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Motor Taxes

Pat Ayres

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Why does my car, used once every month or two, cost £300 to tax?? Other people who drive thousands of miles a year pay much less or even nothing in tax. As has been said on other threads, what alternatives are there? Put it on fuel duty. It's just a govt moneymaker so common sense need not apply anyways.

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Why is a mini, at 1000cc taxed at £50

When a motorbike, at 883cc, is taxed at £56?

Or a scooter at 125cc is £26 (1/8th the size but over 50% tax)

Bike is less cc, less tyre wear, less space, less fuel consumption, easier to park and causes less congestion.

Not fair and I want my money back


Why not? That seems entirely in proportion, a 883cc in a bike is a large engine, and a 1000cc in a car is a small to medium engine.

What do you think the vehicle licence duty is for?



Why does my car, used once every month or two, cost £300 to tax?? Other people who drive thousands of miles a year pay much less or even nothing in tax. As has been said on other threads, what alternatives are there? Put it on fuel duty. It's just a govt moneymaker so common sense need not apply anyways.



Because it's a large car, which is what the license duty is seeking to control. There is already duty on fuel. Can you explain your reasoning why you being discouraged from owning a large car by being taxed twice will be more effective if you're only taxed once on fuel duty?

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....why aren't cyclists taxed, say a fiver a year they us ethe road......and why can a cyclist use the road and not need to have insurance even though they may cause a road traffic accident??????.............I guess nobody at the road licensing dept. don't have a clue about grades and just pull random figures out of the hat and put them with the type of vehicle and engine sizes blindfolded...the t***s :lol:

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....why aren't cyclists taxed, say a fiver a year they us ethe road......


Because vehicle licence duty isn't road tax, and doesn't directly pay for the roads. Because you want to encourage cycle use not discourage it. Because bikes don't pollute. Because kids use bikes and it'd be silly to have them pay a licence duty.


and why can a cyclist use the road and not need to have insurance even though they may cause a road traffic accident??????


Because the chances of a cyclist causing an expensive accident are very low.

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Because the chances of a cyclist causing an expensive accident are very low.



I cannot belive you have said that. Low they may be, but any accident causing damage will need to be paid for by someone, they do happen.

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When people become motorists and have to pay tax/duty on owning a car and it's fuel, they want to tax the rest of us.


It's tax the bikers more, the cyclist, the horses, the pedestrians

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....why aren't cyclists taxed, say a fiver a year they us ethe road......


Because you want to encourage cycle use not discourage it.



I don't want to encourage cycle use. I would ban it completely unless the selfish cyclists pay for their own private track to race around like the idiots they are. A fiver a year would not begin to compensate for the accidents and inconvenience they cause.

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I was a bit pissed off the other day, had to license two Ducati's one a 900 one a 600, the forms I had were from 12 months ago cos I've been a lazy bastard and the weather was shit last year so I did'nt bother to take them out, my beemer is much nicer in the rain!!,


The reminder said it was £53.00 for each bike, however as it is a year since I licensed them it is now £56.00 each, to me that is simple mathematics of the best part of a 6% increase to the goverenment (tosseres) sorry coffers, why when everything else is in defalation do these twats manage to sting everyone for more money every year, it might only be £6.00 bit theres a lot of £6.00's out there?

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I cannot belive you have said that. Low they may be, but any accident causing damage will need to be paid for by someone, they do happen.


Insurance doesn't change liability. If the cyclist caused the damage, he's got to pay. There is cycling insurance too, it's just not mandatory. Many regular cyclists do have insurance, and most of the islands cycling events insure the riders.


Triad: the isle of man isn't experiencing deflation.


Jim: Because every vehicle has to be licensed. It's not you that's licensed, it's the vehicle.

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