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I think most of us agreed that TT was not the best the time to have it (although I personally think that sometime during the Summer when the schools are out would have been better), and Friday to Sunday sounds much more manageable and gives it a chance to grow.

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Taking place after the TT? Not being held in Peel? Can't be the PBF, just a BF - Bloody Fookup.


Na, this is a much better idea, there's already a stack of entertainment on for the TT so why compete?. This might attract additional visitors in a quiet time when the ferries and airlines aren't fully booked too. As it's in Douglas, we won't get ripped off for parking either. Let's hope they sort a good variety of acts.


Any guesses where they can pitch Valhalla around douglas? Will it fit in the Bowl?

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Like the timing. the scale and maybe the location(depends).

Probably wise to wait to next year with the credit crunch(although that will probably still be in full swing)

and Swine flu (can we rename it Captain Trips?).


I am hoping they will consult the public nearer the time on acts that are available and wanted, I hope they take heed of the drivel the government booked (how are the ticket sales going for that?) compared to the meltdown with people trying to get a Kaiser Cheifs ticket.

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I would have preferred it without the Valhalla tent. as it sounds as if it is going to be three nights of gigs. If they are going to call in a festival I would have prefered it if instead they could have had a main stage and a smaller one with a couple of other areas where music is playing so you can wander around and see what is on rather than being being glued to watching one stage. I think it would also be an idea if they want it to be seen as a festival to have music playing throught out the day rather than just at night


I hope it goes well and they have learned some of there lessons from their first attempt which include getting more of a festival atmophere going. Would also be helped if they did not have VIP seating right in front of the stage. Have a VIP area there or whatever you want to call it but it should be standing. If you want seating have it tiered at the side or the back


Any guesses where they can pitch Valhalla around douglas? Will it fit in the Bowl?
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Probably get flamed for saying this but I hope the support bands aren't local bands. If I want to see a local band I'll go to the pub and see them for free (which I often do), however if I'm paying for a 3 day festival I'd like to see bands that I can't normally see on the island.

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Personally I think they've scheduled it poorly. A lot of the potential visitors to the festival are leaving for their school half term breaks that weekend, meaning air fares will be higher.

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Personally I think they've scheduled it poorly. A lot of the potential visitors to the festival are leaving for their school half term breaks that weekend, meaning air fares will be higher.


But on the other hand, if the bands are big enough it will encourage people to visit the island purely for the festival. So we get a second influx of tourists seperate from the TT in addition to those who extend their stay to include the festival.

I just hope they can pull it off and don't get bogged down with objections from local residents about the noise etc, as the idea of a full scale outdoor festival would be the best possible move (IOM, anyway).

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Sounds a lot better than the fiasco in 100th TT year. There'd never be a perfect time ans this will do. Wrong to call it a festival though, they should have more self respect than to blatently lie like this.

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Not sure where you get that from as half term in the IoM that year is 7th to 11th, as it is always the same week as TT week. In the UK it will be the previous week as it always takes in the spring bank holiday




Personally I think they've scheduled it poorly. A lot of the potential visitors to the festival are leaving for their school half term breaks that weekend, meaning air fares will be higher.
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Taking place after the TT? Not being held in Peel? Can't be the PBF, just a BF - Bloody Fookup.

Na, this is a much better idea, there's already a stack of entertainment on for the TT so why compete?.

Stack of entertainment in TT week?


From the financial viewpoint, as much as I'd like to see this work, I'll revise it to BF - Bust Financially. Are you sure they will get enough bums on seats? I think they might be struggling. If for example it's 3X major groups and 5,000 can attend each one - are they really going to sell 15,000 plus tickets in a population of 80,000? That's one of the quietest weekends on the islands pubs-wise IME, after everyones been out TT week. The dates are at the wrong time of the month too - when most people find there is too much month left at the end of the money, so less last minute bookings. I'd be making sure tickets went on sale and were pushed very early for this.


All that said, if it does make a loss what's the problem anyway? - it's time we had something more done for the locals. Though maybe it would have been better doing it around July 5th weekend though - that's a Sunday ahem Monday next year.



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