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Mhk Unimpressed With Drug And Alcohol Strategy


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Manx Radio Report


I always believed Quintin Gill was being groomed for a future ministership and another Government Yes Man.


Knocking the Chief Minister isn't going to get him an extra £5k a year.


I agree at £5.4m it has abysmally and catastrophically failed to deliver anything of substance. Surely the last survey results and the resultant media coverage on BBC North West is proof of failure.


You could say the same for many government projects - they just keep people in jobs at the expense of actually achieving anything.

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Manx Radio Report


I always believed Quintin Gill was being groomed for a future ministership and another Government Yes Man.


Knocking the Chief Minister isn't going to get him an extra £5k a year.



I respect his stance. The IOM government's drugs and alcohol strategy can't be working and giving value for money if we've got such dreadful figures for binge drinking, underage drinking and teen age pregnancy.


The same point has been made about the UK's drug strategy. it is not effective and largely a waste of money.

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Manx Radio Report


I always believed Quintin Gill was being groomed for a future ministership and another Government Yes Man.


Knocking the Chief Minister isn't going to get him an extra £5k a year.


it is not effective and largely a waste of money.



sounds like every other government scheme.

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Fair comments above.


How many will support such criticism in Tynwald though? For a start you can rule out any of the Tony Brown sycophantic followers which means every member of the Government (ie Tony's Ministers).


This matter is an illustration of our system of Goverment. 'Government by patronage' as we sometimes hear.


"Don't rock the boat, it's pisspoor and may not sink but you certainly fucken will if you don't watch out laddie."

Type of thing.


Few of the wannabes and hopefuls crawling for places on committees and departments (££££££) will dare criticise the man controlling their future riches in his hands.


Well done then, Quentin Gill for sticking his head above the parapet.

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Nearly everything done supposedly as a result of this "strategy" would have been done anyway and is the result of initiatives from elsewhere. It is just another expensive badge that Government can pin on itself to show it is doing something. When the figures come out to prove what a waste of money it is, the Minister has to be wheeled out to justify it. The alternative would be to admit it has been a failure and scrap it, but that kind of honesty would be politically intolerable.

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Part of the problem is education. These days kids have 'Life Ed' classes, RE classes, PHSE classes, 'Citizenship' classes, tutor group time and assemblies all of which can be used to lecture kids on drugs and alcohol. On the other hand, games, field trips, cultural pursuits, music, community service and all the other things that actually promote self worth and sense of community are being cut back.

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I think Q G used to be a probation officer so he probably knows that people don't take kindly to being lectured and told to change their ways.


Having said that people need to know the consequences of drinking on their health and behaviour.


The Scottish Government has agreed to change the way they deal with alcohol and drug misuse after recent criticism by Audit Scotland that their strategy was not effective and did not give value for money

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Part of the problem is education. These days kids have 'Life Ed' classes, RE classes, PHSE classes, 'Citizenship' classes, tutor group time and assemblies all of which can be used to lecture kids on drugs and alcohol. On the other hand, games, field trips, cultural pursuits, music, community service and all the other things that actually promote self worth and sense of community are being cut back.



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I think Q G used to be a probation officer so he probably knows that people don't take kindly to being lectured and told to change their ways.


Having said that people need to know the consequences of drinking on their health and behaviour.


The Scottish Government has agreed to change the way they deal with alcohol and drug misuse after recent criticism by Audit Scotland that their strategy was not effective and did not give value for money


QG was a Social Worker, not Probation Officer (just for the record!)

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I think the strategy is working well!


You don't see nearly as many people out at weekends any more! And if drugs are about, you certainly don't seem to see the effects in clubs and pubs like 7 - 10 years ago?


How much more can they do? Sometimes the critics never really see what the true before and after scenario actually is?


Rome wasn't built in a day, but we have a cultural problem here that stems, I think, from a past booze culture when tourism and fishing werre the main industries? Or perhaps the fact that you can only mix on a night out with people from all areas of the social spectrum means that some of the bad traits rub off on everyone?

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