.


In between the bitching and the lunancy, we seem collectively to be able to produce clearer solutions than the present bunch of incompetents.


Between us all, we have a good spread of business and other knowledge and a good platform.


Maybe it's time to look into using it.

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I'd strongly suggest we as a forum give serious thought to the next elections.


This latest incident is just typical


We appear to be governed by people who are unable to do the job and respond effectively to a situation.


Whilst that may well be true of governments elsewhere as well, it's in our hands here to effect a change.


In between the bitching and the lunancy, we seem collectively to be able to produce clearer solutions than the present bunch of incompetents.


Between us all, we have a good spread of business and other knowledge and a good platform.


Maybe it's time to look into using it.

a nice idea, but as can be seen by the latest interns, it doesn't take long for them to get put in line by the remaining establishment. and it aslo doesn't take long to work out where the butter and jam come from for the bread. unless you get rid of the majority, and the newbies are all singing from the same hymn sheet, nothing is really going to change. you just get more wankers who know what really goes on and stay stumm for their own cause.

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I'd strongly suggest we as a forum give serious thought to the next elections.


This latest incident is just typical


We appear to be governed by people who are unable to do the job and respond effectively to a situation.


Whilst that may well be true of governments elsewhere as well, it's in our hands here to effect a change.


In between the bitching and the lunancy, we seem collectively to be able to produce clearer solutions than the present bunch of incompetents.


Between us all, we have a good spread of business and other knowledge and a good platform.


Maybe it's time to look into using it.



If I remember rightly, we had a chance to do this at the last general election, but what happened then? The same bunch of useless t**ts (with one or two notable exceptions) were re-elected along with a few new faces who have subsequently proved to be as deeply entrenched in the trough as all the longservers.

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Anyone feeling bad now?


the 8 mgp riders who thought they'd get some extra practice laps?? you have to wonder why the rules were changed to allow them to enter in the first place?? surely there are enough proper TT riders to man a few C5's on steroids?


They opened up entry to MGP riders a few days before entries closed because a lack of interest from TT riders meant they did not have enough riders for the number of teams entered. (I believe only 15 TT riders are entered at present).


They have re-opened entries for TT riders to sign up, but I can't see why they would suddenly be interested now when they weren't before.

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I'd strongly suggest we as a forum give serious thought to the next elections.


This latest incident is just typical


We appear to be governed by people who are unable to do the job and respond effectively to a situation.


Whilst that may well be true of governments elsewhere as well, it's in our hands here to effect a change.


In between the bitching and the lunancy, we seem collectively to be able to produce clearer solutions than the present bunch of incompetents.


Between us all, we have a good spread of business and other knowledge and a good platform.


Maybe it's time to look into using it.



If I remember rightly, we had a chance to do this at the last general election, but what happened then? The same bunch of useless t**ts (with one or two notable exceptions) were re-elected along with a few new faces who have subsequently proved to be as deeply entrenched in the trough as all the longservers.


To be fair to the politicians, they have to contend with the advice being thrown at them by the civil service! Each department and departmental head seem to have their own agendas. They seem incapable of having a sensible discussion and appear incompetent managers. Out of their depth basically.


I was always tought never to speak when I should be listening, unfortunately our government bodies are far to busy talking when they should be listening! A good manager listens to all of the information available before making a decision, this lot seem to do the first thing that enters their head!

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To be fair to the politicians, they have to contend with the advice being thrown at them by the civil service!


To be fair to the mostly quite well educated Civil Service, they have to try to explain the world to a bunch a taxi drivers etc

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To be fair to the mostly quite well educated Civil Service, they have to try to explain the world to a bunch a taxi drivers etc


To be fair to taxi drivers, they are in some cases an articulate and intelligent sort who just got stuck in a state of under achievement whilst simply trying to prop up a parallel but ultimately doomed bid for aesthetically rewarding artistic success. One imagines it's often a heavy cross to bear.

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To be fair to taxi drivers, they are in some cases an articulate and intelligent sort who just got stuck in a state of under achievement whilst simply trying to prop up a parallel but ultimately doomed bid for aesthetically rewarding artistic success. One imagines it's often a heavy cross to bear.




Keyboarder for President of the Isle of Man......

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To be fair to the mostly quite well educated Civil Service, they have to try to explain the world to a bunch a taxi drivers etc


To be fair to taxi drivers, they are in some cases an articulate and intelligent sort who just got stuck in a state of under achievement whilst simply trying to prop up a parallel but ultimately doomed bid for aesthetically rewarding artistic success. One imagines it's often a heavy cross to bear.

and there's a few fit blonde ones too :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

I heard today (afternoon) that all this is back on. Mountain shutting at 4.00pm the rest of the course at 5.00pm?

Has anyone had any info or emails to confirm this?

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I heard today (afternoon) that all this is back on. Mountain shutting at 4.00pm the rest of the course at 5.00pm?

Has anyone had any info or emails to confirm this?


Heard the same thing (unofficially) tonight. How the Govt is going to backtrack without looking like assholes is beyond me.

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Heard the same thing (unofficially) tonight. How the Govt is going to backtrack without looking like assholes is beyond me.


They won't look like assholes though. They've actually made the general public look like right idiots for believing them and there cock and bull story that they won't be shutting the roads any earlier.


It just shows you what lengths the Government will go to, just to calm the masses and quell public outrage though eh?


They announce road closures that nobody is happy with, (pro and anti TT suppporters).

They then say "oops" everyone is up in arms about these earlier road closures, lets's tell Joe Public that they aren't going to happen now and then a couple of weeks before the TT we'll hit the general public with the earlier road closures again, and there won't be anything they can do about it.


They've just made the people of the Island look like right numptys and they'll get away with it.


Ah well, let's hope it's all hearsay.........................

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