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Swine Flu And Tt 09.


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6. If about 10% of our population get it, another 10% or so will be required to look after them. That will have a huge effect on the Island


7. If 20% or more get it, we will be in real trouble - it will be a virtual shut down.


8. If the death rate is as low as 1% that will mean 800 deaths here. 10% could mean 8000 deaths.

Your number 8 seems to be predicated on 100% of the Island getting it - that seems unrealistic this gives a figure at 40% - which means around about 320 at 1% fatalities. 3200 at 10% which I think is extreme.


But 100s could well die on the Island, maybe in a worst scenario 1000s - not to be sneezed at!


Oh saw this thought it was worth putting up - don't let cranks put your health at risk in order to sell you sugar or pure water.



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Some sort of facts:


The most important, it looks like most haven't got a resistance to this strain, so even though it appears to be mild, more people than normal may get it, making it more serious than regular seasonal flew.

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What procedures are in place if swine flu got the isle of man and more life threatening that expected. Is is simply to dish out anti-virals, ban travel and public events?


Why what else do you think should be done?

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Time to dig in on Barrule with an AK and a big box of kendal mint cake.

Is that essential survival food?

Kendal mint cake is a big no-no. You drop it in the snow and you're bollocksed.


And AK's are just so passé, everyone's got one...

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4. This flu, with a death rate of between 1% and 10% will mean that at least 90% will survive to carry on passing on the virus


Nobody knows the death rate from this new variant of flu as yet. The evidence seems to suggest that the fatality rate from it is similar to ordinary flu but it is too early to be sure. The 10% figure you are quoting is just crazy scaremongering. The death rate amongst the 178 non-mexicans confirmed to been infected is currently 0%. The situation with the mexican victims is too confused to tell what the mortality rate is there as yet.

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Time to dig in on Barrule with an AK and a big box of kendal mint cake.

Is that essential survival food?

Kendal mint cake is a big no-no. You drop it in the snow and you're bollocksed.


And AK's are just so passé, everyone's got one...


Is this like some zombie plague fantasy?


Passe? You'd probably cart up an old gatling gun.

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4. This flu, with a death rate of between 1% and 10% will mean that at least 90% will survive to carry on passing on the virus


Nobody knows the death rate from this new variant of flu as yet. The evidence seems to suggest that the fatality rate from it is similar to ordinary flu but it is too early to be sure. The 10% figure you are quoting is just crazy scaremongering. The death rate amongst the 178 non-mexicans confirmed to been infected is currently 0%. The situation with the mexican victims is too confused to tell what the mortality rate is there as yet.


I read that in certain impoverished areas of Mexico that the population is 40% infected with hepatitis B. Not conjusive to good health and mortality!

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Why is this called swine flu, not Mexican flu? Others were named after their country of origin. Perhaps it is now fashionable to blame animals - bird flu, etc....


The press, the WHO are calling it Mexican Flu or 2009 h1n1.


Roger Daltry may be calling it Mexican Flu ;) but the WHO website refers to it as Swine Influenza A(H1N1).

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I read that in certain impoverished areas of Mexico that the population is 40% infected with hepatitis B. Not conjusive to good health and mortality!


Also it seems that the total number known to be infected in Mexico, currently about 300, is only the people who were ill enough to go to a doctor or hospital. No-one knows how many people there contracted the virus but only had a mild illness which did not require hospital treatment. So it's impossible at this stage to get a true picture of the danger this disease poses to a healthy, well-nourished adult.


A little perspective is needed, especially in the alarmist media, otherwise we will turn into a nation of Denethors, driven mad with despair from gazing into our collective palantirs (BBC News 24).

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It's called pig fever and the Isle of Man has been suffering from it for years. Go into most pubs/clubs in Douglas and most of the female clientele will appear to be suffering from it in differing degrees of seriousness!

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I had a dodgy kebab for my supper last night (I TOLD them I didn't want salad on it) and was up in the early hours expelling it at some speed.


Could it have mutated into sheep already? Am I going to die a horrid sniffling death?

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I had a dodgy kebab for my supper last night (I TOLD them I didn't want salad on it) and was up in the early hours expelling it at some speed.


Could it have mutated into sheep already? Am I going to die a horrid sniffling death?


I'd blame the donner meat, not the salad. I mean, what is that stuff anyway?

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