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A Very Big Plot? Errr....no, Actually.


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id rather them make a few mistakes and get it wrong, than doing nowt and missing it when it counts,


there dammed if thay do and dammed if thay dont,


least it sends a msg out to anyone involved in it, that thay are watching and listerning


If they were dammed, would that stop the flow of complaints?



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It’s interesting that no one seems to have considered the possibility that the best way to cleans the country of yet another bit of human excrement would be to kick them out of where they had no right to be rather than put them on trial.


Putting them on trial would possibly result in the expose other observations taking place, and also the very real possibility of a smart lawyer and a dumb jury and the much UN needed Human Rights legislation being once more used as a criminals charter.


In addition it’s all well and good running an ‘innocent until proven guilty’ strategy and it’s also all well and good requiring absolute proof of guilt in ‘honest criminality’ but where terrorism is concerned very often the best is proof based on probability and balance of evidence.


I do not have the degree of certainty that the security services screwed up that others seem to have. What I DO see is the very real likelihood that pragmatism replaced due process for what they had been up to and due process on a thing they were bang to rights on being used to take out the trash.

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It’s interesting that no one seems to have considered the possibility that the best way to cleans the country of yet another bit of human excrement would be to kick them out

No...you can stay.

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