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Still Hunting Them


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His son, John Demjanjuk Jr, told The Times last night: “He’s bed-ridden, he’s extremely weak. He’s in a lot of pain.”


Tough. IMPO I don't give a toss.

I strongly feel he should stand trial.


Given the nature of what he is alleged to have done, is age or infirmity a reason to deny justice to the victims?




ETA Given the time scale, obviously the quality/nature of evidence must be of an acceptable level.

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His son, John Demjanjuk Jr, told The Times last night: “He’s bed-ridden, he’s extremely weak. He’s in a lot of pain.”


Tough. IMPO I don't give a toss.

I strongly feel he should stand trial.


Given the nature of what he is alleged to have done, is age or infirmity a reason to deny justice to the victims?




ETA Given the time scale, obviously the quality/nature of evidence must be of an acceptable level.


I am curious as to why you want him to stand trial. Do you wish for it to be determined that he is guilty of crime or do you wish for him to be punished, or both? From reading the article, it does not seem that he would be punished.

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The victims of the holocaust are still dead...

Not entirely true PK - most are but the survivors have to live on with their memories and usually without their fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters.


LDV - why pursue people like this? If they did what they are claimed to have done - a combination of justice, punishment and (however inglorious it may sound) some vengeance.

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I think you can let a parking fine drop after a few years, but genocide is a little different. The problem is who is responsible, and are they still alive?


Unpalatable as it may be, if the wrath of the world is being vented on a person who was quite lowly, acting under orders and wasn't responsible for the architecture behind the holocaust, then is this the right person to pursue?


I couldn't even begin to defend the actions in the holocaust, or the events before and after it, but you have to get the right people, not a scapegoat or trophy.

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The victims of the holocaust are still dead...

Not entirely true PK - most are but the survivors have to live on with their memories and usually without their fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters.


LDV - why pursue people like this? If they did what they are claimed to have done - a combination of justice, punishment and (however inglorious it may sound) some vengeance.


Oh yes, I know, but what I meant Manshimajin was why is it necessary for him to stand trial if he is too sick to be punished.

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Yes he was low down on the ladder, yes others who did worse died before justice caught up with them.


But for people who do such things I am happy that they must spend every single day of their lives wondering if one day a knock at the door will come and someone will make them face what they have done.

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Yes he was low down on the ladder, yes others who did worse died before justice caught up with them.


But for people who do such things I am happy that they must spend every single day of their lives wondering if one day a knock at the door will come and someone will make them face what they have done.


Do you see what I mean though? A trial is arranged to bring someone to justice for the purposes of determining their guilt and also to punish if guilty. Only the former could take place. If he is sick he cannot be incarcerated. All that would would seemingly happen is for his guilt to be confirmed, but is that useful in itself?

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Yes - the person has been convicted - the victims, or more likely their descendents, will have seen justice be done, seen that justice has been pursued for such heinous crimes without let over years, decades, and pretty much generations.


That to me sends a powerful message to those who plan or take part in such acts.

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