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Original Costing For The New Nobles?


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so how 'on budget' will the airport fiasco be?? the runway part is already 2 mil over down to cabbages, then we have all the rest of the unnecessaries though i'd vote for a treadmill for anne-normous

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According to David Killip Chief Executive to the DHSS and Eddie Tear Minister for DHSS on Manx Radio just now, the New Hospital did not go over budget.


It cost £111million.


"The Hospital was completed by the amount allocated by Tynwald". SO IT DID NOT GO OVER BUDGET.


Can we draw a line under this one and move on now . . . .


Please read my question before drawing a line under an answer to a different one.

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Sorry Fosils, I was using sarcasm.


The point being, I don't think we are supposed to be discussing such things anymore as the Isle of Man is dead good at dealing with money and things and we are supposed to be showing the world that we have an ace reputation and we don't fuck-up or anything when it comes to dealing with £millions.


As I understand: The original budget was £46million. Actually quite a lot for a New Hospital back in the 1990s.


In a nutshell, the original 'Contractor' went bust and so the price rose to £111million.



Anyway, MEA anybody?


Apologies from me, %age. How could I be expected to recognise sarcasm?


Thanks for the £46million figure. That rings a bell, and the final figure still rings alarm bells.


Don't mention the MEA yet. I'm saving that for another thread.

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Check Tynwald Hansard, or iomonline.co.im or gov.im news releases

another part to the question ( new nobles hospital) when this was completed , the old site was to be flattened and used for housing etc, as the new hospital would accomodate everything and more . then why have they been redoing up the old one and is going to be by this dept and anyother dept. they have a demolition contract out for the small bit in the middle. what is going on here , another mea and all the consultants etc walk away with big fat cheques and nobody asks a question, what the f--k is this island coming to, never mind mp expenses fraud, that is nothing to this , they should bring the fraud sqaud over here , and check some figures over goverment contracts etc, they would need to build another 2 prisons for the customers ?

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