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[BBC News] Airport passengers down by 8.3%


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Amazing that the business routes are standing up so well. But then it's not as if we could drive to London, or catch a train - at least not if if we wanted to arrive within 48 hours. It's called a captive market and that's why the Airport figures compare favourably to ones that DO have an alternative.

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If the RAF flew over and plastered the place with runway denial weapons, followed up with Apaches which blew up every building and chain gunned everyone into confetti, what would this woman say?


'Death toll and damage less than expected'


'Loss of life encouraging'


'Total obliteration of Ronaldsway gives cause for optimistic future?'


'Looking forward to the challenge of airport redevelopment'


Queen of spin or what?

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At least I didn't see her mention the usual type of excuse - "Easter fell in March" - could that be because it fell in April this year?


On the bright side she has already said in March that May will be the month we catch up and start reversing the downward trend - because that is when we lost Euro-Manx from the numbers...

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I don't have time or the interest to do the numbers but we are so far behind the 'predicted' figures that to catch up will probably take a lifetime.

Where are the predicted figures? I thought AR was expert in saying in hindsight that the airport had not done as badly as she was expecting...

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From the planning document submitted to Tynwald :



1.00 million by 2010

1.75 million by 2015

2.50 million by 2030


Commentary below dismissed as being "by an academic" by Tynwald and this was before the recession !


In order to achieve these targets, passenger numbers must increase at an accelerated, sustained rate over an extended period of time. Assuming a project completion date in 2008, and a linear growth pattern, passenger numbers will have to increase by 9.3% per annum leading up to 2010, 11.8% p.a. over the next period to 2015, and a further 2.4% p.a. increase thereafter to reach the 2.5 million target by 2030. The International Air Transport Association (2007) have warned of slowed air travel growth and estimate global passenger numbers to increase by 4.5% per year over the next 25 years. Therefore to achieve the published targets, the airport would not only have to meet, but exceed industry growth by nearly 300% in some periods.

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Yes, Declan, but there is also the business travellers into and from the island. Some (not all, by any means) people from our office would make that number of trips easily. What would be more revealing is to know actual numbers to see if the projections bear any resemblance to the historic actuals

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the spin on the down turn is comical, the figures are not as bad as expected?? implies they are actually better and that things are doing well. why don't they release the predicted drop in figures (as they must have them to make the original claim ) so we can see for our selves what the drop is by comnparrison. i suppose though that fat and ginger is expecting NO travellers to use the farce that gets passed of as an airport so ANYBODY flying in or out is better than expected.

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