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Mp's Expenses


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Ooh, that'll be reliable, then.


Didn't he seem (or hoped we would believe) to be sitting at the right hand of Gordon at one point? Is he still there, or has his inabilty to see past his own prejudiuces now ruled him out as an 'expert' adviser?

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Ooh, that'll be reliable, then.


Didn't he seem (or hoped we would believe) to be sitting at the right hand of Gordon at one point? Is he still there, or has his inabilty to see past his own prejudiuces now ruled him out as an 'expert' adviser?


He is not somebody I would choose to invite to dinner, but the result of my calculations did not differ hugely from his. He tends to be right on his figures (from what I have seen), but wrong (or biased) in his interpretations.


He reminds me a bit of those unpleasant zealots who campaign against drink or prostitution. He's a one-trick fakir, and I'm not sure whether he is actually sincere in his beliefs (the staring eyes would seem to suggest so), or whether it's just a big ploy to earn money from consultancy, newspaper articles, and television appearances.


God places these people on Earth to try us. (Cue for PK to leap in with some ever-amusing quip).



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Sebrof - where's the beef - you say you've worked out that the Island gets back more in VAT than it pays back.


Why won't you tell us the details?

To tell you the truth, it IS easy, but it takes quite a lot of time. I had to trawl through Hansard and select committee minutes to make sure I was on the right track.



Mr Sebrof, "pub bore" you most certainly are but you've still just got to get out more!


Trawling through Tynwald Hansard and Select Committee minutes to ascertain IOM VAT returns? Only someone dreadfully sad would fail to slash their wrists.


OK, checking on your Equities is dismal and disheartening but it's just got to be better than reading up on Worzel Gummidge and the rest of his circus...


By the way, when exactly did you lose your sense of humour?

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Sebrof - where's the beef - you say you've worked out that the Island gets back more in VAT than it pays back.


Why won't you tell us the details?

To tell you the truth, it IS easy, but it takes quite a lot of time. I had to trawl through Hansard and select committee minutes to make sure I was on the right track.



Mr Sebrof, "pub bore" you most certainly are but you've still just got to get out more!


Trawling through Tynwald Hansard and Select Committee minutes to ascertain IOM VAT returns? Only someone dreadfully sad would fail to slash their wrists.


OK, checking on your Equities is dismal and disheartening but it's just got to be better than reading up on Worzel Gummidge and the rest of his circus...


By the way, when exactly did you lose your sense of humour?



Ah, PK. What a surprise. And as witty as ever.




ETA: House of Commons, not Tynwald.

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This a.m. I received a personally addressed letter from that nice Gordon Brown MP. It begins:


"I know that people are angry about about MPs' expenses. I apologise - on behalf of all parties - that the political system has let you and the public down"


Errrr, hang on a minute Gordon. The "political system" didn't let us down, it was the greedy, grasping politicians who did that.


"Whatever party they belong to, MPs should never have spent taxpayers' money on clearing their moats or swimming pools, or paying phantom mortgages"


No Gordon, but moats, swimming pools and phantom mortgages point the finger directly at the right-hand side of the House. Correctly as it happens.


"Now more than ever, families in this community need our help through this recession. Labour will stand by you and your family - not walk on by as the Conservatives did in the 1990's."


Can't argue with that.


"More of the same, Tory cuts in public services when we should and will invest etc etc etc and so on...."


All things considered - not a bad effort - 7/10.


Now who paid for this mailshot I wonder?

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I've just received a spreadsheet of all UK MP's expenses including second home allowance, travel and so on.


It makes for VERY interesting reading. Anyone want a copy? PM me an e-mail addr.

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