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[BBC News] Longer road closures for TT race


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I think that the TT should be stopped completely. It is an inconvenience to me. In South Africa, we would not allow this on public roads. Why can't they build a racetrack or something?

I stick with spitting images opinion of South Africans

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I'm sorry but it is a hassle. My house is on the course and I am trapped in all day or have to make plans to stay out all day. Also, the TT just encourages "petrolheads" who think it is fun to see if they can overtake cars whilst causing danger to other road users. What is the deal with these guys?


I'm sure it is a hassle, and I and most TT fans sympathise and are grateful to the people living in areas cut off during racing and practice. I too have problems during the road closings, but I suppose I accept it more readily.


There is the argument that the TT has always been there, of course and your argument should be with the estate agent?


The other argument that the TT is out of step with modern life, to me is infuriating. I think that modern life should take a long hard look at itself and see what the TT and it's ilk gives to life in general!


I won't defend idiotic riding though, I believe, in fact I know that the vast majority are sensible, but there are some total tossers and they need stamping on!

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It was the TT Marshals Association promoting marshaling, hardly trying to advertise the TT!


I know there are a minority who don't like the TT, why should it finish to suit their selfish attitude? It's been around a hundred and two years, what makes things different now, other than the me me me know all attitude that prevails today? A great many people get tremendous pleasure from the event, if you don't like it, go and live somwhere that doesn't have anything going on that distubs your sad idylic little lives!


I don't like a lot of things about this Island (born and bred here), but I don't want anything to change just to suit me, I have a choice, so do you!


They had the TT cups there on display, hows that promoting marshalling?


I'm not impressed with "if you dont' like it, leave" really. Not very public spirited is it? I'm not that bothered by the TT itself as it happens, it's on closed roads and they can do what they like to themselves, its what the supporters get up to on open roads that I object to.


My perception is though that the event is struggling, struggling to attract fans, struggling to attract marshals and struggling to attract teams and riders. In your opinion is the event growing or declining in popularity?


It's definately growing in poularity. Worldwide interest is greater than ever through the media, rider interest etc. The event sponsorship is first class and worthy of any great international event.

I think that it is more of a perception that it is struggling in those areas, they have to maintain marshaling levels and people retire or give up so they need to constantly attract new people. They have to be applauded for taking an initiative. as far as the racing is concerned, this year promises to be the best for years, with more than twenty newcomers and some returnees.

The fact thet the current world champion is giving the event his endorsement is big news in the motorcycling world!

Quite how many visitors there will be this year, in view of the economic downturn, remains to be seen. I am dealing with people from Japan who are visiting the Island outside of TT time but just want to come because of the history of the event and are coming especially for the experience. I have noticed quite a few bikers visiting the Island over the past few weekends also.

There are problems of course, some of them political, some technical but that will always be the case.


The fact is, and I know we never seem to see official figures, that the TT is a huge economic benefit to the Island. You only have to assume that each of the 45,000 visitors spends £600 each, that will be minimum, just add that sum up and tell me that it's not worth that cash injection directly into local businesses? The island would be a poorer place without it and many businesses would be unsustainable! I can't think of anything that could replace the TT and give the benefits that it does, even the social benefits to residents and people involved would be hard to replace!

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I'm sorry but it is a hassle. My house is on the course and I am trapped in all day or have to make plans to stay out all day.

Assuming that


a: you are serious

b: not a sockpuppet or troll

c: not taking the piss


I would like to point out that TT was run before you moved into your house and maybe that would have been something to consider when choosing where to live. I've heard that old song too many times and it always makes me shake my head...


It's two weeks a year, a few days to run one of the greatest events on earth - get over it, get to the beer tent, stop being miserable.

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It was the TT Marshals Association promoting marshaling, hardly trying to advertise the TT!


I know there are a minority who don't like the TT, why should it finish to suit their selfish attitude? It's been around a hundred and two years, what makes things different now, other than the me me me know all attitude that prevails today? A great many people get tremendous pleasure from the event, if you don't like it, go and live somwhere that doesn't have anything going on that distubs your sad idylic little lives!


If it's the Marshall Assoc, or even the TT Fanclub trying to pimp their event I don't see where there's a problem.


You ask what's different between now and the last 102 years. Well, over the years the way we live our lives has changed, fewer people earn their living from tourism and more commute into town, and there are more residents. So the TT has a greater impact on more people who don't benefit from it now than it has in the past.


Does it mean the TT can't co-exist with the modern Island? I don't see why not. Until the last three or four years there's been trade-off the Government tried to minimise the inconvenience for the locals and the festival element made it attractive for all and a balance was achieved - the TT was a pain at times but there was enough going on that made it worth putting up with.


Recently though we've had -


- the CM advising people to leave work early during the dire Centenary TT

- the debacle of last years MGP which we were advised by the Governemt was unavoidable

- the whole farce of the extra practices for the Green TT

- the damning coroner's report into the spectator's deaths (ie the Govt Amatureness)

- the quality of music acts has declined

- they are cancelling the fair

- cancelling the Prom entertainment


So the inconvenience has increased, and the positive aspects have decreased. If that's going to continue is the TT still worth it hassle? Personally, I think give them a chance to turn it around, but at the moment they're failing dismally.

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I'm sorry but it is a hassle. My house is on the course and I am trapped in all day or have to make plans to stay out all day.

Assuming that


a: you are serious

b: not a sockpuppet or troll

c: not taking the piss


I would like to point out that TT was run before you moved into your house and maybe that would have been something to consider when choosing where to live. I've heard that old song too many times and it always makes me shake my head...


It's two weeks a year, a few days to run one of the greatest events on earth - get over it, get to the beer tent, stop being miserable.



I paid good money for my house and if I don't like the TT I reserve the right to complain about it. BTW what are you meaning by "sock puppet"?

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I paid good money for my house and if I don't like the TT I reserve the right to complain about it. BTW what are you meaning by "sock puppet"?


You bought a house on the TT course & then complain about TT - bit like buying a house at the airport and then complaining about planes...



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If it's the Marshall Assoc, or even the TT Fanclub trying to pimp their event I don't see where there's a problem.


So the inconvenience has increased, and the positive aspects have decreased. If that's going to continue is the TT still worth it hassle? Personally, I think give them a chance to turn it around, but at the moment they're failing dismally.


It's not a problem, it's just that combined with stuff like the downers on your list, it makes the TT, to me, look like something that's fighting for survival rather than something that's healthy and growing.

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My perception is though that the event is struggling, struggling to attract fans, struggling to attract marshals and struggling to attract teams and riders. In your opinion is the event growing or declining in popularity?


Fans.... not really just this year will be due to the obvious. Marshals yes but that's only down to recent legal ramifications from past accidents. Teams and Riders, I've seen no suggestion of this, it's got a pretty decent line up from what I've seen.

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I'm sorry but it is a hassle. My house is on the course and I am trapped in all day or have to make plans to stay out all day.

Assuming that


a: you are serious

b: not a sockpuppet or troll

c: not taking the piss


I would like to point out that TT was run before you moved into your house and maybe that would have been something to consider when choosing where to live. I've heard that old song too many times and it always makes me shake my head...


It's two weeks a year, a few days to run one of the greatest events on earth - get over it, get to the beer tent, stop being miserable.



I paid good money for my house and if I don't like the TT I reserve the right to complain about it. BTW what are you meaning by "sock puppet"?


Feel free to complain, but I reserve my right to complain about moaners expecting to be taken seriously after putting themselves in the position they are in!

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I paid good money for my house and if I don't like the TT I reserve the right to complain about it. BTW what are you meaning by "sock puppet"?


You bought a house on the TT course & then complain about TT - bit like buying a house at the airport and then complaining about planes...





agree totally with the concept of what came first, but that doesn't stop people buying a house and then wanting everyone around to change to suit them. i recall a few years ago that someone bought a nice house in the country near a farm, when the midden started getting filled at the time of year animals were in doors, the 'smell' they got when the wind was in their direction annoyed them, and i think the farmer lost the argument in court courtesy of expensive lawyers. i can't recall the actual verdict though, i just thought is was taking the piss. same with planes, and trains. the thing these days is an airport and even a railway line have had increases in traffic over the years, what was one dozen flights a day. is now 60, so the intesity/frequency of the noise goes up which is what brings out complaints. not so bad if you work days and the planes are daytime only, but if you shift work or trains and planes are mnoving at night, it can be tiresome. as it happens the folks of castletown can look forward to quieter days courtesy of the mismanagement down there.

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