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[BBC News] Tests on horse tram poop-scooper


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ohh and to be pedantic Councilor has a C not an S, also just a single l.


Oh man...


Why don't they just give a shovell and a bin bag to the blloke who sits at the back of the tram? Would that be too simplle?



Your joking aren't you




Shit on road. Stop tram. Shovel. Bag. Gone.

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You know what 99% of the Rozzers are bob on just a few tossers who let the side down! But I can't stand ignorant fuckers who have the preconception that all coppers are tossers and they have a cushy job and get paid loads for it - because that is not true. I am very pro police (you may have read some of my previous posts when the cops have had a slagging and my reasons I feel that way) and I will defend the majority of our local bobbies to the end of the earth.



What a cock


What he said. I hate this trend of "F*ck the 5-0 man" that seems to be a growing 'cool' attitude to have, mainly from people who've never had any dealings with them.


Undoubtedly there will be some rozzers that are tossers because you get that in any job whatsoever. I know a few though and they're basically decent people who do a difficult & thankless job that I would certainly not wish to do, to pay their mortgages and put food on the table. Just like most people, in most jobs.


It's childish & pathetic to hear people bleat on about them all being on a power trip or not caring etc, and it as I say in most cases probably comes from people who've had a middle class background and want to sound a bit rebellious.

They might not do a perfect job and there might be a lot of stuff they can't do which we'd like them to, but I'd way rather they were there than not. I suspect most decent & level headed people do as well.


For the people who think they're all tossers that have actually had grief from the law, I'd expect that you're mainly people who screwed up and refuse to admit you were in the wrong, or are simply bitter because you got punished for something you knew you shouldn't have done in the first place.



As for specials - I know a couple. One is a really nice bloke, the other..... :ph34r:


I think coppers a bit like bees (no not thebees! :P) - they're necessary and serve a good purpose, and will generally leave you alone until you do something to piss them off. Then you may get stung.



ohh and to be pedantic Councilor has a C not an S, also just a single l.


Oh man...


Why don't they just give a shovell and a bin bag to the blloke who sits at the back of the tram? Would that be too simplle?



Your joking aren't you




Shit on road. Stop tram. Shovel. Bag. Gone.


Exactly why i thought you where joking......


You have two hopes, and Bob got the boat yesterday morning....



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Exactly why i thought you where joking......


You have two hopes, and Bob got the boat yesterday morning....




You can't actually answer that then?



I just think you would struggle to get someone to do it.

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Or do Manx horses have an unusually positioned rectum?


No its just Manx Counsillors that can't tell horses arses from elbows ....


I am more than willing to show you how i can make your elbow fit in your ass anytime. ohh and to be pedantic Councilor has a C not an S, also just a single l.


I doubt you could even spell "illiterate"

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