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[BBC News] Fairy post box is given support


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Shut up knob.


Hmm. I was wondering what sort of response this blatant change of tack by BellEndBiker required. This transparent (and a little desperate, lol,lol. ; )) attempt to ingratiate oneself with just a minority of regular MF users, with a probable intention of lending the tiniest bit of weight to his asinine, antithetical ideas. Ideas which attempt to address and justify behaviour which leads to true stories of heroism, as one of his number nearly kills himself and others while filming himself doing wheelies at Ballacrye. (Re: TT2008 - is that an ACTUAL semi! lol,lol) A REAL HERO! (Still unable to walk very well though). Is death the ultimate fantasy for these amateur cinematographers? Logic suggests that it's possible, after all the proper racers who have paid the ultimate price are held in high esteem. (Not by me you understand, I think they're a little irresponsible myself, after all, many of them have families to support).


So, a gentle thrust at a local politician, on a subject close to many a superstitious heart, what better way to disguise a concurrent campaign of vitriolic spite waged on the biking boards, an indirect admission of abject failure if I ever saw one? lol,lol.... ; ) thebees sees what I see, and in a curt, concise and, yes go on, admit it, it's BEAUTIFUL three word phraseology, PERFECTLY captures the mood.


No mention of Bikes, Crashes or Death and Destruction in this topic until you posted, so you can't blame me for that keyboarder. After all, isn't it you that starts these related topics, which now you seem to carry around with you into subjects as far removed than anyone could ever imagine "Fairy Bridges"??


And as for the Fairy Bridge, then it just so happens that my family were from Santon, and my father walked over that bridge to school every morning and afternoon. I always salute them when I pass, as tradition dictatates, either on the way down to the Sound, or when I visit the family graves at St Sanctan Church.


Regarding my remarks in the first posting on this subject, then I believe tongue in cheek should be taken into consideration here.

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The fact that Ms Williams runs The Fairy Shop in Douglas would seem to be the reason for all of this.


She must be loving the publicity.


It really says something about our MHKs when they think this sort of thing is a subject worthy of debate in Tynwald - what next - do they need to discuss the positioning of the Father Christmas letter boxes and put in a tooth fairy deposit box at every dentist in the land.


Rather than worrying about Fairy letter boxes I would be willing to listen to a debate about putting better parking on that stretch of road, but basically Mr Callister is demeaning himself with impractical suggestions publicised for commercial gain by Ms Williams.

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Who cares? Go away.


Well, as it happens, I do.


You see, this tradition pre dates you, and will most certainly out date you also!!


You complain on here that comeovers and the like try and change tradition, but I for one wouldn't want that to happen, and in particular wouldn't like to see the fair Bridge commercialized with a bloody post box for fairies installed.

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It's Chav (English) culture - sorry oxymoron alert.


On the contrary, it's from celtic and pagan culture - the celtic druids worshipped trees, especially oaks, and had sacred glades, where offerings were made to the spirits. This is just a modern cultural echo of that. Like people throwing coins into wells, fountains is an echo of pagans throwing weapons and valuables into lakes.


It's certainly not something unique to the British isles - for instance there is a 'holy' tree on the main road heading north through Pafos in Cyprus which is similarly adorned with offerings and scraps of rag, etc.


(By the way, would you like some cheese and gravy on your shoulder to go with the massive fucking chip on the other one?)

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Rather than worrying about Fairy letter boxes I would be willing to listen to a debate about putting better parking on that stretch of road, but basically Mr Callister is demeaning himself with impractical suggestions publicised for commercial gain by Ms Williams.

Unless... :o



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The Fairy bridge looks a mess.


This putting flowers and notes etc. seems to be a recent import from the UK. A bit like putting hoards of flowers at a crossing where someone has been killed by a car. What's wrong with using the cemetery where the person has their last resting place?


As a society, it seems we no longer know how to grieve and pay respects anymore.


It's all a bit like the 20ft tall glowing Santa Clause' that are strewn about the town at Christmas, along with flashing reindeer and the like.


Restraint, taste and imagination have no place anymore. It's all in your face, whether you like it or not.


The Fairy Bridge these days is a constant reminder of how dumb-downed we have become.

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This putting flowers and notes etc. seems to be a recent import from the UK. A bit like putting hoards of flowers at a crossing where someone has been killed by a car. What's wrong with using the cemetery where the person has their last resting place?


As a society, it seems we no longer know how to grieve and pay respects anymore.


Restraint, taste and imagination have no place anymore. It's all in your face, whether you like it or not.


I suppose it is because grieving people wants other to recognise the fact that their loved one died there or at least that someone did.

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