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Maria Tomaszewska Resigns As Head Teacher


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The school hasn't changed since she left, apart from the library corridor has a new floor - it doesn't match the colour scheme for the rest of the school though.

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And David Cannan (Michael) revealed that, in a letter from director of education John Cain, he was told that the suspension of Ms Tomaszewska had cost the taxpayer £125,490.


So that's nearly 4 years of the funding for that chamber they can't afford to sub.....................

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And David Cannan (Michael) revealed that, in a letter from director of education John Cain, he was told that the suspension of Ms Tomaszewska had cost the taxpayer £125,490.


So that's nearly 4 years of the funding for that chamber they can't afford to sub.....................


not to mention the pay-off.

or the allegations.

or what the investigators who have been in the school for 8 months have found out.

and what they cost.

presume the governors will also now resign.

and the doe senior bureaucrats.

and the so-called minister for Ed.

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It must have been a very generous offer to persuade her to resign after she'd held out for so long.


Unless we ever see the true cost of persuading her, and I expect that Ms T has been sworn to secrecy, the Department of Education can now pretend that they are blameless. All the dirt is safely under the carpet.


Incidentally, the slack uniform standards began soon after Ms T started, and not just after she left.

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I have no clue about the reason for the suspension, but I'm damned sure that whatever it was should have been resolved within a matter of weeks: not the best part of a year! The words 'feckless' and 'incompetent' spring to mind when describing the DoE's handling of this.

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I have no clue about the reason for the suspension, but I'm damned sure that whatever it was should have been resolved within a matter of weeks: not the best part of a year! The words 'feckless' and 'incompetent' spring to mind when describing the DoE's handling of this.


And unbelievably secretive. Talk about "secret government" !! What are the Governors doing ? They are supposed to represent the community and the people. The parents, staff, parents of prospective students, all have a right to know who accused her ? Of what ? Is it money ? Worse crime than that ? Or is it just talking back to the Minister or the Governors instead of being politically correct ? Let's get this damn FOI law in now ! What are the MHKs doing about it ?

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She seems really nice and when i was there she always had the time to speak to me and offer advice. I cant imagine why she was suspended but I think the taxpayers have a right to know what she was acused of after wasting over 100K of our money. Infact its law that we know.

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TBH, I loved castle rushen when i was there but because the great teachers and all me mates - we started the same year she started - I have to say it was a quite blatant downward spiral of moral and ethics from day one


Its been manpiulated into something that barely represents the great, (pardon the pun) old school community driven and inspiring school this place once was.


Sorry to sound harsh, but its about time a vacancy opened for the head spot.

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