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[BBC News] Woman's cow attack 'terrifying'


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Was it a Manx cow?


A comeover cow from the UK telling our cows what to do and how to live in the field?


Was it an eastern european cow on a work permit taking work from Manx cows?


Oh it's worse than that....they were French!

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its was the dogs that attracted them too her .. anyone who has lived in the countryside has experienced cattle curiosity many times thats why they gave her a good sniffing after she fell and hurt herself and played dead .. i fail to see how anyone can get injured if they just stand their ground the cattle stop no if or buts .. and anyone that doesnt know that should stay out of fields .. even better anyone with a dog should stay at home with it.. .. unless of course they are working dogs as mine were.


cattle are totally and utterly harmless with a brain the size of a pea .. about the same size as your normal english dog walker..

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its was the dogs that attracted them too her .. anyone who has lived in the countryside has experienced cattle curiosity many times thats why they gave her a good sniffing after she fell and hurt herself and played dead .. i fail to see how anyone can get injured if they just stand their ground the cattle stop no if or buts .. and anyone that doesnt know that should stay out of fields .. even better anyone with a dog should stay at home with it.. .. unless of course they are working dogs as mine were.


cattle are totally and utterly harmless with a brain the size of a pea .. about the same size as your normal english dog walker..


As you say, dogs attract animals, either because they sense a threat, or just out of natural curiosity. If you feel threatened in such a situation, let the dog(s) off the lead, as they are the "target" and will outrun the cattle (hopefully) leaving you to walk away unscathed.

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i mentioned the dogs because in 6 pages none of you intelligent new country folk had a clue ffs..


do you think goverments and county councils would of been opening and overseeing public footpaths along which dangerous animals graze..


ffs you would have to go to foxdale to find anything thicker than a cow on the isle of man .. or a sitting of tynwald.

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It was probably the dog that attracted them and yes the vast majority of cattle the majority of time are harmless but to describe cattle as totally harmless is total and utter rubbish, just as is your statement that if you stand your ground cattle will stop. Invariably yes, always no! Walk betwwen an agitated mother and her young calf and I reckon her chances of stopping just cos you stand still are fairly limited


Cows have different temperaments just like any animal and different breeds do also tend to harbour different temparments. I am sure the average dairy farm hand and large animal vet would not describe all cattle as utterly and totally harmless and has come across the odd rogue during their working lives.


In my opinion the best advise if concerned by cattle is you should slowly back away from them. If with a dog and the animals are attracted to you let it go and obviusly if on a footpath walk around them , not through them etc etc



its was the dogs that attracted them too her .. anyone who has lived in the countryside has experienced cattle curiosity many times thats why they gave her a good sniffing after she fell and hurt herself and played dead .. i fail to see how anyone can get injured if they just stand their ground the cattle stop no if or buts .. and anyone that doesnt know that should stay out of fields .. even better anyone with a dog should stay at home with it.. .. unless of course they are working dogs as mine were.


cattle are totally and utterly harmless with a brain the size of a pea .. about the same size as your normal english dog walker..

ffs you would have to go to foxdale to find anything thicker than a cow on the isle of man .. or a sitting of tynwald.


Or posting on this forum as manxman2

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It was probably the dog that attracted them and yes the vast majority of cattle the majority of time are harmless but to describe cattle as totally harmless is total and utter rubbish, just as is your statement that if you stand your ground cattle will stop. Invariably yes, always no! Walk betwwen an agitated mother and her young calf and I reckon her chances of stopping just cos you stand still are fairly limited ...


utter bollox its not cows that chase off after dogs its young cattle that are curios not milkers..

ffs atleast try the situation rather than you just reckoning and then talking shite..



Cows have different temperaments just like any animal and different breeds do also tend to harbour different temparments. I am sure the average dairy farm hand and large animal vet would not describe all cattle as utterly and totally harmless and has come across the odd rogue during their working lives.


some milkers kick when being handled .. but they are virtually tame .. its beef cattle you see in fields further away from the main farm and they are the cattle that chase across a field out of curiosity .. and just carrying on walking as they race down to investigate you wont bring you any harm what so ever..



In my opinion the best advise if concerned by cattle is you should slowly back away from them. If with a dog and the animals are attracted to you let it go and obviusly if on a footpath walk around them , not through them etc etc


great advice you should be on country file.


its was the dogs that attracted them too her .. anyone who has lived in the countryside has experienced cattle curiosity many times thats why they gave her a good sniffing after she fell and hurt herself and played dead .. i fail to see how anyone can get injured if they just stand their ground the cattle stop no if or buts .. and anyone that doesnt know that should stay out of fields .. even better anyone with a dog should stay at home with it.. .. unless of course they are working dogs as mine were.


cattle are totally and utterly harmless with a brain the size of a pea .. about the same size as your normal english dog walker..

ffs you would have to go to foxdale to find anything thicker than a cow on the isle of man .. or a sitting of tynwald.


Or posting on this forum as manxman2


i like you foxdale folk really..

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utter bollox its not cows that chase off after dogs its young cattle that are curios not milkers..

ffs atleast try the situation rather than you just reckoning and then talking shite..

Invariably it is a group of steers that are curious, but that is not we are presently talking about. If you are walking a dog are concerned that you may be about to be attacked by a herd of cattle letting the dog go wil hopefully distract them enough



some milkers kick when being handled .. but they are virtually tame .. its beef cattle you see in fields further away from the main farm and they are the cattle that chase across a field out of curiosity .. and just carrying on walking as they race down to investigate you wont bring you any harm what so ever..[/b]


Most cattle are virtually tame by breeding, farmers breed out those that have agressive traits. I agree the average group of steers are curious and if they charge across a field at you if you carry on walking they will either stop short or run round you. But that is not the case we are dealing with.


Some cattle can be come agressive if stressed and especially if with young calves, and that relates to all breeds although some are more aggresive than others. The latter point is reinforced by UK legislate which restricts what type of bulls you can put in a field with a footpath running through it. Dairy breeds are banned, beef are allowed provided they are with a herd of cows .....


great advice you should be on country file.


I think you should be on stronger medicine and although I am not from Foxdale nor have I ever lived there I think you might find yourself improved by a visit as I am sure a few there could assist you use the quote boxes on this forum so that your replies are more readily understandable

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utter bollox its not cows that chase off after dogs its young cattle that are curios not milkers..

ffs atleast try the situation rather than you just reckoning and then talking shite..

Invariably it is a group of steers that are curious, but that is not we are presently talking about. If you are walking a dog are concerned that you may be about to be ATTACKED by a herd of cattle letting the dog go wil hopefully distract them enough





some milkers kick when being handled .. but they are virtually tame .. its beef cattle you see in fields further away from the main farm and they are the cattle that chase across a field out of curiosity .. and just carrying on walking as they race down to investigate you wont bring you any harm what so ever..[/b]


Most cattle are virtually tame by breeding, farmers breed out those that have agressive traits. I agree the average group of steers are curious and if they charge across a field at you if you carry on walking they will either stop short or run round you. But that is not the case we are dealing with.


Some cattle can be come agressive if stressed and especially if with young calves, and that relates to all breeds although some are more aggresive than others. The latter point is reinforced by UK legislate which restricts what type of bulls you can put in a field with a footpath running through it. Dairy breeds are banned, beef are allowed provided they are with a herd of cows .....


great advice you should be on country file.


I think you should be on stronger medicine and although I am not from Foxdale nor have I ever lived there I think you might find yourself improved by a visit as I am sure a few there could assist you use the quote boxes on this forum so that your replies are more readily understandable


ta for the advice doc..

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right just to clear this lot up, about cows not attcking,


young cattle, will prob come over at a rate of knots, and yes stop if u stand your ground, chances are u will get hit because there just playing, but nowt like whats happined,


a dairy car wont chage u like this because thay dont have calfs at foot, there taken away in the first day,

so thay group them in the above,


now suckler cows and calfs are a diffrent breed complety, thay will charge, thay will kill you if u let them,

have no bones about it, a suckler cow, is a dangeros beast when it has a calf,

i worked with cattle for over 20 years, and i seen what damage a suckler cow will do to ppl, and trucks seen many a 4x4 wrote off when thay feel like thay have to protect them and there calfs,


when we get suckler cows and calfs in, we do not use dogs as thay wind the cattle up thay even see a dog and u can be sure as shit, that thay will go for the dog, once thay had the dog thay will go for the next moveing object what ever it may be, person quad 4x4, what ever


manxman2 you are talking out of your ass, maybe u been with dairy cows and young haifers, and u know your right with them, id stand me ground with them and 9/10 times nowt happin,


but i know for a fact that if it was a herd of suckler cows with calfs running, i be clean over the nearest hedge or gate,

i work with them and i know what damage thay can do


and, just like humans, u allways get a few bad buggers, that will want to kill you the moment u step on there ground

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bull shit i live on a farm yessir.

punch the cow or cow's inbetween there eye's

nock out.

or when the herd of cow's is getting to close to you in a feild. wave your arm's about & scair them away

. where most peaple get trampelld by the herd of cow's is when they get's to close the cow's and the cow's at the get back of the bunch push the front one's then your f00ked. what i do then is

ikick some cow arse bay

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