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Uk Travel Healthcare


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Has anyone got a link to the article that ran in the Courier that suggested the Govt. were considering a charge of £3 for every departing passenger from the IOM, by sea or air in order to raise cash for healthcare across? Thanks.

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It was not a Government suggestion but a proposal by Peter Karran. Does it have merit? Possibly but you would have to have a decent estimate of the annual expenditure under such a scheme against the expected revenue and from past expereience whilst PK is pretty good at getting headlines he does not have a particular good record for actually thinking through such details.


A big question I have would is whether it would be compulsory as I am sure many who travel already have insurance cover in place or are covered by company health care plans. they might be pretty miffed to pay for somethingthey already have.


It may also be open to abuse as most NHS healthcare trusts in the UK have tight budgets. What better way for a NMS Trust to earn a few quid than to offer que jumping treatment to IoM residents knowing the IoM government would pick up the tab. So no longer wait far an operation at Nobles but travel to the Uk, feel a problem with the old hip joint, go and see a GP get admitted and PDQ and have a top of the range job. Refused treatment in the IoM as deemed unnecessary then nip over to the UK, etc etc




Has anyone got a link to the article that ran in the Courier that suggested the Govt. were considering a charge of £3 for every departing passenger from the IOM, by sea or air in order to raise cash for healthcare across? Thanks.
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Has anyone got a link to the article that ran in the Courier that suggested the Govt. were considering a charge of £3 for every departing passenger from the IOM, by sea or air in order to raise cash for healthcare across? Thanks.

Yes I saw that and to me it is a damn good idea, it saves having to buy travel insurance especialy for those who may find it difficult to get due to a medical condition although I think a discount should be made if a passenger produces a valid travel insurance certificate.

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The government are just learning from the SteamRacket. They toss on the 5quid fuel surcharge every journey and get away with it and now the government are wanting to do a 3quid health surcharge every time you manage to escape the rock. I have already paid for travel insurance so why should I pay again just because some cocknuts can't be arsed getting it. If you don't want travel insurance fine, look both ways whilst crossing those English roads, but as for mandatory 3quid charges nay fooking chance, our governments made up of mindless thieving pikey gypsies.

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The government are just learning from the SteamRacket. They toss on the 5quid fuel surcharge every journey and get away with it and now the government are wanting to do a 3quid health surcharge every time you manage to escape the rock.

How about a supplementary health insurance surcharge at weekends?


What about just telling people it's their own personal responsibility? You buy cover or you pay up...choice is yours nothing to do with the Government...

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i buy an annual travel insurance policy, so if they bring it in i want a £3 reduction on every trip i make from the island



Usually alot of people pay for there travel with a credit card and the credit card gives you free travel insurance does this also mean you should get a reduction because as sure as eggs are eggs this 3 pounds will go up every year.

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I hear from our local MP that there are now plans afoot to introduce a ‘vignette’ for vehicles coming into England.


This was mooted some years ago in the case of foreign HGV’s but now it’s being considered for all vehicles that do not have a valid UK vehicle excise duty payment made.


No doubt if that does go ahead, and I understand that within the next 18 months it will, it will be yet another tax barrier being established and behind which the IOM will find itself.

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No doubt if that does go ahead, and I understand that within the next 18 months it will, it will be yet another tax barrier being established and behind which the IOM will find itself.


Dear Lord don't you ever stop....I had hoped your recent absence were indication of some form of infirmity.....sadly that doesnt appear to be the case

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Good idea in principle, daft idea in reality IMO. As some have suggested, it will no doubt go up and up every year and become a stealth tax IMO.


I think the government should just take the hit and take it out of the annual addition to reserves (or maybe add it to NI), it's not that much involved. It's effectively the privatisation of an element of our health services otherwise. Adding to the already extortionate costs of getting to and from the island will just kill things even more here, and penalise a load of old fogies even more.

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No doubt if that does go ahead, and I understand that within the next 18 months it will, it will be yet another tax barrier being established and behind which the IOM will find itself.


Dear Lord don't you ever stop....I had hoped your recent absence were indication of some form of infirmity.....sadly that doesnt appear to be the case



Well I wouldn't wish infirmity on anybody but I fully appreciate your exasperation with the ultra Zionist Rog. What on earth does fascist Israel have to do with Mannin anyway? Well suppose there's plenty of wannabe fascists here as this message board seems to prove.


I digress, I'd suggest that when it comes to Rog it's best to bear in mind that he's a loony.



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if the deficit in the existing arrangement was only in the order of 2million, between 80,000 of us it's only £25 each, so why not just stump up that and carry on as normal ? where do I pay my £25 ?

Sorry, can't do that, it makes sense.

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