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"Torture" Memos


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Rumsfeld (remember him) had something to do with getting by the Geneva convention, he sorted stuff out with Bush & Gonzales after 9/11 that made torture ok but only if the pain was less than would be caused by serious physical injury (like organ failure) they constantly refer to the Kubark manual and these memos are being brought to general public attention about 5 years too late.

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i imagine these will make pretty gruesome viewing.


US to issue 'prison abuse' photos


I think the excuse about rouge elements and bad apples is very weak.


What did the CO of Abu Graib say - he wanted to Gitmo-ize the prison.


60 prosecutions involving 400 individuals - how many prisons did they operate? That's alot of bad apples - but the issue for me is they were put in a permissive barrel.

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i imagine these will make pretty gruesome viewing.


US to issue 'prison abuse' photos


I think the excuse about rouge elements and bad apples is very weak.


What did the CO of Abu Graib say - he wanted to Gitmo-ize the prison.


60 prosecutions involving 400 individuals - how many prisons did they operate? That's alot of bad apples - but the issue for me is they were put in a permissive barrel.



You know about the Stanford study on this very subject from the late 60's do you not?

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  • 7 years later...

The argument when trying to justify torture is too often presented as follows: a known terrorist has knowledge about a terrorist atrocity if he is tortured he will give up this information - do you torture him?


My view is that a better way for it to be presented is: You have two people brought before you - one is innocent, the other is a terrorist who has knowledge of a terrorist atrocity - do you torture both of them?


What if it is two innocent people, or 20?


Remember 100s of people passed though the black jails.


I wonder how many interrogators, or should that be torturers, were drowning etc people who had no ability to answer their questions other than by desperately making stuff up and how much confusion the chaff this created actually obscured any useful intelligence they actually obtained.

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