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Dj / Karaoke / Duran Duran


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I'm hoping to track down someone who can...


- DJ for a Duran Duran convention, so obviously someone who likes the band would be a bonus.


- Someone who can do karaoke for us.


- Someone who has access to a screen so we can show the vids if possible.


It would be in September this year, although the date hasn't been decided on for sure yet. If you could fill one or all of the criteria above, please drop me a line.


The Secret October Convention is fairly established now and everyone has a great time....




I know the site says Liverpool at the moment, but it's going to be changed to Douglas now. It'll give people the chance to have a bit of a change of scene this time.


Thanks! from Vic x B) :D

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The Secret October Convention is fairly established now and everyone has a great time....


Not much of a secret though is it? :P


The secret is... it's no secret!



Wise on a birthday party, in a world -

Full of surprising fireworks and sudden silence. (shh)

Lies on a stranger's bed the new day breaks, like a speeding train

Or an old friend ever expected, but never knocking..

Holding your own in a battered car,

All night parties cocktail bars -

And smile when the butterfly escapes the killing jar


Sure eyes awake before the dancing is over

Wise or naked in Secret Oktober



Freefall on a windy morning shore,

Nothing but a fading track of footsteps,

Could prove that you'd ever been there.

Spoken on a cotton cloud like the sound of gunshot -

Taken by the wind, and lost in distant thunder.


Racing on a shining plane -

Tomorrow you'll be content to watch as the lightning plays -

Along the wires, and you'll wonder...


(chorus) (chorus)

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Durean Duran.... hmm


Hey! No dissing Duran now you horror!!! :P


men who wear make up and do their hair.... nothing wrong with the raging cross dressing hippies


Hippies? I've heard them described as raging Thatcherites, but not that before... hahaha. Btw. I'm not a right winger, but that's another issue. Btw again... put on some mascara and eyeliner and you might score a bit more often :P

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