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Goodbye Horse Trams?


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Nope a better answer would be an electric tram system connecting the main population areas

You wouldn't see much change out of £300 million for that. A monorail would definitely be a much cheaper option.

I would have thought a monorail would on a similar level funding wise, plus you would have to fight endlessly with everyone not wanting the "eye sore" that a monorail line would be to the majority of people. But seen as it would be a long term project, 10 years? the cost becomes negligible.

Flying cars would be another option to consider too. I think I saw one once, but I think I might have been drunk at the time, so couldn't really be sure.

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Nope a better answer would be an electric tram system connecting the main population areas

You wouldn't see much change out of £300 million for that. A monorail would definitely be a much cheaper option.

I would have thought a monorail would on a similar level funding wise, plus you would have to fight endlessly with everyone not wanting the "eye sore" that a monorail line would be to the majority of people. But seen as it would be a long term project, 10 years? the cost becomes negligible.

Flying cars would be another option to consider too. I think I saw one once, but I think I might have been drunk at the time, so couldn't really be sure.



Now your just being facetious.

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Daily hire



I like that, it looks like its even got a little potty for you to shit in whilst your bombing up and down. No horse shit and and you take your own shit with you. Great!


If that's not a potty then it should only take a small adjustment to the design...

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Now your just being facetious.

I'm sorry you feel that my reply was facetious, that wasn't my intention at all, as I was making a particular effort to be condescending.


Unfortunately you failed as condescension would imply superiority, something you have only in post count. :P

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Now your just being facetious.

I'm sorry you feel that my reply was facetious, that wasn't my intention at all, as I was making a particular effort to be condescending.


Unfortunately you failed as condescension would imply superiority, something you have only in post count. :P

Thank you! What an enthralling intellectual spar, that was! It will give me something to think about next time i feel like complaining about the cost of a horse tram ride!

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I've been watching empty trams dolefully making their way up and down the prom every evening. Whoever came up with the idea of running them later than usual needs a serious reality check.

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In the school holidays I would probably use once or twice on a nice evening with the kids. Park the car at Summerland, go for a Pizza and then get a lift back just as I have used at weekends going into town after lunch at the terminus. They have buggered that though now by extending the disk zone on out to the old Summerland site on one side of the road.


However at the price they are now charging the chances of me doing so are slim as £15 for me the wife and two kids is a bit steep just what the Journey is.


I never thought I would say this but I think they should be got rid of as whilst I believe they are unlikely to make money they are worth keeping if they are used as they are part and parcel of the IoM, its hstoric transport system etc. However they are now priced so as to be unattractive to the casual user that they will loose money and not be used. either we bite the bullet and accept that they are lose making and put on a frequent and cheap service, e.g £1 each way so they might be used or get rid.


Same is also nearly applying to the steam railway which lets face it their is a tourist attraction even allowing that many use it becuase they have an annual ticket. However show me a preserved railway in the UK that operates as the IoM railways do which is a standard limited service through the season, Every other line varies due to anticipated deman, more trains at weekends, school holidyas, less midweek in April!


I am not saying either will ever make money, they won't, but you have to provide a frequency of service and price that makes them attractive. At present if I bought a resident ticket then yes the price is attractive, but the frequency of service is not.


I've been watching empty trams dolefully making their way up and down the prom every evening. Whoever came up with the idea of running them later than usual needs a serious reality check.
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"accept that they are lose making and put on a frequent and cheap service, e.g £1 each way so they might be used or get rid."


Great idea. Dont see why they cant give that a try.

I totally agree,bums on seats is what they should be looking for, USE IT OR LOSE IT.....at this rate they'l probably scap the trams in a few years because nobody can afford the ridiculas prices.

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What you have failed to spot is that they have done away with pensioners' fares, so granny and granddad will now be doubly fleeced.


The pensioners' season ticket price has doubled in one foul swoop.


The tram times are now not helpful to any rail enthusiasts staying along the Prom, who used to be able to come out of their hotel onto a horse tram that would link with the first electric tram. Similarly, the first electric tram arriving from Ramsey no longer links in to a horse tram along the Prom.


Time for the outfit to be taken over, and run along with/alongside other National transport?


It IS a National Treasure, and as such should at least be subsidised nationally. It should not be allowed to die.

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