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[BBC News] Death in house 'not suspicious'


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They do need to sell paper at the end of the day.


Still it was sensational I agree and a little tactless, that man really deserved to just die all alone and never make even a ripple with his passing.

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I dont see where printing the awful events that his past victim went through in such detail comes into this. What the fucking fuck IOM Newspapers, fucking disgrace tbh.


Thank you. If he killed himself, died of an accidental drug overdose or some other substance abuse deal then it would suggest he was very sorry for what he had done and was punishing himself, going on about it in the press does not help anyone.


It is about time the government brought out their own paper, the amount of money that is wasted buying pages of IOM Newspapers space could easily buy a computer with some desk top publishing bundle and someone to print the notices. The post men would just love to deliver more 'essential' local news. One thing I notice about the 'Notices' is that they are boring and any which might be slightly interesting are swamped with legal terminology which even wikki doesn't explain well (Recalling some chancery thing about Lake Lane - looked interesting but I didnt understand it ...so the point was?). They could even put the notices on the internet and dispense with IOM Old News papers all together.

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Well it's one less person to worry about when my fourteen year old daughter is out and about.

I for one am of the opinion that chemical castration is the way to go for convicted sex offenders.

She's at a far greater risk of being run over by a car. What strategy do you have for that when she's out and about?

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Nothing that happens here is ever considered suspicious "please go to women4justice.co.uk if you want to right the wrong to children in IOM


Welcome to the forum. I regret, I'm a little confused, is there a connection between the site (Link) you mention & the death of this man? Also as a general comment, that site, which I assume is yours makes some serious allegations against Manx social services, but there's nothing in the way of supporting evidence. For example, the site says -


Neve Kemal's story as published in this week's MOS is all too familliar


MOS? Mail on Sunday? I can't find the story on their website, or by googling.

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The death of a man found in a house on the Isle of Man is no longer being treated as suspicious, Manx police say.


Source : http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/rss/-/1/hi/world/...man/8037348.stm

Just for info of others we are activists not do gooders! Someone needs to expose the police state way this Island is run. The Family Courts are run by incompetents - old boys network - the Social Serivces are totally inept and kids are damaged more by the failure of the Courts and Social Services than anyone else. Why do you think children die in care here? We are interested in people's stories and are raisning awareness with contacts in UK press -so if you want to help expose the corruptness and injustice in a proactive way we want to hear from you. If you have been treated badly by Social Services or suffered as a result of Patriarchal control mechanisms that should have been abolished in the Dark Ages, then feel free to contact us. If you want to actually be heard rather than just shout the email us or post. There is power in numbers and it is time this Police state was overthrown

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Well it's one less person to worry about when my fourteen year old daughter is out and about.

I for one am of the opinion that chemical castration is the way to go for convicted sex offenders.

She's at a far greater risk of being run over by a car. What strategy do you have for that when she's out and about?

So, you can say for sure how many paedophiles are living amongst us!What a ridiculous statement to make! (greater risk of being hit by a car) You can't even imagine how many offences go unreported. Most caring parents/guardians are going to agree "one less sex offender to worry about".There is no place in our society for people who interfere with children & I'm amazed that it is not dealt with more appropriatley.Chemical castration would get my vote also.

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Just for info of others we are activists not do gooders! Someone needs to expose the police state way this Island is run. The Family Courts are run by incompetents - old boys network - the Social Serivces are totally inept and kids are damaged more by the failure of the Courts and Social Services than anyone else. Why do you think children die in care here? We are interested in people's stories and are raisning awareness with contacts in UK press -so if you want to help expose the corruptness and injustice in a proactive way we want to hear from you. If you have been treated badly by Social Services or suffered as a result of Patriarchal control mechanisms that should have been abolished in the Dark Ages, then feel free to contact us. If you want to actually be heard rather than just shout the email us or post. There is power in numbers and it is time this Police state was overthrown


OK, if you want to be activists, you need facts to back up your accusations. You make bold statements, and if true, it's shocking. But all I'm seeing are assertions and nothing else. If you want to overthrow a police state you've first got to convince people the police state exists.


Why post in this thread, rather than start a new one? Is there a link?

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