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What Rights And Dignity Do The Old Really Have?


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Grab a granny

A distraught Mrs Figg was wheeled to a car with a blanket over her head after police who had been called in as back-up threatened to smash the door with a battering ram if the family did not hand her over.


Just been on ITV news as well. I found that quite shocking.

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Grab a granny
A distraught Mrs Figg was wheeled to a car with a blanket over her head after police who had been called in as back-up threatened to smash the door with a battering ram if the family did not hand her over.


Just been on ITV news as well. I found that quite shocking.


Well if the old lady was being cared for (i.e. not neglected) then the council and social services have absolutely no business removing her from the home. And social services should not even been recognised in there demands to enter the home.


However, in our society social services take the role of trying protect those who are at risk of neglect or abuse. All they have on this person is that they were brought to a home because of the need for (I'd assume) 'specialised' care because had dementia, and were possibly of the understanding that the daughter was unable was unable to provide this care, as this had been recognised earlier. If social services are not given the opportunity to see the mother then what position does this place them in? In such a way, I can understand why this has happened, although I do not agree with it. They should not have just kidnapped her from her daughter's home because with a lack of evidence of her situation.

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Bollocks to the health fascists that tell you to eat this, don't eat that, don't smoke. Who the **** wants to live for an extra 20 years with dementia, parkinsons and all the other kinds of horrible crap people generally get over 70/80 - whilst on generally a piss poor income, or even a good one nabbed by the state.


Not me.


**** it - I'm out to enjoy the ride, and if that means it ends quicker through taking more risks - so be it - and so much more enjoyable it will have been.

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I saw this on TVAM and was disgusted. Two of the family who wished to care for her are registered nurses, the old woman stated she did not want to leave and was in tears and if you watch the video clip the social workers wheeled her out and put a blanket over her head, moved her from the wheelchair into the back of the car not the front as recomended, then proceeded to reverse into a set of bollards. The actions of these so called social workers was unprofessional and to what I can only class and bullying. If you look at the search warrent issued it stated it was to search and datain an illigal old person on the premisis, for fucks sake what buffoon of a magistrate allowed that warrent to be issued.

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Daughter said on ITV news that her mum was just stuck in a chair when 'in care' and she had serious concerns regarding the level of 'care' provided which was why she liberated her in the first place.


Fucking know it all nazi social workers.


Pity they weren't so diligent when kids get killed.

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They showed the old lady's bedroom and eu-suite on GMTV this morning, along with the alarm system and medical equipment SUPPLIED BY SOCIAL SERVICE to assist in keeping her at home with her family!


This is an outragous situation and the people involved sacked. Interfering busy bodies.

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The fact these bastards used this Mental Health Act is fucking despicable. From what I gather it is a very 'innovative' way of using the law. It is nothing but an oppressive use of power and force. There has be evidence that the person could not be cared for by the daughter and that the environment that a person was in was seriously detrimental to their wellbeing.


But was there evidence of mistreatment in the daughters home? How many visits did they make to the daughter's home?


What I don't understand however is how social services got involved. Was it simply because the daughter had not taken advice by removing the mother. In which case, how did they find out about it? The daughter is allowed to removed the mother from home. I do have to wonder what is really going on here. Social services didn't just get involved 'out of the blue'.

It does say that a number of agencies are involved in her care which seriously makes me question if there is something here that is not being shown.

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As I understand it, the family are paying £2000 a month for the care home.

Are they legally obliged to pay this fee and if they don't pay it, who will?

Would she then be moved?


What rights have the family over admission to see her?

Can they photograph her mother or show that there is a lack of care?

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Grab a granny
A distraught Mrs Figg was wheeled to a car with a blanket over her head after police who had been called in as back-up threatened to smash the door with a battering ram if the family did not hand her over.


Just been on ITV news as well. I found that quite shocking.



She already has 2 work permits for different bar work, i was just suprised there was no Isle of Man Worker applied for the role, The work permit system is not working, that was more the point I should have made.


Maybe we should scrap the whole thing, then again we should not allow free entry to any one and everyone...


But if the case is that no Isle of Man worker applied the position, then thats bloomin poor.

When will it end? Bloody foreigners coming over here and working three jobs, contributing to our economy and expanding the gene pool. It’s political correctness gone mad!


The whole thing is madness.

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It was bad enough seeing the news item on the TV last night - heaven knows what the family have been through.


It suppose it doesn't suprise me quite frankly the way the UK has deteriorated. But what is in the mindset of social services that they feel they can treat people in this way? Why does the 'state' think it knows best all the time?


Is it the logical development of the 'Nanny State' that people are treated this way.? I.e. legalistic decisions backed up by 'research' removing all common sense?

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