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Iran Attacks Israeli Racism

cheeky boy

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Arafat.............I consider him to be the most evil person bar non in the last 500 YEARS,



So no one in the Third Reich springs to mind then?

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Arafat.............I consider him to be the most evil person bar non in the last 500 YEARS,



So no one in the Third Reich springs to mind then?


Yes, really.


Hitler, Streicher, Eichman, assorted members of the Schutzstaffel, all unquestionably rotten and usually perverted bastards but not one of them established the structure that Arafat did or so inoculated a whole population and worse generations with the utter lies that Arafat did.


What Arafat did was to create an illusory meme that has become a folk fact that is taught to children by people who themselves now believe it to be the truth.


On top of that he set in train a series of events, now self-sustaining, whereby with a policy of demonising the Jewish people and treating them in the way that he did encouraged responses that he then capitalised upon in order to gain kudos - and it has worked as is so obvious by the comments that I see even here.


Then throw in Arafat’s abuse of children and perversion of their parents by encouraging the kids to become both shields from behind which snipers worked, encouraging them to be homicide bombers and, with the more than willing assistance of Mohammedan clerics to convince the parents of the kids that it was ‘a good thing to do’.


Even the lowest of the low of the Nazis didn’t treat the Hitlerjungend as consumables and human shields and they certainly set families far aside from conflict.


No, it is not without good and reasoned consideration that I brand the arch-pig Arafat as the most evil man in the last 500 years, and only then it’s Torquemada that breaks what would otherwise be an unbroken chain back to the used camel dealer, terrorist, liar and pedophile, Mohammed.

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It’s called a typographical error.


A thing easily done when ones hands closely represent a bunch of bananas, or are knotted with arthritis, or as in my case, both!







I hope you aren't a Mohel!





I might not get paid well but I'd certainly be sure of getting big tips!

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It’s called a typographical error.


A thing easily done when ones hands closely represent a bunch of bananas, or are knotted with arthritis, or as in my case, both!







I hope you aren't a Mohel!





I might not get paid well but I'd certainly be sure of getting big tips!


Singular wit

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It’s called a typographical error.


A thing easily done when ones hands closely represent a bunch of bananas, or are knotted with arthritis, or as in my case, both!







I hope you aren't a Mohel!





I might not get paid well but I'd certainly be sure of getting big tips!


Singular wit


Praise indeed from someone who the late Dr. Spooner (of Oxford) would probably have referred to as a being a ‘shining wit’! :D

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I would be really interested to read your definition of 'bigotted'


A bigot I would define as someone who holds a prejudice against a group or groups of people. Examples of bigoted statements follow...

"deeply unattractive people of Liverpool and surrounding districts"


"Typical of the Liverpool psyche."


"As for ‘an unemployed Liverpudlian’, apart from that being amongst the archetypal of examples of tautology if the behaviour of the working class (working? That’s pushing the use of the word ‘work’) of Liverpool had not been so disgusting in the past Liverpool would not be the employment desert that it was and still is."


"The ‘victim’ attitude in the case of Hillsborough would be astonishing were it not that Liverpool was involved."

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I would be really interested to read your definition of 'bigotted'


A bigot I would define as someone who holds a prejudice against a group or groups of people. Examples of bigoted statements follow...

"deeply unattractive people of Liverpool and surrounding districts"


"Typical of the Liverpool psyche."


"As for ‘an unemployed Liverpudlian’, apart from that being amongst the archetypal of examples of tautology if the behaviour of the working class (working? That’s pushing the use of the word ‘work’) of Liverpool had not been so disgusting in the past Liverpool would not be the employment desert that it was and still is."


"The ‘victim’ attitude in the case of Hillsborough would be astonishing were it not that Liverpool was involved."



But at what point does bigotry become confirmed knowledge based upon experience?


As for Liverpool in my experience in dealing with people from Liverpool the probability of encountering people with what can only possible be described as having highly unattractive personalities as being close to unity. Add to that an attitude that attempts to view and portray everyone as being the same class as themselves and with the same horrendous moral turpitude is close to unity.


That is my experience time and time again, it is to all intents identical to that of others who have had to deal with the sink hole and its occupants, and so it ceases to be bigotry and instead becomes learned knowledge.

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Rog - are you familiar with the concept of 'Confirmation Bias'? You seem to be an arch exponent/sufferer. People from Liverpool are the same as people from Manchester, London, Tel Aviv or Ulan Bator. Some scumbags, mostly decent. You choose to see only those that confirm your bigoted prejudices.

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Rog - are you familiar with the concept of 'Confirmation Bias'? You seem to be an arch exponent/sufferer. People from Liverpool are the same as people from Manchester, London, Tel Aviv or Ulan Bator. Some scumbags, mostly decent. You choose to see only those that confirm your bigoted prejudices.


That is not my experience.


And as it happens I’ve been to Ulan Batur, the correct Western spelling of it, phonetically ‘OooBee’ to those who know, and ‘Ulaanbaatar’ to the locals .


Good markets, some great restaurants, but along with some fascinating very old buildings some awful Soviet style architecture)


People are NOT the same city to city, and certainly not the same the world over. There are local as well as national predominant characteristics, and to trying to pretend otherwise is simply a pipe dream.


There are cities such as Lagos where established and ingrained society is such that the locals would steal your eyes whilst looking you in the face, there are cities where the exact opposite is true and Rio where going to the ‘loo’ makes you feel you want to wash your hands first, not after. Where to the Carioca I suspect the word in the local slang for ‘tourist’ is the same as for target (apologies to Terry Pratchett for that one!)


People are NOT the same be it in different cities or regions and especially not the world over, a lesson that is soon learned when one has had to travel and work in many varied countries. You learn it, act and make decisions accordingly, or fail.

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So you're a well-travelled bigot.

Ah you sussed him out, he is in reality a Untersuchungspion in preparation for the Unternehmen Fall Weiss Blitzkrieg in search of the Größeres Jüdische Vaterland

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As ever Rog over-reaches himself.


I think there is little doubt that cultures are different around the world and with those attitudes towards outsiders, authority etc change.


Yorkshire, Liverpool, Cornwall are different in their attitudes to London, Surrey and Newcastle.


When you go further abroad the differences increase. Lying in support of your in-group or clan is the norm in many cultures, no matter how much the courts or states try to enforce a culture of "the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth".


But for all that to claim that Liverpool is so different than Manchester, or Nottingham, is to strain logic - oh its Rog, no surprise there then.


I agree with you Jimcalagon - Rog's using confirmation, or selection, bias.


If you only look for the lazy, the sponging and the work shy you'll find them. You can also look for those who dedicate themselves selflessly to overcome destitution. Both exist in areas of Liverpool - and I don't think in significantly different proportions from similar areas Manchester, Pulrose, or the East End.


It is worth asking how different the numbers are in Calcutta, or Gaza, where social mobility has been stiffled by lack of opportunity and where some would claim that "good" people have been kept down. Is that significantly different from Liverpool - maybe - if you've got a skill there is a much higher probability you can get out of parts of Liverpool, but for a peasant, or a slum dweller they will have had fewer opportunities it is likely there will be more diamonds stuck in the rough.

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Arafat.............I consider him to be the most evil person bar non in the last 500 YEARS,



So no one in the Third Reich springs to mind then?


Yes, really.


Hitler, Streicher, Eichman, assorted members of the Schutzstaffel, all unquestionably rotten and usually perverted bastards but not one of them established the structure that Arafat did or so inoculated a whole population and worse generations with the utter lies that Arafat did.


What Arafat did was to create an illusory meme that has become a folk fact that is taught to children by people who themselves now believe it to be the truth.


Rog - you really are obsessed to the point of madness.


Deluded antisemites who have nurtured hate against your people are a sad feature of history.


But the issue is power and the power to do evil.


Arafat did, in his limited way, compromise - he allowed the PLO to reform into the semi-pragmatists they are now.


Hitler didn't compromise. He gained the power to do evil and did it.


You are just blind in your obsession.

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