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Manx Radio - Time To Go It Alone . . .


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Rep: I'll leave this leaflet about MR+

Shopkeeper: MR what?

Rep: thanks, bye


Credit crunch or not, they certainly need to improve their sales technique!!


According to the advertising screens in the Ramsey Post Office MR+ is coming soon -> in April 2008 I think it says.

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Where is that head of PR bloke from Manx Radio who was calling MR+ a revelation in local marketing. Would he care to raise his head above the parapet and comment on how effective it has been? Ot are there any retailers who joined the scheme who would like to tell us the knock on effect?


The best solution for local radio / media is a government funded pot of cash and people bidding for some of it to make programming. This could be ANY of the local stations, the local press and even individuals who would like to make programmes for youtube or podcasts. This would give enthusiasts with something to say a chance to get their stories told. It would, of course, need a commission to distribute funds which could be made up of some media blokes, some of the general populace and some community leaders in touch with what people want to hear.


The 'media' is about more than one (pretty poor) FM station and one (moderately better when it splits) AM station on Douglas head. It stretches as far and as wide as the Island does. Energy and 3FM have as much right to a slice as Manx Radio. More importantly Manx Forums is as much part of it as Manx Radio is, and youtube, itunes and the internet are as legitimate means of broadcasting as an antiquated system that drops in and out of signal as you drive around the coast.


This is the only model that works going forward.

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This is the only model that works going forward.


Is it?


I don't exactly think so. But I think it contains some of the elements.


Unfortunately I think that the people at MR and the govt have got a very old fashioned idea about radio.


I've moaned about this before. There is no reason why Manx Radio could not, at least, present a weekly best - of podcast and stick it on iTunes (which is the way in which 99% of podcasting is discovered). Done well, I am 100% certain that they could build an international audience of interested ex Manxies. There are more people with Manx ancestors in the US than live on the IOM - and very active Manx Societies internationally. And that is an audience which could also be advertised to. And they could build on that.


It is a great pity that the people at Manx Radio are being so lazy about this. None of them seem to have any enthusiasm for making great content and making it as widely available as possible - using their initiative and doing it themselves because it is worth learning about. In that sense they are wasting a fantastic opportunity to become relevant and to learn about how people are using podcasting to generate income.


Ultimately great programmes are about great people being switched on and enthusiastic.

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I would scrap Manx Radio and replace with a BBC-run channel.


This would be on the proviso that existing IOM public service broadcasting services would be maintained and increased.


We would get better value from our licence fee, enable 3FM and Energy a greater share of radio advertising monies, probably help generate further awareness of IOM in the UK (we are the only place in GB with no BBC radio or TV service). I don't think I would feel any less Manx for not having Manx Radio around. My experience of BBC local broadcasting is that they often become an integral part of their local communities e.g. Jersey.


TT commentary could be put out to tender.

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I would scrap Manx Radio and replace with a BBC-run channel.


That might work but I doubt that the BBC would want that. They have been trying to get out of local radio for years. So IOM would probably end up being incorporated into one of the other North West stations.


I would keep the Manx Radio news room and have it make current affairs, news and cultural content for the internet and the other commercial stations.

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I disagree, it is our very own 'BBC' - in fact a better working funding model than the BBC - and should continue to be financially supported where necessary. If MR went bust one year as a result of not being funded (e.g. there is a real possibility of that with falling advertising revenues during the credit crunch) it would be gone.


I strongly disagree. Advertising revenues will surely fall because of the credit crunch so why should taxpayers money be used to take money out of the pockets of 3Fm or Energy in difficult times? These are commercial stations who took the risk and have to attract listeners to attract new advertising yet the taxpayer is effectively paying for them to have advertising revenue taken out of their pockets. MR get it both ways - advertising revenue and government money. They can afford to do what they like regarding advertising (ie, they could undercut easily) because us mugs are plugging the gap in their finances year in year out.


Their programming is also pretty shocking. Having to listen to Brindley's Breakfast should qualify you for a tax rebate.

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i hadnt listened to MR for years apart from radio TT. when listening to the radio it was always Radio 2, Ken Bruce and then jeremy vine.


I got sick of Jeremy Vine constantly trying to sensationalise and of kens pop master.


I flicked over and ended up on manx radio.


Chris Williams and then just after the forums own Stu peters.


I can honestly say that i enjoy manx radio now more than I ever did radio 2. Chris williams is cheesey, but in a way i find amusing (in a good way). I also like Stu at midday. Some of the topics are not my cup of tea but on the whole, very professional and good listening. The music is not bad either


those who havnt listed to MR for years just give it a try Chris a try and then Stu.


anyway i am off now to iron the cat

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I disagree, it is our very own 'BBC' - in fact a better working funding model than the BBC - and should continue to be financially supported where necessary. If MR went bust one year as a result of not being funded (e.g. there is a real possibility of that with falling advertising revenues during the credit crunch) it would be gone.


I strongly disagree. Advertising revenues will surely fall because of the credit crunch so why should taxpayers money be used to take money out of the pockets of 3Fm or Energy in difficult times? These are commercial stations who took the risk and have to attract listeners to attract new advertising yet the taxpayer is effectively paying for them to have advertising revenue taken out of their pockets. MR get it both ways - advertising revenue and government money. They can afford to do what they like regarding advertising (ie, they could undercut easily) because us mugs are plugging the gap in their finances year in year out.


Their programming is also pretty shocking. Having to listen to Brindley's Breakfast should qualify you for a tax rebate.

Its like people moving to houses on the course and complaining about the races though. They knew full well what the situtation re: Manx Radio was when they opened. MR have never given me the impression that they are so flush with cash that they can afford to undercut the other stations and to be quite honest I can't understand why they would. There's very little reason for them to try and crush the other two.


I've also never understood why people bother arguing for a reduced licence fee solely on the basis that we don't have any local radio provided by the BBC. What proportion of spending actually goes toward local radio? I'd say it was a fair bet it was no more than a pound; which I think we can all probably live with.

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MR have never given me the impression that they are so flush with cash


What? This is the company that threw cash at MR+ the singluarly most useless, futile, and expensive marketing campaign this Island has seen in a long time.

I think you might have forgotten 'Freedom to Flourish'.

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Yay - this must mean we're due a smoking or a speeding thread!


All opinions welcome and noted (by me at least). I can understand some people not liking MR (all radio is pretty subjective, and one man's meat...etc) but I can never understand the acid bile that a small number of posters exude when commenting on my workplace and workmates.


Or the assumption that the station is awash with cash and lazy people - absolutely the reverse is true and all the industry experts (rather than armchair pundits) I've ever talked to tell me that we punch WAY above our weight given our resources and catchment area. However, I'm not a spokesman and these are strictly personal views, so I will merely say this (apart from sincere thanks to the more constructive of you).


Energy and 3FM launched in the full knowledge that Manx Radio had best part of a 40-year head start, and was part-funded by government (also remember, YOU own it). I also saw an application for a fourth station in the paper some weeks ago, so people must think there's enough room for them to make an impact. It's disingenuous for people to then claim that the system is unfair.

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Stu - why does the station still not do a podcast best - of and stick it on iTunes? It's such an obvious thing to do? Is there some reason? Why don't you do it yourself? You said previously that you wanted to learn about that sort of thing.


It would be an obvious opportunity and a way of learning using already existing content. Surely anyone interested in radio would want to get involved and find out a bit more.

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I agree, Chris Williams then Stu peters ,then change station as the next fella licks more arses and thinks he is best of mates with all the famous people with his phone calls. And as for his chats from the Jeweler on the hill who has the whole population of the IOM in his shop every week :rolleyes:

Saturday is no better, Chris Kinley keeps telling us about their live coverage, then says not like other stations,

How does he know ? :huh: He must be listening to them :lol:

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