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Gates' $750m Vaccination Pledge


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"Bill and Melinda Gates “Foundation.” Gate’s trillionaire status is based on a nasty little monopoly-protecting trade treaty called “TRIPS” – the Trade-Related Intellectual Property Rights rules of the World Trade Organization. TRIPS gives Gates a hammerlock on computer operating systems worldwide, legally granting him the kind of monopoly the Robber Barons of yore could only dream of. But TRIPS, the rule which helps Gates rule, also bars African governments from buying AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis medicine at cheap market prices."


Bill is a big pharma player

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I see the quote but I don't see the source. I also don't quite see the point.


Microsoft has a virtual monopoly, which is helped by WTO rules. WTO rules prevent African countries from buying medicine at knock down prices. But do Microsoft actively support this particular policy? Or is the only connection between Microsoft and African medical problems the fact that both are affected by WTO rules?

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TRIPS works in favour of the Big (western) Pharma companies by blocking third world access to cheaper generic pharmaceuticals.... This $750m will be spent on US/Western Pharma... And who's a big shareholder/patent holder in these companies? Why Bill Gates of course.



I'm in the grip of the morrin

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Don't get me wrong here I applaud what he's done (something’s better than nothing)... BUT he could do more.


I mean what's $750million to someone who has a 55billion dollar fortune... 1.5%???


what percentage of your salary did you give towards the Tsunami Aid effort this Christmas??


He probably spends more on lawyers fee's....

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I mean what's $750million to someone who has a 55billion dollar fortune... 1.5%???


what percentage of your salary did you give towards the Tsunami Aid effort this Christmas??


Salary and fortune are two different things. You could almost say that the 55billion is his net worth.


So, with that in mind, did you come anywhere near 1.5% of the value of your house, car, possessions and bank accounts in donations?


I don't hate Microsoft. I don't really like them but you have to have grudging respect for a businessman like Gates who has achieved his world dominance through smart business decisions. I don't see why you feel he should have to give more than he has already. It's his money after all...

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I don't hate Microsoft. I don't really like them but you have to have grudging respect for a businessman like Gates who has achieved his world dominance through smart business decisions. I don't see why you feel he should have to give more than he has already. It's his money after all...



Very true... & after all it does make wonderful PR

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I actually believe him when he says he plans on giving away most of his money before he's dead to charities as he simply has too much. Despite being a ruthless businessman, I suspect he's a decent enough guy as well.


All that said, whether it be PR or not, it still should be up to him if he distributes his wealth more.

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