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[BBC News] Longer road closures for TT race


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How ridiculous is this government getting! To put on a 'green' TT they will cause hundreds or even thousands to sit in gridlocked traffic with engines running for hours!!! How ironic is that???? Balance that carbon footprint!!!!


Urgh, are people really this daft to make that sort of connection? This isn't a 'green tt' in terms of footprint of the event, it's an event designed to attract development into zero emission development. Is that so hard to grasp?


I understand the frustration, but it highlights the dangers of car addiction, adding an hour to everyone's journey time and it's the end of the world. Bring a book to work and have a sit on the prom after for an hour, grab a coffee, go for a walk, have a beer, chill. Does everyone HAVE to go home at 5pm?


I think it's a shame this new event is taking the brunt of the bad will.

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I think it's a shame this new event is taking the brunt of the bad will.

I agree - listening to the emails and texts on the Stu Peters' program on MR this lunchtime you begin to realise how objectionable many newish come-overs are, couldn't care less about the Island, just self, self and self. Sod 'em all - let's hire a big ferry and ship them all back where they belong :angry: !

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I understand the frustration, but it highlights the dangers of car addiction, adding an hour to everyone's journey time and it's the end of the world. Bring a book to work and have a sit on the prom after for an hour, grab a coffee, go for a walk, have a beer, chill. Does everyone HAVE to go home at 5pm?


More to the point why should the people who's taxes fund the T.T. have to turn their lives around for these events. Why isn't the onus on the T.T. to fit in around the people who subsidise it.


What about those of us who don't drive? Our buses are caught in traffic just as much as car people are.

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More to the point why should the people who's taxes fund the T.T. have to turn their lives around for these events.

It's quite obvious to even the least-evolved earthworm that those who object the most don't in fact have a life at all!

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The problem is that the government have made this announcement when there are only about six weeks to go. Has no one in the DTL heard of forward planning?

This shows a total disregard for those who really make the TT races work - the marshalls, the medical staff and others who give up their time to make it all possible. Mr Quayle and his dept have simply pissed on them from a great height.

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@slim, you meant governors not signpost i believe? but expecting a large number of people to have a walk ( till 9 o'clock?? ) is not really practical. bottom line is MQ has fucked up, if the CMO says it is not workable for his staff/workers, then it won't happen. it will be interesting to see what 'new' situation or considerations come to life to allow MQ to U turn and unfuck himself. just shows the cluelessness of the 'man'??

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Urgh, are people really this daft to make that sort of connection? This isn't a 'green tt' in terms of footprint of the event, it's an event designed to attract development into zero emission development. Is that so hard to grasp?


I think it's a shame this new event is taking the brunt of the bad will.



So to encourage zero emissions we choke the streets of Douglas with car fumes. Whichever slant you look on it it is a crap way of encouraging development of better technology. It is a 'green' race and the emphasis on the publicity is highlighting that aspect of it - to try and sell it otherwise is daft in itself.

Why don't we encourage zero emissions on the Isle of Man by scrapping the TT altogether then?


This event is the CAUSE of the bad will on this site!!

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I think I will struggle to marshal the practices this year trying to get out of work at 4pm every day will grow thin or reswult in no lunches sadly

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I understand the frustration, but it highlights the dangers of car addiction, adding an hour to everyone's journey time and it's the end of the world. Bring a book to work and have a sit on the prom after for an hour, grab a coffee, go for a walk, have a beer, chill. Does everyone HAVE to go home at 5pm?



I would be quite happy to sit on the prom and read a book, chill out and forget about my chaotic life for a few hours, but when you have to work full time with three children and a husband who works a ridiculous amount of hours TT week, it is going to be tough. I am a pretty tolerent person and have never had any problems with the TT before, however I work in Onchan, I have to pick my children up in Glen Vine and I live in Kirk Michael. I will be unable to get home until the roads open. This is a massive inconvenience to me and probably loads of others in similar positions. I suppose I could pay the child minder an extra few hours until the roads open, but why should I, why should I have to lose money because of the TT? I cannot walk to work, I cannot take a bus, I have to take my car.


But I can moan and moan, but it's going to happen and I suppose I will just have to deal with it, but I am really not looking forward to it at all.


I suppose I could take a portable DVD player and a picnic and turn my car into a mini cinema until the roads open. :D Still won't be much fun - 3 kids couped up in a car for several hours = nightmare

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I suppose I could take a portable DVD player and a picnic and turn my car into a mini cinema until the roads open. :D Still won't be much fun - 3 kids couped up in a car for several hours = nightmare


The TT and idiotic local politicians were roaming the Island long before anyone on these forums was born.


What would be worse - stuck in traffic in an inner city in the UK or on the IOM?


Take the kids for a walk, it'll do 'em good. If the weather's bad then there's no practice.

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Take the kids for a walk, it'll do 'em good. If the weather's bad then there's no practice.



cunning plan - that's me and my modern lazy bastard approach - the first thing I think of is a DVD player, when it could be quite an adventure up barregarroo with the boys. lets off road!!

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I understand the frustration, but it highlights the dangers of car addiction, adding an hour to everyone's journey time and it's the end of the world


It's not an hour.. it's more like 2 or 3!

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Take the kids for a walk, it'll do 'em good. If the weather's bad then there's no practice.



cunning plan - that's me and my modern lazy bastard approach - the first thing I think of is a DVD player, when it could be quite an adventure up barregarroo with the boys. lets off road!!

where in KM do you live? i agree you should not be put out, but if you are seaward of the death race circuit it should be a short trot along the old railway line to get home minus the car?? perhaps an underpass between slieucurn and the road of the muddy river would help??

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I suppose I could pay the child minder an extra few hours until the roads open


There you go. Problem solved. Wasn't that difficult was it ?


I find it hard to believe that all these people who are convinced that they are the lifeblood of the IOM's finance sector can't effectively plan around a minor event with more than 6 weeks' notice.


For 90% of the whingers there's probably an alternative route or a better way to get to and from work, but God forbid they'd have to get out of their single-occupancy 4x4's and actually think about anything other than themselves for a couple of days.


Motorsport brings a lot of cash into the island & keeps a lot of local businesses afloat, not to mention hoteliers, pubs and homestay suppliers. It raises the profile of the island, brings in tourists year-round and supplements the money you pay in tax, rather than taking it away.


As usual, a few minutes delay and people are whinging. Makes you realise how over-indulged and parochial the people really are over here - go to any large town in the UK and traffic delays are a nightly occurrence.


Here, even when given 6 weeks before a world-class event to think about getting on a bike, moped, bus, car-share, horse-tram or train, the whingers just look for any opportunity to vent their little parochial spleens at the fact that change is happening. Makes you ashamed to be living here.

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