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we agree that in ilse of mann we needin £2000 scrappage

but £2000 for every mhk we scrappin

chef want scrap mr bell firs

corse mr kong worri lot

he say mr bell soon be payin everyone such big Tax Credit that nobodi want cheep workin


i disgree

i think mr bell hav verri good idea

all citizen collec money from tax man insted of payin

reely wanderful


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Is scrappage a good idea?

  • Chances are that people would buy a German, Czech, Spanish, French, Korean or Japanese car.
  • If they buy one made in the UK it will in the main be from a company whose parent is Indian, German, Japanese or American (these days the biggest British owned manufacturere is Mogan).
  • You get rid of your car that has already suffered its massive depreciation, get £2,000 to offset from the cost of a new one then drive off the forecourt and collect at least £3 -4,000 of depreciation on the spot.
  • The there's the environmental impact of scrapping an old car and building a new one (estimated to be about 33% of the total CO2 emissions caused by cars (unless you buy a Prius in which case it is more)).
  • What's the betting the motor trade will try to minimise discounts because of 'scrappage'?
  • Overall if money is being handed out could it be more usefully employed?

I have a 12 year old car that I have had serviced regularly. It has clocked up about 10,000 miles per year. It has finished its depreciation cycle (its probably worth close to zero now). It is comfortable. It drives well. (Touch wood) it is reliable. If I hand it in for £2,000 presumably it would be scrapped - what a waste of resources and energy. And then I'd have to get a loan from one of the wanks to buy the next one, £2,000 or not.

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It's a bloody stupid idea. The government are on one hand taxing cars hard to encourage alternatives, and on the other thinking of subsidizing their purchase through a scrappage scheme? Really hasn't been thought through.


Discount alternatives, but don't encourage people to throw away perfectly good things.

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If the UK introduces the £2000 old car scrappage scheme, will it happen here also ?


No. Why would it? We are not the UK has anyone not told you that?


If he thought we were the UK, there would have been no need for his question.



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