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Swine Flu And Tt 09.


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This is the dilemma for politicians and those working in public health, as in the millennium bug, most know it's bollocks but they have to be seen to do something just in case it's true. If they don't and it is true, absolute panic and nothing to fight the virus with. If it's not true then wasted money but loads of nice drugs in the warehouse at Ballasalla or nice clean computer systems.

Can't win really can they?

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to be honest, while thay may be over reacting bout it all,


if thay dont and the shit hits the fan, you lot will be the first to be complaing why you have no power, or no water, or lack of health care,


its better to do all thay can now, and think afterwards o well we went a bit ott, than sit there and go o we fucked now

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Over-reacting? Why don't the authorities actually appear to study the reality of the threat!? These are bare-faced lies without foundation in any rational scientific or political sense! How many people really died in Mexico and what degree of proof was used before the scare stories were put out in such a naive and ignorant fashion?


How much money is the Island's Health Service wasting on useless committees about Imaginary Flu scares? Who will ask about this in the House of Keys? How weak are our doctors for not standing up to point this out?

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Over-reacting? Why don't the authorities actually appear to study the reality of the threat!? These are bare-faced lies without foundation in any rational scientific or political sense! How many people really died in Mexico and what degree of proof was used before the scare stories were put out in such a naive and ignorant fashion?


How much money is the Island's Health Service wasting on useless committees about Imaginary Flu scares? Who will ask about this in the House of Keys? How weak are our doctors for not standing up to point this out?


What lies? Do you have any examples? How can a committee decide if it's a real or imaginary flu without forming a committee?


People seem almost disappointed that there's not images of mass graves on the news. The situation currently is that there's confirmed to be a new variety of flu that's spreading very quickly, that can be transferred from animals to humans and back to animals again and thus has a high chance of mutation but at this stage doesn't appear to have severe symptoms. That's a situation that needs to be monitored, not ignored. There's no panic, there's never been any justification for panic, or government hasn't shut or cancelled anything but currently vigilance and some good public health information relating to flu generally is justified.


You'd be hopping if this had turned out to be more severe and the government had ignored it.

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As I've said before, the pandemic warning levels have media panic readily built into them - as level 5 can mean just 4 people are affected and level 6 can mean the end of civilisation as we know it. The problem is that the word 'pandemic' itself has a limited definition, and has a wholly different meaning to a scientist than to a member of the public.


I think it is the alert system itself that needs to be modified, and not just left as it is to be interpreted badly by the media. Personally I think it needs a public warning system related to: numbers affected and probability of being infected etc. and needs at least another 5 levels e.g. a 10 level system, with the level at different levels in different countries, and maybe travel restrictions imposed accordingly.


This is just another example of how we can be controlled by fear - by governments and the media at present - and how through ignorance this can bring things to an unrealistic and uneccessary grinding halt.


Personally, I think aliens have landed in Mexico, and that they are just trying to keep the world population away. So I'm digging my bunker anyhoo - just in case.

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This is just another example of how we can be controlled by fear - by governments and the media at present - and how through ignorance this can bring things to an unrealistic and uneccessary grinding halt.


In what way have we been halted or controlled by the government as a result of h1n1?

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This is just another example of how we can be controlled by fear - by governments and the media at present - and how through ignorance this can bring things to an unrealistic and uneccessary grinding halt.


In what way have we been halted or controlled by the government as a result of h1n1?

I said can, not that they were in this case. I was actually pointing out the herd mentality, the disproportionate fear response based on government/media statements, and how a poorly designed (from a public point of view) alert system in this case can be used to manipulate people (even unintended/uncessarily). Though it doesn't take much imagination to see where that could go in some countries. This has already had a major disproportionate impact on many businesses across the world.


Don't cherry pick and turn a small statement into the nub of my argument - when it wasn't. I was arguing that it is the public element of the alert system itself needs changing for any number of reasons.

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I said can, not that they were in this case. I was actually pointing out the herd mentality, the disproportionate fear response based on government/media statements, and how a poorly designed (from a public point of view) alert system in this case can be used to manipulate people (even unintended/uncessarily). Though it doesn't take much imagination to see where that could go in some countries. This has already had a major disproportionate impact on many businesses across the world.


Don't cherry pick and turn a small statement into the nub of my argument - when it wasn't. I was arguing that it is the public element of the alert system itself needs changing for any number of reasons.


So what we're actually seeing here is a way you're using a hypothetical panic to induce a fear response?


I see what you're getting at, but if anything I think the problem in the west is almost the exact opposite. Most peoples response to the rising pandemic alert has been 'yeah right, you said the same about SARS and Burd flu and we aint dead yet...'. What worries me is the level of cynicism we now have to such alerts and the effect that'll have when/if there's a real pandemic.


People like you hopping up and down about an imaginary problem government using fear of flu to control us is only making this worse.

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People like you hopping up and down about an imaginary problem government using fear of flu to control us is only making this worse.

I'm sat having a cup of coffee at the moment, hopping up and down would just be as silly as not reading posts properly.

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I have to admit I'm not really following the "media" response to all this.


The WHO website seems sensible and cautious - latest bulletin:


As of 06:00 GMT, 5 May 2009, 21 countries have officially reported 1124 cases of influenza A (H1N1) infection.


It is considered prudent for people who are ill to delay international travel and for people developing symptoms following international travel to seek medical attention, in line with guidance from national authorities. Individuals are advised to wash hands thoroughly with soap and water on a regular basis and should seek medical attention if they develop any symptoms of influenza-like illness.


WHO advises no restriction of regular travel or closure of borders.


There is no risk of infection from this virus from consumption of well-cooked pork and pork products.


Further information on the situation will be available on the WHO website on a regular basis.


I for one am very glad that the Health authorities are monitoring this and passing on sensible advice - coughs and sneezes spread diseases catch them in your hankerchief [who can find the Hancock clip of this I can't!].


I'm not convinced there's been an over-reaction on the part of officialdom - but the media just sees it as a great way to sell papers etc.


That's problematic as the important message may be getting lost in the noise. I still wonder what the odds are on this infection killing more people on the Island than road accidents in the next two years - I don't think they are negligible, but I definitely don't think its inevitable either!

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I have to admit I'm not really following the "media" response to all this.


The WHO website seems sensible and cautious


Unlike the woman they had acting as spokesperson for the WHO last week who said "This is a threat to all humanity" or very similar.

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Again, though, go to the original text - Link -


Based on assessment of all available information, and following several expert consultations, I have decided to raise the current level of influenza pandemic alert from phase 4 to phase 5.


Influenza pandemics must be taken seriously precisely because of their capacity to spread rapidly to every country in the world.


New diseases are, by definition, poorly understood. Influenza viruses are notorious for their rapid mutation and unpredictable behaviour.


WHO and health authorities in affected countries will not have all the answers immediately, but we will get them.


WHO will be tracking the pandemic at the epidemiological, clinical, and virological levels.


The results of these ongoing assessments will be issued as public health advice, and made publicly available.


All countries should immediately activate their pandemic preparedness plans. Countries should remain on high alert for unusual outbreaks of influenza-like illness and severe pneumonia.


At this stage, effective and essential measures include heightened surveillance, early detection and treatment of cases, and infection control in all health facilities.


I have reached out to donor countries, to UNITAID, to the GAVI Alliance, the World Bank and others to mobilize resources.


I have reached out to companies manufacturing antiviral drugs to assess capacity and all options for ramping up production.


I have also reached out to influenza vaccine manufacturers that can contribute to the production of a pandemic vaccine.


The biggest question, right now, is this: how severe will the pandemic be, especially now at the start?


It is possible that the full clinical spectrum of this disease goes from mild illness to severe disease.


From past experience, we also know that influenza may cause mild disease in affluent countries, but more severe disease, with higher mortality, in developing countries.


No matter what the situation is, the international community should treat this as a window of opportunity to ramp up preparedness and response.


Above all, this is an opportunity for global solidarity as we look for responses and solutions that benefit all countries, all of humanity. After all, it really is all of humanity that is under threat during a pandemic.


I fully agree her words were too easy to be cherry picked for hype - but she's basically asking the rich world to be aware that the poverty striken are more than likely going to be afflicted far more than the rich in any pandemic and to offer help and support.


I very much agree with this. Is she really saying what you thought she was saying Jim?

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