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[BBC News] Longer road closures for TT race


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I'm a big fan of the TT, but I think the roads closing earlier is way out of order and this will only alienate more people and give the anti TT brigade more ammunition.

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The annual TT Races are still a blue riband event with international kudos, and the Mountain Course is seen as the toughest test of bike and rider in the world. That's why the electric bikes are taking part in the TT this year. I expect the purists would have preferred this to be a BSB support race at Donington or Brands Hatch, but we'd all be screaming that 'our useless Government had missed a trick' again.


TT is synonymous with the IOM. To say you raced a Duracell ZX100AMP on the S100 course or (even) the MGP wouldn't generate the same press interest. IF the PR people do their jobs properly, this will be TV news around the world in June, and we'll be seen as innovators and green champions. It'll be a positive/good news story for the island and allow people to realise we're not just a sunny tax haven with kippers and cats.


Next year it won't be the world's first major motorsport event to run on alternative power, so you could hold it in my back garden for all it will matter. 5 or 10 years from now it'll be considered routine.


Planes - the pros and cons of road racing here are a whole other thread, which will probably be split 50/50 between those for and those against. Personally I find TT a bit of a pain, inconvenient, the place too full of smelly visitors and loony bikers, and with entertainment that leaves me cold. But should it continue - hell yes! For as long as people are prepared to enter the races and volunteers are prepared to be messed about by the organisers. I don't think this latest SNAFU was anything other than a late realisation that there was a problem.

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Just like the Mountain Road was going to be only one way for one year? I can see this practice extension if "succesful" becoming permanent. If not for "green" bikes then other clasees.


I can live with it for this year just like the majority of people in the IoM will but as I said I can see it becoming permanent. Traffice will not be as bad as people anticipate as many will try get home early. I will close work early to enable my staff to get home although I am not happy about it as it will cost me financially and ultimately the IoM due to a drop in tax income.


My wife and family will not be happy as presumably after school clubs will be curtailed and depending where you live going to visit friends after school and stay for tea will be nocked on the head etc.


I live in Glen Vine and I would like to (A) start a sweep stake to see how long it takes to get home if I leave work in Douglas at 5:30 on one of the practice nights. (B) Invite Quayle and Hannay to accept a lift from myself or another member of the public from say the main Douglas car park to Glen Vine or Tromode to see for themself the problems that it is causing if that proves to be the case.



My understanding is that next year it'll be run during MGP anyway - so isn't it worth us all getting behind it for just 4 evenings for the good of our island??
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The electric event is the main event IMO. I hope that they change their minds about moving it to GP week since I think it deserves to be promoted centre stage. Done well and allowed to grow it surely has a bright future - with additional classes and races ultimately being added. It has the potential to attract a completely different crowd.

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I guess people will always have entrenched views about this.


My point is that if the Govt want to get some of the detractors on side, there are ways and means of going about it. Blanket edicts of "this is the way that it is, deal with it" don't help, IMHO.


The public will muddle through as usual....but there will come a time when the good will disappears.

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Can see these earlier times being revisited in the next few weeks - I suspect too many marshals and first aiders won't be able to do it, so they'll have to reverse the decision - pure and simple.


Agree. I certainly can't get out of work that early and would guess this is going to be a great big sticking point.

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where in KM do you live? i agree you should not be put out, but if you are seaward of the death race circuit it should be a short trot along the old railway line to get home minus the car?? perhaps an underpass between slieucurn and the road of the muddy river would help??


The difficulty I have here is that although I live in Kirk Michael (on the sea side of the track) my kids are looked after in Glen Vine. So I have to go from work in Onchan, along the prom, round by the nunnery or whatever way to get to the access road, through the access road and eventually after about two hours will get to Glen Vine. Here I will pick up the kids, so I have two choices now, go the Baldwin way and get as far as Barregarroo cross roads and stay there till the roads open, or......go from Glen Vine, back through the access road to Douglas and then go the back way through Foxdale and Peel as far as Glen Wyllin, and then I will be able to get home (it's not much fun pushing a pram up that steep windy path to the railway line)


What I think is pretty sad is that is seems that some people think that this is an acceptable inconvenience and I shouldn't moan - just accept it. I'm sorry but this is a complete pain in the ass and why should I have to go through this just to get home.


Oh and by the way I am not a comeover, or a stayover, I am a Michael girl through and through and living in the mighty sheading has never been a problem during the TT fortnight really until now.


Having said that the roads will probably be open by the time I have fought my way to Glen Vine, and then back from Glen Vine to Douglas and then from Douglas to Kirk Michael, because it will take several hours no doubt.


Still a massive pain in the but though.

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big pain as you say, still looking for the positive, could your kids be transported to marown school for you to pick up?? no need for the access road then so the biggest delay is over. just a whip down from the braaid and back up. i would avoid mines road too unless they have a warden on traffic duty there, quicker to go via ballasalla or st marks and have right of way in foxdale. the fact that the CMO said medical staff can't make the times ought to put a big spanner in the works anyway, and even some marshalls are complaining so i still expect it to be altered. even 1/2 an hour could make the difference for things to 'work'??

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Maybe what this thread highlights is the growing divide and increased factionalism of those pro and anti the TT.


I think to some extent this is understandable as more people than ever now live on the island, and more and more vehicles clutter our roads. Add to this as a previous poster pointed out our over dependence on these vehicles so any disruption now puts massive strain on a road network with little spare capacity. Other factors add to this like more and more housing developments inside the course, poor public transport, and even a growth of personal intolerance and understanding that seems to permeate society these days. Lastly none of this is helped by many perceiving the TT's importance being on the wane, and that possibly visitor numbers or at least the length of their stays reducing. This is not helped by the bad press the injuries and deaths generate, and the fact that every year less and less of us work in an industry like tourism which directly benefits from the TT.


So as far as I can see this leaves us with an increasing, and increasingly, bitter divide between those who are pro and those who are anti the races (and Stu is right here the divide has nothing to do with some xenophobic notion only "come overs" complain). This is very sad and not to mention worrying for the future of the event.


Pro race fans should be very wary of writing off others complaints with such come backs as "well there is a boat in the morning", "the TT has been around for years", or the likes of "you just have to put up with it \ walk etc". Why, well because it is unlikely to win anyone over to their cause, and worse it can actually increase opposition to the event. The opposition is ok when it is a silent minority, but if it grows and becomes more vocal then the event will have problems as it does rely on the good will of the residents to be successful. On the flip side others do need to try and be a bit more accommodating and understanding of a event that still has financial benefits to all, and that many still do enjoy. Surely this is worth some inconvenience.


On the point of the increased practice times my feeling is that is a massive PR disaster by the government. It has done nothing but annoy certain people and increased opposition to the whole event. I can't help that there must have been better ways to handle this.


Lastly a question to Stu how exactly is the Green race worth "millions" to the island? Sure it will generate some positive PR (for an event that always generates bad tabloid PR), but how is that going to physically bring millions into the island?

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big pain as you say, still looking for the positive, could your kids be transported to marown school for you to pick up?? no need for the access road then so the biggest delay is over. just a whip down from the braaid and back up. i would avoid mines road too unless they have a warden on traffic duty there, quicker to go via ballasalla or st marks and have right of way in foxdale. the fact that the CMO said medical staff can't make the times ought to put a big spanner in the works anyway, and even some marshalls are complaining so i still expect it to be altered. even 1/2 an hour could make the difference for things to 'work'??


Sorry folks, you've had a year to organise something, this happens annually and the change of times has been advertised with plenty of warning. Just tell the boss you need to get off early and the carers you will pick up the kiddies early. Or book holidays and enjoy the racing. I know it's inconvenient but the bosses et al will know it and compensate for it. It's only 4 evenings.

I do feel it will be changed though.

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how exactly is the Green race worth "millions" to the island? Sure it will generate some positive PR (for an event that always generates bad tabloid PR), but have it that going to physically bring millions into the island?


It has a potential long term future expanded as a tech / industry event attracting a completely different crowd. The TT began life a tech event of the Edwardian era and was an industry event back in its heyday.

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Hmm. Well travel wise, it doesn't bother me because I live and work on the outside of the course and already go the 'detour' way home back to Peel (because it's fun and I love driving over the potholes on the Archallagan road and consequently trying to avoid farmers/mums in their 4x4/people carriers who don't know how to keep to the left). I can see why it might pose a problem to some though. I reckon I might start a creche (sp?) in a chain of hot air balloons so I can drop everyone where they need to be. I'd make a packet. I was speaking to someone vaguely important in the TT set up and he says he can't see the roads closing that early happening anyway, so all the 'expressing of views' and spouting on here and iom online will have been for nothing. There's nothing us lot like better than a good old moan. For my two pennies worth, bring back morning practises. I miss being woken up in the morning by them. In fact, I'd move back to KM just for the week to hear them. :)

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how exactly is the Green race worth "millions" to the island? Sure it will generate some positive PR (for an event that always generates bad tabloid PR), but have it that going to physically bring millions into the island?


It has a potential long term future expanded as a tech / industry event attracting a completely different crowd. The TT began life a tech event of the Edwardian era and was an industry event back in its heyday.

Or, as is more likely to happen, will some of the other circuits across pick up on this if its a success and set up rival events with the added advantage of much reduced travel costs, increased safety, etc.


Don't get me wrong I am not against the idea. However to claim it is worth millions is I think maybe being wildly optimistic.

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People don't do the TT just to race, they can do that nearer to home anywhere in the world. They come to the TT, the most challenging road race in the world run over roads that are our front streets and routes to work and school.

The very idea of what the TT is about sends chills down the spines of every bike racer in the world.

Why wouldn't someone wanting to promote an engineering principle not want to do it on the most famous racing circuit possible?

It will be worth millions to the island, eventually.

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