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Maria Tomaszewska Resigns As Head Teacher


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An overrated quality if you ask me. Jehovah's witnesses are presentable, estate agents are presentable, as are MP's and fat cat bankers.



If you walk through Strand Street, the youth of this island are so untidy and scruffy. Have they not heard of shoe polish and an iron? Honestly, there are better dressed hobos in the world.


I tink it is important that one takes a pride in their appearance. The boarding school I attended was very strict with the dress code.

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An overrated quality if you ask me. Jehovah's witnesses are presentable, estate agents are presentable, as are MP's and fat cat bankers.



If you walk through Strand Street, the youth of this island are so untidy and scruffy. Have they not heard of shoe polish and an iron? Honestly, there are better dressed hobos in the world.


I tink it is important that one takes a pride in their appearance. The boarding school I attended was very strict with the dress code.


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I dotn agree with you Goop i think she did the complete opposite. She was an awsome head teach , one that put the students first!


I stopped going to any events at CRHS that might have to involve Mrs T giving a speech. She just gushed on and on about all her achievements - absolutely full of herself. Different story from most of the pupils though (none of which I can repeat, before you ask!).

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An overrated quality if you ask me. Jehovah's witnesses are presentable, estate agents are presentable, as are MP's and fat cat bankers.



If you walk through Strand Street, the youth of this island are so untidy and scruffy. Have they not heard of shoe polish and an iron? Honestly, there are better dressed hobos in the world.


I tink it is important that one takes a pride in their appearance. The boarding school I attended was very strict with the dress code.

did one have to warm the loo seat up for the mander man? do you find that the private education has made you a better person?

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So, Little Awful Annie Craine said that she can’t remember the cost of the Tomaszweska Affair, and that “The matter is now closed”




Apparently, the investigation cost approx £125,000. This is OUR fookin money!!

She can’t be allowed to just sweep it under the carpet!


Also, a Rushen MHK – Juan Watterson, I think, said that a line should now be drawn under the whole matter.


NO, Mr Watterson! A line should be drawn under he matter when:

i) We are given the REASON for Mrs Tomahawk’s suspension

ii) We are given the RESULTS of the inquiry

iii) We are told whether or not Mrs T was given a tightly stuffed brown envelope in order to “persuade” her to jump ship.


This seems to be yet another example of our “Open and Transparent Government”. If they have nothing to hide, then why not publish the results of the enquiry? What about the parents and students of CRHS, both present and prospective? Don’t THEY have a right to know what is going on?


I hope that the “Back-Bench” MHKs, such as David Cannan, Bill Henderson and Peter Karan,continue to push for the WHOLE matter to be made public.

(I am going to get MY MHKs involved….oh, hang on…ONE of my MHK’s is to busy strutting his stuff – pretending to be Alistair Darling, without the scary eybrows, and the OTHER one is the Right Horrible Annie Craine herself!)


As a hard-core Conspiracy Theorist, I am sure that a can of worms was uncovered at CRHS, and whether or not this is so – WE SHOULD BE TOLD!

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@Kered - not sure of the circumstances so not sure whether it is appropriate for the matter to be aired in public, but I can agree with you that they've wasted a lot of public money in the process and should be held to account for that. If I had a highly-paid member of staff on suspension I'd be pretty quick to complete the necessary process and take appropriate action.


@Triskelion - again that would depend on the circumstances, although generally I think openness and transparency is a good thing.

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I would generally agree, however I would much prefer the whole affair be brought to a close if it allows the school to move on. You've said they 'wasted' the money and were far too slow to close the matter out, but you've no way of actually knowing that. No doubt that money could have been spent, but if they had to spend that money, eg. to honour certain obligations to Ms Tomaszeska, then there's very little anyone could have done or can do about it.

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IMO, we should be told what happened. It was Tomo that was suspended not CRHS, so surely whatever was uncovered couldn't harm the school as shortly, there will be another head.



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Erm, I may be missing the point here, but why exactly do people need to know? Her suspension, as I understand it, did not affect the running etc of the school (if anything it is running smoother) and as it is an internal staffing matter it is of no-ones business at all. The argument that it's to do with public money is irrelevant - if it was a manager of your bank that was suspended, you would not be told why - you probably wouldn't even know about it! Its a staffing matter, end of story. It is purely the local rag making it an issue.

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I don't really see what all the fuss is about. Secrets are rubbish, scurrilous rumours are much much better. I have not followed this story it is not, in the least bit, interesting to me but now people are going on about it I'm making up things, did she steal the PTA funds and spend them on crack?

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it is an internal staffing matter it is of no-ones business at all. The argument that it's to do with public money is irrelevant - if it was a manager of your bank that was suspended, you would not be told why - you probably wouldn't even know about it!

Your tax dollars are not wasted on the manager of your bank! Although they are in the UK at the moment...

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An overrated quality if you ask me. Jehovah's witnesses are presentable, estate agents are presentable, as are MP's and fat cat bankers.



If you walk through Strand Street, the youth of this island are so untidy and scruffy. Have they not heard of shoe polish and an iron? Honestly, there are better dressed hobos in the world.


I tink it is important that one takes a pride in their appearance. The boarding school I attended was very strict with the dress code.

Though not, it seems, with grammar.

"...one takes a pride in one's appearance."

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